My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 425: Just because you are handsome?

"Let me go, the eldest lady is actually shy?"

Mingyue didn't know whether Mingyue Niannian was the first person of the opposite sex to invite him to tea. However, he could clearly see the faint shyness on Mingyue Niannian's face, and he was so shocked that his heart almost stopped. .

You know, Mingyue's cold and arrogant nature is well-known in the Mingyue family. Those peerless geniuses who admire her, or young masters from major families, the eldest lady doesn't even bother to talk to them, let alone invite them to tea. Say more.

I didn't expect that today I would lower myself and invite a loser. If word of this spreads, I'm afraid those young men and geniuses will be so angry that they vomit blood and die.

Everyone around looked at Lin Taixu with envy. What an honor it would be to be invited by the eldest lady of the Mingyue family.

If you can get the favor of Mingyue every year because of this, you will directly reach the pinnacle of your life. From now on, you will enjoy endless wealth and wealth.

Sure enough, being handsome is also an advantage.

"Then it's up to you to treat me."

Lin Taixu thought for a while and said, it doesn't matter if you drink tea or not, as long as he doesn't have to pay.

He has plenty of time anyway.

Maybe while drinking

You can also grab a supper.

That would be very nice.

"I go."

Hearing what Lin Taixu said, everyone around him almost fell to the ground and looked at Lin Taixu in disbelief.

What kind of status does Miss Mingyue have? She invites a loser like you to tea. It is a blessing that your ancestors have accumulated eight lifetimes of virtue. You actually want others to pay for it?

How stupid do you have to be to do such a stupid thing?

Mingyue looked at Lin Taixu with a speechless expression. How many people wanted to invite the eldest lady to dinner, but the eldest lady ignored them. How about you? The eldest lady invited you, but you actually put on airs.

What the hell

He felt that if the eldest lady got angry later, he would rush up and stab Lin Taixu a few more times, because she was so irritating.

"no problem."

Compared to everyone's indignation, Mingyue Niannian readily agreed. She had nothing but money.

Therefore, as long as things can be solved with money, it is not a problem for her.

What's more, she can still be with Lin Taixu, and she doesn't care about money.

"Okay, let's go."

Seeing this, Lin Taixu smiled slightly and said that although Mingyue Niannian's appearance did not meet his standards, her figure was amazing, and he found that being with Mingyue Niannian felt very relaxed.

"Please come in."

Mingyue Niannian immediately led Lin Taixu and Li Yiyue towards the Baiwei Building.

"I'll take the test, that's it?"

Seeing Mingyue Niannian not only not angry, but looking very happy as she and Lin Taixu walked into the Baiwei Building, everyone around them couldn't help but look dumbfounded.

What about becoming angry because of shame?

Er, no, what about the Wrath of Thunder that was promised?

Is the eldest lady of your dignified Mingyue family so temperamental?

"Could it be that the reason why those wealthy young men didn't get an appointment with the lady is because they didn't ask the lady to pay?"

Mingyue looked at Mingyue Niannian's back with a confused look on her face, and said in a wicked way in her heart.

In an elegant room in Baiwei Building, Mingyue Niannian sat across from Lin Taixu, while Li Yiyue sat obediently next to Lin Taixu.

The maid Xiaolan skillfully poured a cup of fragrant tea for the three of them, and then stood aside.

"Brother Lin, aren't you in Dahuang City? Why did you suddenly arrive in Desert City again?"

Mingyue looked at Lin Taixu every year and asked curiously.

"I came to Desert City this time on business."

Lin Taixu picked up the cup of tea in front of him, took a sip and said.

"Business? Is there any task in the Famed Master Hall that requires Brother Lin, the hall master, to personally carry out the task?"

Mingyue Niannian said half-jokingly that in her impression, it seemed that business had nothing to do with Lin Taixu.

"It's not a matter of the Famous Master Hall, but a matter of the Zhenbei Army."

Lin Taixu said, what can happen to the Famed Master Hall?

Even if there was, it would be fine to just tell Diao Budiao to handle it, and there would be no need for him to bother him at all.

I originally thought that even if I became a member of the Zhenbei Army, I could just leave it to Diao Budiao to handle any matters. However, I didn't expect that Nangong Yidao, the unlucky one, would force me to do it in person.


"What about the Zhenbei Army?"

Mingyue Niannian was even more curious now. A pair of big, watery eyes stared straight at Lin Taixu's face, full of curiosity.

You, the master of the Famous Master Hall, come to Desert City to work for the Zhenbei Army?


Is this considered a dog trying to catch a mouse and meddling in other people’s business?

Uh, no, does this count as substituting?

"In addition to being the master of the Famous Master Hall, I am also the military quarters office of the Zhenbei Army, Qianhu."

Lin Taixu explained.

"Qianhu, the munitions office of the Zhenbei Army?"

Mingyue Niannian couldn't understand it now. As far as she knew, the Zhenbei Army had to face a battle with the Hu State army at any time, so the recruitment conditions for the Zhenbei Army were extremely harsh.

Not only does it require strong strength, but it also requires a persevering character and the determination to risk one's life.

It is no exaggeration to say that according to Lin Taixu's conditions, almost no one can match him.

Therefore, let alone becoming a Qianhu general, even being an ordinary soldier would probably fail the review.

Return thousands of households?

Even the Qianhu of the Military Supplies House who are not on the battlefield are still Qianhu.

Zhenbei King is famous for his fame, how could he allow someone like Lin Taixu to fill in the gap?

This is not a funny way to do it.

This is what Lin Taixu said to her. If it were someone else, she would probably throw a teacup at him immediately.

We have no grudges, why do you treat me as a fool?

"Don't believe it? Here, this is my token."

Looking at Mingyue Niannian's expression that she would not believe it even if she was beaten to death, Lin Taixu took out his thousand-household token from the storage ring without saying a word and placed it in front of her.

Brother, specializes in all kinds of disbelief.

"It's true."

Mingyue Niannian took the token and said in surprise. Xiaolan, the maid next to him, also looked at Lin Taixu in shock.

It's really rare to see a useless person become a thousand-household of the Zhenbei Army's military supply department.

What the hell, why?

Is it because you are handsome?

However, Xiaolan looked at Lin Taixu's face, and her heart was beating wildly. She found that Lin Taixu was really good-looking, well, even prettier than the young lady.

"I didn't know that the captain was coming. I failed to welcome you. I hope you will forgive me."

Mingyue Niannian handed the token to Lin Taixu, bowed and smiled.

Although she didn't know how Lin Taixu became the captain of the Zhenbei Army's military supply department, she was still very tactful and didn't ask any more questions.

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