My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 36 There is also this operation

"Since you all know that it is suppression and they are justified, what reason does the famous teacher guard have to ignore it?"

"If the famous teacher guard really doesn't care, then it's not suppression, but oppression."

Huang Taiji glanced at Huang Baihai lightly and said, looking at Huang Baihai with some disappointment in his eyes. His martial arts talent was not good, and his IQ was not good either. How could he rest assured that he would be allowed to take charge of the huge Huang family in the future?

Although there is only one word difference between suppression and oppression, they are two different concepts.

Suppression is to push Lin Taixu as low as possible within the rules, so that he can't tell the story of his suffering, and has no choice but to knock out his teeth and swallow his blood.

Bullying is different. Regardless of whether the rules are irregular or not, regardless of whether you are justified or not, you are bullied.

Just like when Lin Taixu went to the famous teacher's guard and asked them to search for his missing parents, the famous teacher's guard only dared to say that they were looking for him, but did not dare to say that labor and management would not find it for you.

In this way, even if Lin Taixu files a complaint to the Imperial Capital's Famous Teacher Hall, the Famous Teacher Guards will not be afraid.

Now, it is a fact that Sun Yiquan broke into Lin Taixu's mansion without authorization. Does the famous teacher guard dare to ignore it?

If you really dare to ignore it, as long as Lin Taixu files a complaint, all the famous teachers and guards in Qingfeng City will be killed.

This is a qualitative difference.


When Huang Baihai heard this, he couldn't help but be stunned. He didn't seem to have thought of this. Hearing Huang Taiji say this, he felt a little embarrassed.

Bullying famous teachers, indeed, no successful famous teacher would dare to do this.

It seems that I am still too young.

"Master, it seems that if you offend the criminal master, you have to pay compensation with money. There is no precedent for this in the New Moon Kingdom."

Cheng Yafan said, with a trace of contempt in his eyes. As a famous teacher, he actually gave up the reputation of a famous teacher for some money. How can such a person deserve to be a famous teacher?

Famous teachers should not be insulted. Whoever insults them will die.

To put it simply, if those who insult the famous teacher will not die, then the famous teacher himself will die.

To make one's ambition clear through death, to defend the majesty of a famous teacher.

This is the true style of a famous teacher.

And what did Lin Taixu do?

He is simply a scum in the world of famous teachers. He will die hundreds of times without being able to atone for his sins. Everyone will punish him if he finds it.

"Not only is there no precedent in the Crescent Kingdom, but it is estimated that there is no precedent in the entire Fengyun Continent."

Huang Taiji chuckled and said that he felt both angry and funny about Lin Taixu's behavior.

It simply disgraced their famous teacher.

He wanted to see how Lin Taixu would end up in the end.

"It's just a lucky guy who got the Master Teacher Order by chance. After all, it's hard to become a great person. He ruined the reputation of a Master Teacher like this. It seems that his Master Teacher Order will be taken back by the Master Teacher Hall without waiting for the Master Teacher Examination. When the time comes, let's see how he faces Sun Yat-sen University. The anger of the family.”

Miao Yuqiang sneered and said, Lin Taixu needs strength but not strength, background but not background. If he hadn't inherited his father's famous teacher order by bad luck, he would be worse than a beggar. Such a person doesn't know how to keep a low profile. On the contrary, grandstanding is simply self-destruction.

"Okay, let's not talk about him anymore."

Huang Taiji waved his hand and said, put down the tea cup in his hand, looked at Miao Yuqiang and Cheng Yafan and said with a smile, "Yu Qiang, Yafan, what you have to do now is to practice hard and strive to advance to the second level warrior within three months. Whether I can be promoted to a two-star master teacher depends on you."

"Master, don't worry, Yu Qiang will never let you down."

"Master, don't worry, Yafan will definitely be promoted to the second level warrior within three months."

Miao Yuqiang and Cheng Yafan said to Huang Taiji respectfully, showing strong confidence in their words.

"Okay, okay."

Huang Taiji laughed and said, "You can use the resources of our Huang family at your disposal. One Yuan Ning Dan is given every day. You don't need to worry about this."

