My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 390: They won't blackmail me for another 100 million, right?

"This little bastard has such a mouth."

In the distance, Nangong Yidao bared his teeth and said, "Have you ever seen someone talking about lotus flowers and exaggerating?"

You see it now.

Originally, it was just a verbal dispute that could be big or small, dispensable.

After Lin Taixu's few words, the nature immediately changed.


Niu Baichuan was also speechless. He couldn't help but feel sorry for Zhang Gang for a few seconds. Tell me, who are you messing with? Are you messing with Lin Taixu?

Isn’t this something you can’t live with yourself?

Even the prince was extorted 100 million silver coins by him.

just you?

Obviously not enough.

"My lord, tell me, you are not going to extort another 100 million."

Immediately, Niu Baichuan said slowly.


Nangong Yidao couldn't help but be stunned when he heard this, and said naa na na, "Can Zhang Gang get 100 million?"

Lin Taixu knew very well what kind of person he was, so he didn't doubt Niu Baichuan's words at all. After all, extortion was what Lin Taixu was best at, and he was the best at it.

But can Zhang Gang get 100 million?

Just kidding, even if he were broken into pieces, he wouldn't be able to sell for 100 million by the pound.


Hearing this, Niu Baichuan did not speak, but looked at Nangong Yidao quietly.

Are you scared when I look at you so quietly?

If Zhang Gang can't get it out, doesn't he still have you?

You are the boss, the king of the opposite sex,

Don't be a coward.


When Nangong Yidao saw the way Niu Baichuan looked at him, he immediately understood the meaning of Niu Baichuan's eyes, and his heart suddenly became excited.


My tooth hurts and my whole body hurts.

"Lin, please stop messing around here. Release my subordinates quickly. I will not pursue this matter further. Otherwise, you will be responsible for the consequences."

Zhang Gang was almost speechless because of Lin Taixu's anger, he glared at Lin Taixu and shouted.


Lin Taixu glanced at Zhang Gang with disdain and said, then looked at Zhang Sander and asked, "Do you want to die or live?"

"Want to live, want to live."

Zhang Sandang nodded quickly.

"Want to live? Well, great, how do you want to live?"

Lin Taixu nodded and asked again.

"How do you want to live?"

Zhang Sande looked at Lin Taixu in confusion, not understanding what Lin Taixu meant.

How do you want to live?

I want to live happily.


Not only was he confused, but the people around him were also confused.

"What's going on again?"

The soft-armored girl said in her heart, feeling that Lin Taixu had never played his cards according to common sense.

Why, does your existence break the rules?

"Yes, how do you want to live? Do you want to have your cultivation level abolished and be expelled from the Zhenbei Army?"

"I still want to turn big things into small things."

Lin Taixu said seriously.

Major issues to minor ones out?

Zhang Sandang blinked again, feeling that happiness came too suddenly and he was a little overwhelmed.

"Could it be that he was afraid of Zhang Gang's future revenge, so he wanted to find an excuse to ride off the slope?"

Seeing this, Huang Debiao and other thousands of households thought in their hearts.

Otherwise, look at how Lin Taixu was so aggressive just now and vowed not to give up until Zhang Sandang was killed. How could a big deal turn into a trivial one?

When Zhang Gang saw this, he thought that Lin Taixu was afraid that he would retaliate against him in the future, so he said this.

Suddenly, a proud smile appeared on his face.

However, he made up his mind that no matter what happened, he would never let Lin Taixu go in the future.

“I think big things have become small things.”

Zhang Sandang said quickly, he is not a fool, how can he not know the situation now?

This is hitting the wall. Not even his backer can save him, so as long as Lin Taixu is willing to let him go.

Not to mention turning big things into trivial matters, he would be willing to call Lin Taixu his father.

"Did you see him? All you have to do is say, Zhang Gang, you are a big fool, and I will let you go immediately."

Lin Taixu knelt down, pinched Zhang Sander's chin with his hand, turned his head in the direction of Zhang Gang, and said with a smile.


Hearing this, Zhang Sandang couldn't help but open his mouth in shock and looked at Lin Taixu in disbelief.

You want me to call my patron a big idiot?

I'm afraid you're not an idiot.

What are you thinking?

"Oh, let me go, this is cruel."

Everyone present could not help but be stunned, astonished by Lin Taixu's wicked idea.

Even Huang Debiao, a big boss, felt that Lin Taixu was really a dog. He asked Zhang Sande to scold Zhang Gang, regardless of whether Zhang Sande dared to do so.

If he really scolded him, with Zhang Gang's insidiousness, he might have to skin Zhang Sandang alive.

If you offend Lin Taixu, Zhang Sandang will die.

If you offend Zhang Gang, Zhang Sandang will still die.

This is simple.

God makes big things into small things, small things into small things.


"Doesn't this guy know what it means to give up when you're ready?"

The soft-armored girl murmured in her heart, if eyes could hit someone, it would be no exaggeration to say that Lin Taixu would have received at least a hundred thousand blows from her Gastrodia meteor hammer.

Humph, I’m so angry.

Normally, according to the temperament of the soft-armored girl, she would definitely not be in the mood to watch the fun, let alone complain about Lin Taixu. However, now his originally cold temperament will actually change according to Lin Taixu's behavior.

I'm afraid even she herself doesn't know why.

"Don't worry, Zhang Gang Qianhu is a prime minister who can support a boat. Don't say that you just scold him or beat him up. He is a big man and won't argue with you."

Lin Taixu said with a smile, stood up and said, "Come on, start your performance."

He has a lot of adults?

A few days ago, someone said something that offended him, and he was exterminated by the crowd.

He witnessed this with his own eyes.

Now you tell me, he has a lot of adults?

I believe you.

Zhang Sandang cursed in his heart, not believing Lin Taixu's lies at all.

"Kill if you want. Don't expect me to be disrespectful to Mr. Qianhu."

Zhang Sandang gritted his teeth and said, although he was scared to death, he still looked at Lin Taixu with cold eyes.

He was gambling that if he offended Lin Taixu, it was still unknown whether he would die or not.

However, if he offended Zhang Gang, he knew that he would definitely die.

So, he had to take a gamble no matter what.

What if Lin Taixu didn't dare to kill himself?

You still have to have dreams, just in case they come true.

"I've heard for a long time that Zhang Qianhu's troops are all elite tiger warriors who are not afraid of death. I didn't believe it before, but now it seems that there are really no real warriors under the reputation. I admire them."

"No wonder the Iron Blood Battalion was able to defeat the Great Hu State. The army has greatly enhanced the prestige of our army."

Seeing Zhang Sandang's attitude of looking forward to death, everyone around him couldn't help but praise him.

Seeing this, Zhang Gang couldn't help but reveal a proud smile and looked at Lin Taixu coldly. He didn't believe that Lin Taixu really dared to kill Zhang Sander and break up with him.

"Oh, I didn't expect you to be a tough guy. If I can't help you, I'll be sorry for your loyalty."

"Am I right."

Lin Taixu couldn't help but admire when he heard the words. As he spoke, he said to Diao Budiao, "Drag him down and chop him down."

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