My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 340 Li Yiyue's shock

The next morning, Yanlinyuan.

Lin Taixu got up and came to the pavilion. Li Yiyue came over with the dishes carefully prepared for Lin Taixu.


Lin Taixu smiled slightly, looked around Li Yiyue, and found that there was no one else except Li Yiyue. He couldn't help but asked curiously, "Sister Yue'er, why are you alone? Where is Housekeeper Diao? Where is Liu Huwei?" ?”

Normally, Diao BuDiao and Liu Sandao would be there when he got up. Why were they both missing today?

Are you lazy?

Damn, labor and management will deduct their wages.

"Master, they have all gone to practice. From now on, Yue'er will take care of you."

Li Yiyue put the dishes in his hands on the stone table and said with a smile.

Diao BuDiao was originally going to wait for Lin Taixu to come out, but she was forced to drive her away. How can you, a grown man, serve me well, right?

Originally, she thought she could not get rid of Diao BuDiao, but who knew that Diao BuDiao left immediately after her face changed.

This made her suspect that Diao BuDiao didn't want to serve him at all, so he took advantage of the donkey to escape.

If you were not the future young mistress, do you think I would be afraid of your stern face: Diao or Diao?

"Oh, where's Aunt Rong?"

Lin Taixu nodded and asked again.

"My mother is resting in the room."

Li Yiyue replied.


Lin Taixu groaned again, lowered his head and started to eat. This man and woman alone made him feel a little uncomfortable.


Li Yiyue watched Lin Taixu eating the food she cooked, with a happy smile on her face. If it hadn't covered the mark on her forehead, this smile would have been overwhelming and beautiful.

"Hall Master Lin, Hall Master Lin."

"Subordinate, please see Hall Master Lin."

At this time, a famous teacher guard walked in and said.


Lin Taixu turned around and glanced, recognizing that this was the famous teacher guard of the Great Desert City Famed Teacher Hall, and immediately asked curiously, "What's the matter?"

"Hall Master Lin, Hua Yiying, the eldest son of the Hua family in the imperial capital, and Hua Tiansheng, the ninth elder of their family, are visiting our Famous Teacher Hall. They want to see you by name."

"So my hall master ordered his subordinates to come and report to Hall Master Lin."

The famous teacher Wei reported.

"Hua Yiying? Ninth Elder?"

Lin Taixu was stunned, I guess, Hua Yiying?

Labor and management were about to settle a score with him, but he actually dared to come to me?

Did you eat dog bile?


The famous teacher guard replied.

"not see."

Lin Taixu said while eating.


The famous teacher guard couldn't help but be stunned when he heard this. He thought he heard it wrong, and immediately asked, "Palace Master Lin, what did you say?"

"not see."

Lin Taixu continued, if you want to see me, I have to go see you?

Why, I am your father, I have to spoil you like this.


This time, the famous teacher guard heard clearly and couldn't help but look at Lin Taixu speechlessly. He was a member of the Hua family in the imperial capital, and he was also an elder-level figure.

Even my hall master doesn’t dare to offend me. Why don’t you just say you won’t see me?

Is it really good?

"Haven't heard yet?"

Lin Taixu had eaten several mouthfuls of food and found out where the famous teacher guard was still, and couldn't help but asked curiously.

"I heard it, I heard it."

The famous teacher guard came to his senses and said quickly.

"That subordinate has gone back to report his orders to my hall master. I will resign."

After saying that, the famous teacher guard turned and left.

"Wait a moment."

Lin Taixu suddenly spoke.

"Do you have any other instructions from Hall Master Lin?"

The famous teacher guard quickly turned around and looked at Lin Taixu and said.

"Yue'er, go get it for him. It's not easy to travel such a long way."

Lin Taixu said, and immediately took out a Yuan Ning Dan and placed it on the stone table.


Li Yiyue looked at the Ning Yuan Dan on the stone table and couldn't help but exclaimed.

Although she can't practice, she still knows some pills.

So she recognized that what Lin Taixu took out was a first-level Yuan Condensing Pill. This pill was only seen in a shop when Li Yigeng took her out to play.

The price is super expensive.

Even his brother has never bought one.

Now, she actually saw Lin Taixu giving away such a precious elixir, which simply subverted her imagination.

"Go ahead."

Lin Taixu looked at Li Yiyue's surprised expression and couldn't help but smile and said, "A Yuan Ning Dan, is there such a fuss?"

If you see Diao BuDiao and the others eating them like jelly beans, why don't you be scared to death on the spot.

"Yes, Master."

Li Yiyue put away his shocked expression and responded softly. He immediately picked up the Ning Yuan Pill on the table, walked under the pavilion and handed it to the famous teacher guard.

"No, no, no, Hall Master Lin, this won't work, it's too expensive."

Seeing the Yuan Ning Dan in Li Yiyue's hand, the famous teacher guard quickly refused and said, the first-level Yuan Ning Dan is worth a lot of money. He just came here to deliver a message. How could he accept such a heavy gift from Lin Taixu?

"Just keep it if I give it to you. Could it be that this hall master deliberately showed off a broken elixir to you?"

Lin Taixu said without raising his head.

Seeing this, the famous teacher guard couldn't help laughing. He naturally knew that since Lin Taixu took it out, he intended to give it to him, but he really couldn't accept it.

"Hurry up and take it."

Li Yiyue put the Ning Yuan Pill in the hand of the famous teacher guard and said, then turned and walked towards the pavilion.

Too lazy to pay attention to him.

She was worried that if this famous teacher guard continued to refuse, she would be reluctant to give it to him.

"Thank you for the reward from Hall Master Lin."

Seeing this, the famous teacher guard had no choice but to accept it, and then bowed to Lin Taixu and thanked him.

Lin Taixu waved his hand, indicating that you're welcome.

"My subordinates resign."

The famous teacher guard immediately said gratefully, turned around and left.

Ten minutes later, Lin Taixu had eaten and drank enough. He took out two bottles of first-level Yuan Condensing Pills and handed them to Li Yiyue and said, "Go and send these pills to your brother and your mother and leave them free." Just eat if you have nothing to do.”


Li Yiyue couldn't help but screamed in surprise. Looking at the pill bottle handed over by Lin Taixu, he didn't dare to reach out and take it.

One Yuan Ning Dan had already shocked her, and now Lin Taixu actually took out two bottles.

Oh, the cake seller.


Li Yiyue shouted tremblingly, staring closely at the pill bottle in Lin Taixu's hand.

Come again?

Listening to Li Yiyue's enchanting and charming protracted voice, Lin Taixu felt the adrenaline surge in his body. This girl is good, she is beautiful, and she can cook.

It's just a bit over the top.

Difficult to do.

"Take it and let your brother and your mother practice it, so that their safety can be guaranteed in the future."

Lin Taixu took a deep breath and said.

"Thank you sir."

Hearing this, Li Yiyue did not refuse anymore. He stretched out his hands to hold a bottle of Ning Yuan Dan, and then quickly walked out of the pavilion, obviously going to deliver the elixirs to Li Yigeng and Zheng Yuerong.


At this time, a thunderous sound was heard out of thin air, and the gate of the house that had just been repaired two days ago turned into a pile of debris again, flying in the sky.

The momentum is terrifying.

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