My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 379 A visitor has arrived

Yanlin Garden.

Lin Taixu sat in the room and practiced hard. After three consecutive days of practice, he gained hundreds of thousands of system experience points.

If this were counted as silver coins in reality, it would be several million.

Therefore, Lin Taixu suddenly realized that practicing was much more fun than sleeping.

"Hey, I didn't expect that this young master is also a rich man making millions a day."

Lin Taixu thought smugly while practicing. He felt that if he continued to practice like this, he would not have much problem in being promoted to the ninth level Martial Emperor.


As soon as Nangong Yidao appeared in Yanlinyuan, Xiao Yexuan noticed it and rushed out of the room immediately.

"Huh? Xiao Yexuan?"

Nangong Yidao couldn't help but be stunned when he looked at Xiao Yexuan who suddenly appeared in front of him. Although he had lived in Dahuang City for a long time, he would sometimes go to the Imperial Capital.

In the imperial capital, he had met Xiao Yexuan several times.

Therefore, as soon as Xiao Yexuan appeared, Nangong Yidao recognized him. Fortunately, he was wearing a mask at the moment, so Xiao Yexuan didn't know who he was.

"Who are you? Why do you come to Yanlin Garden?"

Xiao Yexuan shouted, looking at Nangong Yidao coldly, feeling the powerful aura on Nangong Yidao, his face became solemn.

"I am acquainted with Hall Master Lin, and I came here today because I wanted to see Hall Master Lin."

Nangong Yidao said.

"Hall Master Lin is practicing in seclusion and will not see guests for the time being. Your Excellency, please come back."

When Xiao Yexuan heard this, he felt relieved. He thought it was the families in the imperial capital who discovered that Lin Taixu was a holy master, so they sent people to assassinate Lin Taixu.


Nangong Yidao was stunned again. He is a loser and still practices?

What can he cultivate?

I'm afraid it's not sleep.

If Xiao Yexuan knew what Nangong Yidao was thinking, he would definitely agree with it with both hands and feet.

"Yes, practice."

Xiao Yexuan nodded, although he didn't know whether Lin Taixu was really practicing or sleeping in.

However, now that he said so, he could only believe it.

Who called him a holy master?

I can't afford it.

"Hey, isn't this Captain Nalan?"

Just when Nangong Yidao was struggling with how to meet Lin Taixu, Lin Taixu's door suddenly opened, and Lin Taixu walked out with a smile on his face.

When Xiao Yexuan saw that Lin Taixu really knew Nangong Yida, he immediately put down his guard. He walked aside silently, glanced at Lin Taixu, and found that he was still a first-level martial artist, and his aura was exactly the same as three days ago, without any trace of it. growth of.

Suddenly, he couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth, "Well, you have been practicing loneliness in the past three days."

"Haha, I disturbed Hall Master Lin's sleep, I'm sorry."

Seeing Lin Taixu coming out, Nangong Yidao said calmly.

"Who said I was sleeping? I was practicing."

Hearing this, Lin Taixu couldn't help but darken his face, and said defensively, "It's okay." He was wronged the first time he came up.


Nangong Yidao chuckled, looked at Lin Taixu quietly, and did not defend himself, but normal people knew that his forehead was short of writing "Guess I Believe It or Not".

"Forget it, I don't have the same experience as you."

Lin Taixu pouted and said, feeling that his good mood was ruined by Nangong Yida.

"Yue'er, pick up, uh, we have a guest. Let's serve tea."

Lin Taixu walked to the pavilion and shouted, his face darkened again, and he almost shouted Cheng Yue'er to receive the guests.

If this was really shouted out, that girl Li Yiyue wouldn't be mad to death.

Damn it, it’s all because of Nangong Yidao’s anger.

"Here you come, Master."

As soon as Lin Taixu finished speaking, he heard Li Yiyue's soft and melodious voice.

I saw Li Yiyue walking out of a room with a tea tray, a happy smile on his face.

Lin Taixu has been practicing in seclusion these days, and she can only see Lin Taixu when he is eating or by delivering food to him.

After Lin Taixu finished eating, she hurriedly cleaned up the dishes and left, for fear of delaying Lin Taixu's practice.

Therefore, she had very little time to spend with Lin Taixu these days.

I can only play alone in my room.

Now when she heard Lin Taixu calling her, she was overjoyed and ran out almost immediately.

"Sit down, captain, what do you want from me?"

Lin Taixu said while sitting on the stone bench in the pavilion.

"You still have the nerve to ask me?"

Nangong Yidao sat in front of Lin Taixu and said angrily.

Xiao Yexuan looked at Nangong Yidao, and then sat silently at Lin Taixu's starting position. If Nangong Yidao had evil intentions towards Lin Taixu, he could protect Lin Taixu in time.

Li Yiyue poured three cups of tea for Lin Taixu, Nangong Changhuan and Xiao Yexuan respectively. Then, he stood behind Lin Taixu holding the tea tray, looked at the hair on the back of Lin Taixu's head, pursed his lips and smiled secretly, I felt a strong sense of security.

It seemed that as long as she could be with Lin Taixu, she would not be afraid even if the sky fell.

"What you said is so interesting, why am I embarrassed to ask you?"

Lin Taixu rolled his eyes and said, I'm not a roundworm in your belly, how do I know what you want from me?

Do you want to introduce your daughter to me?


It doesn’t seem like it’s unacceptable.

Thinking of the soft-armored girl's peerless appearance hidden under the mask, Lin Taixu felt a little thirsty.

If I had such a beautiful woman as my wife, if she got angry, I would slap myself.

"You said you haven't been to the Military Quarters Office for a few days?"

Nangong Yidao asked, not bothering to argue with Lin Taixu, so he went straight to the point.

"It's only a few days, maybe three or four days."

Lin Taixu said, and when he thought of the dangerous building of the Military Supplies Mansion, which was a hundred feet high, he asked in surprise, "What happened? The Munitions Supplies Mansion collapsed?"

"You just fell."

Nangong Yidao was almost angry to death when he heard this. Has the Military Supplies Mansion collapsed?

What the hell, can you just think of me?

If the Munitions Office collapses, is there still the Zhenbei Army?

Is there me, the King of Zhenbei?

"Since you didn't fall, why are you so impatient?"

Seeing this, Lin Taixu rolled his eyes again and said.

"I said, after all, you are also a Qianhu of the Military Supplies Office, and you haven't gone to the Military Supplies Office for several days to work. Are you worthy of your position as a Qianhu of the Military Supplies Office?"

Nangong Yidao gritted his teeth and said, if Lin Taixu hadn't been the son of his benefactor, he would have slapped him away without saying a word.

What's this?

This is dereliction of duty.

He's going to have his head chopped off.

"Who said that thousands of households in the Military Supplies Office have to go to the Military Supplies Office every day?"

"Besides, haven't I already handed over all matters to Wan Pengju?"

Lin Taixu said, feeling that Nangong Yidao is a bit stupid. When he is a member of a thousand households, he still needs to do things?

So what am I doing in front of you?

Is it because cultivation is no longer fun?

Or is he not sleeping well?

I'm afraid you are not a stick.

"Wait, what are you talking about?"

Xiao Yexuan was confused and asked in surprise.

What is Qianhu, the munitions office?

Is it possible that he became a holy master and became an official?

This is so fucking amazing.

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