My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 366 This reason is not enough

"Hall Master Lin, be careful what you say."

Seeing this, Yue Bugang couldn't help being startled, and quickly said to Lin Taixu. As he spoke, his eyes kept squinting at Lin Taixu, as if to say, Brother, finally a big thing has been turned into a trivial matter. .

Don't be stupid.

Isn’t it good to be alive?

Be careful?

You still have kidney deficiency.

Lin Taixu rolled his eyes and glanced at Yue Bugang, ignoring his hint. Destroying people's wealth is like killing their parents.

Not to mention that Xiao Yexuan is just a deputy hall master, even if the main hall master comes, that won't work.

Fu Hechang couldn't help but feel happy when he heard this. He looked at Lin Taixu with interest. He really wouldn't die if he didn't commit suicide.

This is just right.

Even the gods will not care about you.

"Yes, I disagree."

Lin Taixu said seriously, looking at Xiao Yexuan without flinching in his eyes.

"Okay, tell me, if there is no reason that satisfies me, just hand over your Master Teacher Order and Hall Master Order."

Xiao Yexuan said coldly, with a cold light blooming in his eyes.

This is the plan to beat Lin Taixu to the end.

Think about it, it doesn't matter if a famous teacher makes mistakes, as long as he knows his mistakes and can correct them.

But as for Lin Taixu, if he clearly made a mistake but refused to repent, then he had no choice.

As the deputy head of the New Moon Country's Famous Teacher Hall, he naturally cannot allow a black sheep who ruins the integrity and reputation of a famous teacher to exist in the Famous Teacher Hall.

This is the principle and bottom line.

"Deserved it."

Fu Hechang couldn't help but laugh happily in his heart after hearing this, and looked at Lin Taixu with gloating. Now he had begun to imagine how Lin Taixu would be miserable and regretful after losing his identity as a famous teacher and the position of leader of the famous master hall.

So cool.


Yue Bugang sighed secretly in his heart and looked at Lin Taixu angrily, "You've gone too far now."

"A famous teacher should not be insulted."

Seeing this, Lin Taixu didn't panic at all, he only said calmly.


Xiao Yexuan and others looked at Lin Taixu blankly, wanting to spit water on his face.

Of course they know that famous teachers should not be insulted, but does this have anything to do with collecting money from others?

"Famous teachers should not be insulted. Anyone who insults will die. This is an iron rule."

"Although they know their mistakes and can correct them, they still cannot change the mistakes they committed. Compensation is their punishment. Otherwise, where is the majesty of my famous teacher?"

Lin Taixu said seriously.

"It's a joke. Since they sincerely admit their mistakes, you shouldn't charge the other party's money. This is in line with the demeanor of a famous teacher and is the greatest dignity of our famous teachers who are lenient to themselves and others."

Fu Hechang sneered and mocked.

"That's not enough reason."

Xiao Yexuan tapped his fingers on the table and said. Fu Hechang said exactly what he wanted to say. A famous teacher should educate the world and convince people with his virtue. If you collect other people's money, wouldn't it be a disguised form of making money?

Give the world the impression that famous teachers are greedy for money.

Wise men do not do this.

"Then, I would like to ask Deputy Hall Master Xiao, from now on, whenever someone offends a famous teacher, just verbally apologize and that will make it okay?"

Lin Taixu asked with a smile.


Xiao Yexuan couldn't help but frown, obviously being confused by Lin Taixu's question.

"Or should we kill them all?"

Lin Taixu continued.


Hearing this, Xiao Yexuan couldn't help but stop tapping his fingers on the table.

As far as he knew, unless the person who offended the Master in the Crescent Kingdom committed a heinous crime and truly violated the bottom line of the Master Master Hall, the Master Master Hall would rarely take action to confiscate the other person's home and exterminate his family.

Killing them all would be unrealistic.

Most of the time, they just slap them and make them apologize.

This is why he planned to settle the matter after knowing that the Zhenbei Army apologized to Lin Taixu.

"Our Famous Master Hall has never had any precedent of collecting money from others. If everyone follows suit, how will the world view my Famous Master? How will they talk about our Famous Master Hall?"

Fu Hechang objected.

"Oh? Then if someone offends a famous master in the future, he only needs to apologize and there is no need to pay any price. At that time, if everyone follows suit, how will the world see my famous master and how will they talk about our famous master hall?"

Lin Taixu retorted sarcastically.

"Deputy Hall Master Xiao, what Lin Taixu said was just to cover up his greed for collecting money from others. It is simply the greatest insult to our famous teacher. His heart is hateful and his actions should be punished."

"I beg you, Deputy Hall Master Xiao, to deprive Lin Taixu of his status as a famous master and remove him from his position as master of the Master Hall."

"Kill one to serve as a warning to others, and serve as a warning to others."

Fu Hechang suggested to Xiao Yexuan with his hands raised.

"Deputy Hall Master Xiao, you must not do it. Hall Master Lin is just young and ignorant. He was confused for a while. I hope Deputy Hall Master Xiao will give Hall Master Lin a chance to change his ways."

Yue Bugang said quickly. As he spoke, he looked at Lin Taixu repeatedly, indicating that he should quickly admit his mistake.

"That's fine. I'll return the compensation to them and withdraw my words of forgiveness. Then Manager Lao Han will accompany me to the Zhenbei Army Camp and kill Niu Jingyi and Cai Zian."

Lin Taixu said with a sneer.

"Asshole, you have already agreed and forgiven each other, and now you want to go back on your words? Are you treating our reputation as a famous teacher like a street vendor who can go back on you at will?"

Fu Hechang shouted.

"I forgive them, firstly, because God has a good life, and secondly, I see that they have a good attitude and paid a high price."

"Remember, this is the key point, circle it for the test."

"Since I returned the compensation to them, it means that their conditions at that time did not meet my requirements."

"Naturally, my promise is invalid."

After saying that, Lin Taixu looked at Fu Hechang with disdain, meaning, do you understand? Stupid.

"This seems to make some sense."

Yue Bugang looked at Lin Taixu and said silently in his heart.

The famous teacher forgives others, first of all, the attitude of the other party makes the famous teacher feel satisfied, and thinks that the other party has reformed and will not commit the same crime again.

If someone scolds the famous teacher and then casually says, I'm sorry, I know I was wrong.

This attitude is definitely not okay.

No matter which famous teacher is put, he will not forgive the other party.

So, he thinks that what Lin Taixu said is correct.

If Lin Taixu returns the compensation, he must continue to pursue Niu Jingyi's offense.

If it is not that Niu Jingyi's offense is not pursued, then it is natural for him to take the other party's compensation.


Why didn't I think of it before?

It seems that this is a good solution.

Yue Bugang thought to himself that this would not only make the offended person feel pain, but also benefit himself.

It is a win-win situation.

No wonder Lin Tangzhu can be the head of a hall at such a young age. This method is beyond my reach.

I admire him.

Xiao Yexuan also looked at Lin Taixu with a confused face, and found that it would be a waste of talent if Lin Taixu's eloquence did not become a lobbyist.

After a few words, he almost doubted whether the famous teacher's way he had insisted on for all these years was a mistake.

This is a talent.

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