My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 345 Cut it for me


Lin Taixu ignored Hua Yiying's shouting and continued talking alone.

"But what? But you still can't twist your thigh with your arms. Even though you have a lot of anger and murderous intentions towards me, you have no choice but to let me leave, right?"

Hua Yiying said with a sinister smile. Seeing Lin Taixu's eyes showing a deep murderous intent, he made up his mind that after leaving this time, he would find a time when Nangong Yidao was not around to slap Lin Taixu to death. .

To avenge today.

"However, since I am one of the famous teachers, how can I disregard the dignity of the world's famous teachers because of my own life and death?"

"In the future, how can I, Lin Taixu, have the dignity to face the world's famous teachers? To face the world's people?"

"How can I live up to the teachings of the Master Master Hall, and how can I live up to the Emperor's good intentions?"

Lin Taixu spoke word by word, his voice was sonorous and powerful, and at the same time, an awe-inspiring aura of righteousness emerged from his body.

There is also a sense of sadness and determination that if I don’t go to hell, who will go to hell?

"Okay, this is the real famous teacher."

When Chu Xuan heard this, he couldn't help but nod his head in praise, and felt guilty towards Lin Taixu in his heart. He felt that just now he actually thought that he was greedy for life and afraid of death, bullying the weak and afraid of the strong.

This is simply judging a gentleman's heart with a villain's heart.

In the future, he must make up for it, otherwise, he feels that his Taoist heart will not be stable.

"Yes, this is a pure man."

When Nangong Yidao saw this, his eyes couldn't help but shine, and he was shocked by Lin Taixu's aura of sacrificing his life for justice.

Even if he is a loser, it doesn't matter. As long as his heart is not weak, he will still be a man who stands upright.

My son-in-law, the King of Zhenbei, naturally has to be this kind of person.

Being a loser is not scary, the scary thing is that you have no fighting spirit.



Li Yiyue looked at Lin Taixu, his big eyes filled with mist. His admiration and admiration for Lin Taixu was like a river bursting its embankment, and it was out of control.

Not afraid of power and bending his back, he is handsome, honest and kind.

How could she not admire such a young man?

Diao BuDiao, Li Yigeng and others were also excited to hear it, although they were not as good at talking as Lin Taixu, and they always talked about one thing after another.

However, they will only use the simplest and plainest words to explain what they are thinking at the moment.

Take life and death lightly and do it if you don't accept it.

"Lin Taixu, what do you want to do?"

When Hua Yiying saw what Lin Taixu said, she suddenly asked in shock, with a bad premonition in her heart.


"A famous teacher must not be insulted. Anyone who insults him will die."

"Hua Yiying, you have done many evil things and have refused to change despite repeated admonitions. Today, the master of this hall will sentence you to death."

"Come on, chop it up for me."

Lin Taixu smiled coldly, then his face turned serious and he shouted sternly.

"Yes, Hall Master."

Liu Sandao responded, and immediately walked to Hua Yiying expressionlessly, and then, with a "Cang" sound, he pulled out the soul-cutting knife worn on his waist.

The sharp light of the sword exuded a chilling chill, just like the fangs exposed from the open mouth of the God of Death.

"No, Ninth Elder, help me."

Seeing this, Hua Yiying couldn't help but be scared to death, and quickly asked Hua Tiansheng for help.

Never in his dreams did he think that Lin Taixu would actually dare to risk being hunted down by his family and kill himself.

Madman, completely madman.

"Lin Taixu, how dare you."

When Hua Tiansheng heard this, he couldn't help but said angrily, "Who is Hua Yiying?"

But the eldest son of the Hua family, with such a status, you can kill him at your request?

Then do you still have the Didu Hua family in your eyes?

Immediately, a powerful momentum rose from Hua Tian's body.


The strength of the fifth-level Martial Master burst out with all his strength, just like a bomb being detonated. An absolute vacuum was formed within tens of meters of Hua Tiansheng's body.

All vegetation, sand and gravel were turned into powder.

Behind him, a burst of vitality twisted, and a black python that was dozens of meters long emerged out of thin air.

I saw the giant python's aura like a mountain, exuding an astonishing aura. Everyone in the entire courtyard, except Lin Taixu and Nangong Yidao, were all trembling under the giant python's overwhelming momentum, unable to even stand firm. Involuntarily going backwards.

Obviously, this giant python is undoubtedly many times more powerful than the one that Nangong killed with his sword just now.

"court death."

Nangong Yidao saw this and scolded him coldly. As soon as he stepped forward, an astonishing sword light flew out from his side and slashed towards Hua Tiansheng unstoppably.


The black giant python let out a deafening roar, and with a swipe of its tail, it swept towards Nangong Yidao's sword like a long whip.


A deafening sound, like the clash of gold and iron, sounded, and the entire space in the small courtyard seemed to shake. Diao Budiao, Yue Bugang and others felt pain in their eardrums, their vision went black, and their heads buzzed, and they hurriedly moved towards the back. He took a few steps back.

The low-strength famous teachers Wei, Zheng Yuerong, and Li Yigeng were even more unbearable. They were all shocked and turned pale, almost vomiting blood.

The martial master is so powerful.


The sword light struck the tail of the black python, and all the scales were flying. The black python's thick tail was cut with a wound several feet deep. Suddenly, the black python let out a piercing scream as if it was alive. .

It seems that again, it hurts, it hurts.

Seriously, we're fighting: The author of Fight on the Street.

"Are you really going to go against our Hua family?"

Hua Tiansheng roared angrily when he saw Nangong almost cutting off the tail of the black python with his swords.

"The Hua family? Isn't it amazing?"

Nangong Yidao sneered, stepped forward, and slashed towards Hua Tiansheng again with his sword. The huge sword light was like the Milky Way descending from the sky, and a fierce golden and iron coldness enveloped Hua Tiansheng and the black giant python.

"You forced me to do this."

Hua Tiansheng looked at Nangong's fierce attack and let out a shocking roar. He opened his mouth and sprayed a stream of blood on the black python.

Suddenly, I saw the blood essence spraying on the huge body of the black python and being absorbed instantly. The originally black scales began to emit a faint red color.

Immediately, the black python's momentum skyrocketed crazily, its strength increased several times visibly to the naked eye, and its tail that was about to be broken instantly recovered.


The giant black python roared angrily and rushed towards Nangong with a knife as if it had been given blood.

"Hmph, how dare you try your best to master a small skill?

Nangong Yidao sneered and said, in the face of absolute strength, all your methods are in vain.


The sword light came down from the air and slashed hard at the black python's body. An invisible wave of air rose into the sky, and the black python's huge body was bombarded from the air to the ground by Nangong's swords.


I saw the black giant python smashing a large pit half a meter deep into the ground. Its huge body was twitching, and almost most of its scales were destroyed. It looked extremely miserable.

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