My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 464: If you squeeze in, you'll have it

"Lin Taixu, don't bully others too much."

Seeing this, Murong Meng almost spat out a mouthful of blood. He had seen moneylenders before, but never one so ruthless.

What is ten percent of one hundred million?

One million, and it's not on a yearly basis, but on a monthly basis.

This is not the point. The point is that if you don't go to the imperial capital for a day, does that mean that this prince will have to pay your interest forever?

Bully people, bully honest people.

"Write quickly."

Before Lin Taixu could speak, Murong Gao shouted sharply that if Lin Taixu hadn't been looking for him, he would have done it himself.

Just writing an IOU, what a big deal.

Can he still go to the imperial capital and the palace to find you and collect money?



Murong Meng couldn't help being startled by Murong Tiaogao, and then, full of anger, he wrote the first IOU in his life with tears in his eyes.

The baby feels bitter in his heart, but he doesn't say anything.

"Brush brush brush"

Immediately, Murong Meng took the paper and pen from Diao Budiao's hand, and then he wrote vigorously. In less than a while, he wrote the IOU, and then handed it to Lin Taixu viciously.

If looks could kill, Lin Taixu would have been eaten alive and torn into pieces by Murong Meng's gaze.

"Isn't that right?"

Lin Taixu took a look at the IOU handed over by Murong Meng and saw that the written content was almost the same. He couldn't help but chuckle and said in his heart that this person is just a stick. If you say no, you have to be serious with him.

"We can go now."

Murong Meng gritted his teeth and said, his face extremely ugly, as ugly as his wife who knew better than him that he bought him a hat.

"Okay, walk slowly without seeing me off."

Lin Taixu put the IOU into the storage ring and said generously, looking at Murong Meng with indescribable kindness, what a good prince.

They are sent thousands of miles away.

You sent money from thousands of miles away, thank you.

"In this case, I will take my leave."

Murong Meng said, then turned and left. He was worried that if he didn't leave, he would be tempted to kill Lin Taixu.

It's so mean. He has never seen a bitch more mean than Lin Taixu.

"so far so good."

Seeing this, Murong Gao couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, there was no danger, no danger.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute."

Before Murong Meng and Murong Gang had taken a few steps, Lin Taixu seemed to have remembered something. Seeing this, Lin Taixu shouted quickly.


Seeing this, Nangong Yidao couldn't help but glance at Lin Taixu curiously. This matter has been solved, why are you still calling them?

It has to be said that although Lin Taixu used his own ability to scare off Murong Meng, there is no doubt that the result Lin Taixu is dealing with now is what he thinks is the best solution.

What could be better than a bloodless method?


However, there seems to be something wrong with this.

Yes, he was the one who contributed, but why was he the one who received the money?


Thinking about it makes you angry.

"What else are you going to do?"

The soft-armored girl couldn't help complaining in her heart. When she saw Murong Meng coming with his troops, she was already prepared for the battle. She originally thought that being able to push back Murong Meng and the Flying Tiger Legion would be the best result.

However, he did not expect that Lin Taixu not only solved the crisis caused by Murong Meng with a few words, but also extorted him 100 million silver coins.

This operation simply subverted her life imagination.

Now I saw Lin Taixu calling out Murong Meng again, and I was really worried that Lin Taixu would push Murong Meng into a panic and try to kill him.

Wouldn't that be like shooting yourself in the foot?

As the saying goes, too much is too little.

An honest man is still furious, not to mention that this second prince is not an honest man.


Hearing this, Murong Meng's body stiffened involuntarily, and he retracted his left leg forcefully. He roared at Lin Taixu, "What else do you want to do?"

Bullying honest people, you only need to bully them once, but you are addicted to bullying.


"How can I say that I have some connection with your royal family? As the saying goes, it is better to meet by chance than to invite. Today, I will be the host and invite the second prince to have a few drinks at the Desert City Station. What do you think of the second prince?"

Lin Taixu said with a smile, as if he was not the one who just blackmailed Murong Meng for 100 million silver coins.

When Murong Meng heard this, he was ready to kill Lin Taixu. You have the nerve to say that you have some connection with the royal family. If you have a connection, you will blackmail this prince for 100 million. If you have no connection, are you still planning to kill this prince?

"Do not have time."

Immediately, Murong Meng couldn't help but said angrily, "How many drinks will I have with you?"

Also Desert City Station?

What is the identity of this prince?

What is your identity?

Do you deserve it?

"Time is like that, it's all squeezed."

Lin Taixu continued to smile and said, "It's okay if I don't have time, as long as I have time."

What is that?

What's the point of squeezing?

Murong Meng had a look of disdain on his face, "What a mess, why doesn't this prince agree to you? You don't have any idea?"

Are you happy if you have to force this prince to say it?


When Murong Gao saw this, he was shocked and looked at Lin Taixu silently. What kind of trouble do you want to cause?

Thinking about it, he glanced at Nangong Yidao subconsciously, trying to see what he meant.

But unfortunately, Nangong Yidao was wearing a mask on his face, so we couldn't tell what he meant.

"Second Prince, are you not giving me face?"

Lin Taixu said with a smile, his eyes flashed with a coldness, and this expression was very clear, if you don't agree, then don't leave.

Well, that's what I mean.

Isn't it very simple and clear?


Seeing this, Murong Gao coughed twice and looked at Murong Meng, meaning, isn't it just a drink?

Is it harder than asking you to take 100 million?

"In that case, then this prince would rather obey than be respectful."

In desperation, Murong Meng had to grit his teeth and answer secretly, with countless grass mud horses whistling through his heart.

The most painful thing in the world is to be blackmailed for 100 million, and then have to force a smile to compensate the other party for a drink.

"Haha, the second prince is really straightforward and a man of character."

"Let's go into the city."

Hearing this, Lin Taixu laughed and grabbed Murong Meng's arm and walked towards the Desert City.

"Asshole, didn't you see that the second prince was going to enter the city? Why don't you order the city gate to be opened?"

After walking a few steps, Lin Taixu found that the gate of the Desert City was still closed, and he couldn't help but stop and cursed Chang Wenshi.

Murong Meng took the opportunity to break free from Lin Taixu's palm and hid far away as if avoiding the plague.

Cherish life and stay away from Lin Taixu.

Although I don't know what tricks Lin Taixu is going to play, it's right to stay away from Lin Taixu.

"Yes, yes, yes"

Chang Wenshi was so scared that he responded quickly and ran to the city gate, "Open the city gate quickly, the second prince is here, open the city gate quickly"

"Come out to greet him quickly."

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