"Thank you, Master."

"Thank you, Master."

Miao Yuqiang and Cheng Yafan bowed in thanks.

Similar to the reaction of the Huang family, all the families in Qingfeng City were showing their disdain for Lin Taixu's behavior, thinking that Lin Taixu was seeking death.

While everyone in Qingfeng City just eats carrots and doesn't worry about it, the person involved, Lin Taixu, has no pressure and lives a leisurely and happy life under the care of five beautiful apprentices.

Open your mouth when food comes, and stretch out your hands when clothes come.

Are you happy?

There were one, two, three, four and five beauties dangling in front of his eyes every day. From time to time, he could see the light flashing and fill his nose with fragrance.

Are you happy?

Others don't know whether he is happy or not, but Lin Taixu feels that he is very happy.

However, the only thing that made him a little confused was that the point of making something out of nothing was still a bare 4 points, without any increase.

"Hey, there is always no best of both worlds."

For this reason, Lin Taixu couldn't help but sigh, feeling that it was too difficult for him.


"Congratulations to the controller's disciple Zhao Feixue for advancing to the first level. The system rewards the controller with 1,000 experience points and the famous teacher with 1,000 experience points."


"Congratulations to the controller's disciple Zhao Feishang for advancing to the first level. The system rewards the controller with 1,000 experience points and the famous teacher with 1,000 experience points."


"Congratulations to the controller's disciple Ouyang Yanran for being promoted to the first level. The system rewards the controller with 1,000 experience points and the famous teacher with 1,000 experience points."


"Congratulations to the controller's disciple Wang Luoyi for advancing to the first level. The system rewards the controller with 1,000 experience points and the famous teacher with 1,000 experience points."

One day later, when Lin Taixu heard the system's clear beep, his eyes suddenly lit up, "Hey, boy, let's form a group and advance."

Thumbs up!

"System, how much system experience do I have now?"

Lin Taixu leaned on the soft couch in the room and asked lazily.

"Currently, the controller has 52,500 system experience points, 7,000 famous teacher experience points, and 3,546 silver coins."

"Will the controller choose to upgrade?"

The system replied.

"Get a promotion."

Lin Taixu pursed his lips and said.


Impossible, not even during this period of time.

Because he slapped Sun Dachang to death, he was rewarded by the system for killing enemies at higher levels. The next higher level was rewarded with 1,000 system experience points, and the higher level was rewarded with 10,000 system experience points.

How could he possibly improve his level? Isn’t the card system buggy? There are no free tickets for level-up rewards, isn’t it?

Of course, he would not tell the system this. What if it repaired it automatically?

Then who should he cry to?

Therefore, choosing to upgrade is something only a fool would do.


Do you think I'm a fool?

"Open the system."

Lin Taixu said in his heart, although he has no plans to upgrade now, but let's take a look and let himself feel comfortable first.


"The system is on."

Controller: Lin Taixu

Age: 16

Physical strength: 5000 (jin)

Famous teacher level: first-level famous teacher

Apprentice: Murong Wushuang, Zhao Feixue, Zhao Feishuang, Lin Luoyi, Ouyang Yanran

Martial arts level: 0

Body refining level: martial artist fifth level (0/5000)

System experience value: 55000

Famous teacher experience value: 7000

Martial arts talent: 0 (talent 50 is a genius, the higher the value, the stronger the talent, up to 100)

Martial arts body: waste body (spicy chicken)

Kung Fu: Taixu Dragon Claw Hand (God Level) Black Tiger Fist (0/100)

Equipment: none

Making something out of nothing: 4


"Why is it different? What the hell is Black Tiger Fist (0/100)?"

Lin Taixu looked at the system panel and said in confusion.

"Black Tiger Fist (0/100) means that the controller can use system experience points to upgrade the Black Tiger Fist."

"The higher the level, the greater the power."

The system explained.

"I'll go, what's the point of doing this?"

Lin Taixu couldn't help but be stunned. A skill that can be upgraded?

I don’t know how serious it is.

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