My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 453 This horse is very beautiful

"Hey, why is the city gate open?"

Outside the city gate, Diao Budiao said in confusion as he watched the originally closed city gate slowly open.

"Be on guard, be careful of the other party charging into the formation."

Seeing this, Niu Baichuan ordered loudly with a sneer on his face. He would really have a headache if the city defense army was forced to retreat and defend the city.

However, they don't imitate the good ones but the bad ones. They actually dare to imitate others' opening the door and rush into battle. Isn't this an old man who hangs himself because he has lived enough?

Following Niu Baichuan's order, the sergeants of the Golden Gun Battalion immediately raised their spears to form a defensive formation and looked at the city gate warily.

"grown ups."

Lin Xiuer whispered to the soft-armored girl, meaning that the Golden Spear Battalion was ready, and were they ready to charge.

"Need not."

The soft-armored girl waved her hands and said that she did not believe that the city defense army would sacrifice their strengths and weaknesses to do such a stupid thing as charging into the formation.

Besides, even if the city defense army planned to charge at themselves and others, the strength of the Golden Spear Battalion would definitely defeat them immediately.

It won't be too late for my cavalry battalion to be dispatched by then.

Seeing this, Lin Xiuer didn't say anything more and just stood aside quietly.

"Hey, the young master is here."

As the city gate gradually opened, Lin Taixu was seen slowly walking out of the city surrounded by Liu Sandao and others. Among them, Chang Wenshi looked helpless and was suppressed by two famous teacher guards.

Seeing this, Diao Budiao quickly drove his horse forward to meet him.

"See you, Master."

Less than ten meters away from Lin Taixu, Diao Bu Diao halted his horse, then quickly dismounted and trotted all the way to Lin Taixu and shouted.

"Well, how did you bring them?"

Lin Taixu nodded, in response to Diao Budiao. He looked up at the dark group of people standing in front of him. He found that Niu Baichuan and the soft-armored girl were also among them, and he couldn't help asking curiously.

"Young master, I don't know. Lao Niu and Ouyang Qianhu were ordered to come to Fufeng Mountain to kill the monsters. They met Lao Nu on the way, so they followed them."

Diao BuDiao quickly explained.


Lin Taixu said softly, and glanced at Fufeng Mountain in the distance. He couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth. He really wanted to say something, you went to Fufeng Mountain to kill the monsters, but you came to Desert City to join in the fun.

Does your master know?

Forget it, it's none of my business.

Lin Taixu immediately walked towards the three thousand guards. The three thousand guards were what he cared about.

"Why are you still standing there? This is the young master. Why don't you meet him quickly?"

Arriving in front of the three thousand guards, Lin Taixu hadn't spoken yet, but Diao Budiao immediately shouted loudly.

"See you, Master."

"See you, Master."

Suddenly, three thousand guards immediately knelt down on one knee and shouted respectfully to Lin Taixu.

"Well, no gifts."

Lin Taixu raised his hand and said.

"Thank you, Master."

The three thousand guards immediately stood up and said. When they looked at Lin Taixu, they were all stunned at the sight.

Fengshen is handsome and handsome, and his whole body is filled with a strong confidence and nobility, like a nine-day scorching sun, shining on them, making them feel ashamed and filthy.

You know, they are all handsome men and beauties carefully selected by Niu Jingyi. I dare not say anything else, but they are still a little confident in their appearance.

However, now they find that the capital they are proud of is like a firefly and a bright moon compared to Lin Taixu. The difference is huge.

Some of the girl guards even felt that their little hearts were beating wildly.

"Yes, Not Bad."

The three thousand guards were sizing up Lin Taixu, and Lin Taixu was also sizing up the three thousand guards. Seeing that all the three thousand guards looked heroic, Lin Taixu nodded secretly.

Although he is not as handsome as himself, he is still pretty good.

People should be content, right?

Li Yiyue looked at the three thousand guards in front of him and found that all of these girls were extremely beautiful, especially several of them who were very beautiful and had outstanding temperament. A hint of crisis could not help but appear in his heart.

The young master won’t want me anymore.

No, I have to serve the good young master.

Thinking about it, Li Yiyue couldn't help but secretly squeeze his little hand and secretly made up his mind. However, when he thought of the birthmark on his forehead, his heart sank again.

"See Mr. Lin."

Seeing Lin Taixu's arrival, Niu Jingyi got off his horse and came to Lin Taixu, saying flatteringly.


Lin Taixu couldn't help but look at Niu Jingyi in surprise. His expression didn't mean that he didn't recognize Niu Jingyi, but that he felt that this guy shouldn't appear in front of him.

Did he take it too lightly?

Is this guy asking for a call again?

"Exactly, I offended Mr. Lin in the past because of my blindness. I would like to thank Mr. Lin for your generous support."

Niu Jingyi said with a smile.

"Master, he helped select these three thousand guards."

Diao BuDiao said.

"Oh, thank you very much."

Lin Taixu nodded and said.

"You're welcome, Mr. Lin. It's my honor to serve you."

Niu Jingyi nodded and said. He saw that Lin Taixu did not show any disgust towards him, so he took advantage of the pole to climb up and replaced the villain with his younger brother.


Lin Taixu blinked and looked at Niu Jingyi quietly. He heard the implication of Niu Jingyi's words, but this was both an apology and a flattery. What do you want to do?

"Haha, Lin Qianhu, long time no see."

At this time, Niu Baichuan came over and said hello.

"Hey, isn't this Lord Niu? Long time no see."

Lin Taixu also laughed and said, showing a very happy look, just like a pair of good brothers who had not seen Niu Baichuan for many years.


The soft-armored girl sat on the horse's back and said with contempt in her heart, and the small mouth hidden under the mask pouted unnaturally.

I don't know if she really hates Lin Taixu's affectation, or something else.

You must never guess what a girl is thinking.

Because you can't guess it no matter how hard you try.

"Haha, Lin Qianhu, this is my son, you know him, please take care of him in the future, old Niu thanks you."

Niu Baichuan bowed to Lin Taixu and said.

"Oh? Sure, sure."

Lin Taixu smiled slightly and then walked towards the soft-armored girl. Although this girl ignored him, as the saying goes, a good man doesn't fight with a woman, right?


Seeing Lin Taixu coming towards her, the soft-armored girl's fingers holding the reins tightened subconsciously, and her body was obviously a little unnatural.

However, she still sat steadily on the warhorse, just looking into the distance.

"Didn't you go back? Why are you here again?"

Walking in front of the soft-armored girl, Lin Taixu looked up at the soft-armored girl sitting on the warhorse and asked with a smile.


The soft-armored girl glanced at Lin Taixu indifferently, and then looked into the distance again, looking as if she didn't want to pay attention to Lin Taixu.

"Oh, go."

Seeing this, Lin Taixu couldn't help but touch his nose awkwardly. Well, this is still arrogant.

Ha, woman.

"This horse is very beautiful, get me one later."

Then, Lin Taixu looked at the warhorse that the soft-armored girl was sitting on, and said with some envy, and stretched out his hand to touch the warhorse, and the direction

I don't know if it was intentional or intentional, but it was the slender calf of the soft-armored girl.

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