My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 388: Don’t Take Action

"That's it for now, it's up to you what to do."

The soft-armored girl said, then pushed Lin Taixu away and walked towards her original position again.

"Hey, beauty, are you caring about me?"

Looking at the charming back of the soft-armored girl, Lin Taixu suddenly asked on a whim.

When the soft-armored girl heard this, her steps almost faltered and she fell to the ground. She turned around and glared at Lin Taixu fiercely, "You think so."

With that said, he left quickly.

"Ha ha."

Seeing this, Lin Taixu couldn't help laughing, looking extremely proud.

Oh, my irresistible charm.

Thinking about it, Lin Taixu followed the soft-armored girl back with satisfaction.

"Boy, hurry up, I'm waiting for your military justice."

Seeing Lin Taixu come back, Zhang Sander said with a sneer.

Lin Taixu was stunned when he saw this. Is he so arrogant?

He had only heard of people seeking love, but he had never seen people seeking death.

Seeing this, the soft-armored girl couldn't help but glare at Lin Taixu, signaling him not to mess around.

Zhang Gang watched the soft-armored girl wink at Lin Taixu, then curled up the corner of her mouth and revealed a sneer.

Lin Taixu looked at the soft-armored girl and smiled slightly. He suspected that the soft-armored girl was going to use a honey trap on him, but was he that kind of person?

of course not.

Immediately, Lin Taixu raised his hand and ordered Diao Budiao, "Take it down."


Seeing this, the soft-armored girl couldn't help but feel so angry that she wanted to rush over and beat up Lin Taixu.

I talked so much about my feelings to him, but I only talked to the dog.

This bastard.

"Yes, Master."

When Diao BuDiao heard this, his spirits suddenly trembled. He took out the Element Locking Chain with a sinister smile and walked towards Zhang Sandang.

He had long disliked this stick, and he actually dared to laugh at his young master.

If Lin Taixu hadn't spoken, he would have taken action long ago.

Now as soon as he heard Lin Taixu's order, he immediately started to move without saying a word.

A mere second-level samurai is also jumping around, and this butler will teach you how to behave right away.

"you dare."

Seeing this, Zhang Gang took a step forward and shouted angrily.

"The famous master guard takes people and kills those who act rashly."

Seeing Zhang Gang like this, Liu Sandao also shouted loudly and pulled out the soul-breaking knife from his body. The cold light of the knife flashed, exuding a suffocating chill.




As soon as Liu Sandao moved, more than a dozen famous teachers and guards immediately drew out the soul-severing swords on their bodies without saying a word, and in an instant they stood in formation and set up a Shura killing formation.

"It's going to be a big deal now."

Seeing this, Huang Debiao and others couldn't help but look at each other in shock.

"What do you want to do? This is the Zhenbei Army's camp, not your famous master's hall."

Zhang Gang roared angrily, his face gloomy and terrifying.

"My famous teacher guard has people, but we need to allocate places?"

Diao BuDiao stopped in front of Zhang Gang and said with a sneer. He pointed at Zhang Gang and shouted, "Get out of the way, or I will arrest you too."

"you dare."

Zhang Gang sneered and stared at Diao Butiao coldly. At the same time, he saw the aura bursting out of him. The strength of a third-level and seventh-level martial artist was suppressing Diao Butiao like a river and sea breaking through a dike.

You dare to act recklessly in the Zhenbei Army Camp. Do you know how to write the word "death"?

"Click rub rub."

Diao Budiao, Liu Sandao and others were knocked back and flew out under Zhang Gang's powerful momentum, even though they had practiced day and night with the Yuan Ning Dan given by Lin Taixu.

However, the strongest Diao Bu Diao was only a third-level and first-level martial artist, and the strength of the famous masters and guards such as Liu Sandao was even weaker.

Therefore, with their absolute strength, they simply could not stop Zhang Gang's momentum.


At this moment, a figure flashed, and Zhang Gang flew backwards, falling more than ten meters away like a broken sack.

"Lord Senhu."

"Lord Senhu."

Seeing this, Zhang Sande and other personal guards couldn't help but turned pale in fright, and hurriedly ran in the direction where Zhang Gang fell.


"A strong warrior?"

Huang Debiao and others saw the figure that suddenly appeared where Zhang Gang was standing, and felt that the martial arts aura emanating from him turned out to be a fifth-level martial master.

Everyone's expressions couldn't help but change.

Needless to say, the reason why Zhang Gang was knocked out was definitely the work of the person in front of him.

"Senior, I don't know if our Zhenbei Army has offended our seniors. I would like to ask seniors to tell us. Juniors and others must apologize to seniors."

Liu Zhiming took a step forward, cupped his hands and said.

Naturally, the visitor was none other than Xiao Yexuan, who had been eating and drinking around Lin Taixu.

He glanced coldly at Liu Zhiming and others, then silently walked to stand behind Lin Taixu.


When Liu Zhiming and others saw this, they couldn't help but feel dumbfounded. Looking at Xiao Yexuan's posture, he was obviously Lin Taixu's slave or guard.


A guard at the fifth-level Martial Lord level?

It’s terrifying to think about it.

Immediately, Liu Zhiming glanced at a guard beside him. The guard immediately understood and squeezed his body into the crowd of guards. Then, while Xiao Yexuan was not paying attention, he ran down the mountain. Go down.

Apparently they were going to move reinforcements.

After all, a group of third-level and third-level martial masters like them cannot handle a strong man of the fifth-level martial master level.


Zhang Gang just got up from the ground, and he felt a sweetness in his throat, and spit out several mouthfuls of blood. His body couldn't help but shake, and he felt that his bones were about to fall apart.

"Who are you?"

Zhang Gang looked at Xiao Yexuan and asked with a trembling voice.

Just when he used his momentum to repel Diao Bu Diao and others, a powerful momentum emerged out of thin air and knocked him out without saying a word.

Now seeing that Xiao Yexuan was a fifth-level martial master, he suddenly felt a chill rising from the soles of his feet and penetrating his head.

One step away.

He would be shattered and unable to survive.

At this moment, he was really scared. He didn't expect that one day he would be killed in his own military camp.

"Prince, do you want to take action?"

Standing in a hidden place, Niu Baichuan asked Nangong Yidao with cold light in his eyes.

Although he didn't like Zhang Gang, he couldn't afford to lose face when his comrade was beaten in the military camp.

"How about you go?"

Nangong Yidao said, looking at Niu Baichuan with a squint.


Hearing this, Niu Baichuan couldn't help blinking his eyes, and wanted to slap himself. I'm really worrying about nothing.

The prince is not anxious, so why should I, a subordinate, be anxious?

As for the loss of face.

Haha, it's only Zhang Gang's face that's lost, what does it have to do with me?


"This kid has never played his cards according to common sense."

Seeing Niu Baichuan's drooping, Nangong Yidao didn't embarrass him anymore, but looked at Lin Taixu and whispered.

Seeing this, Niu Baichuan muttered in his heart, with a speechless face.

Isn't it because of your spoiled?

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