My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 468: Entering the Door

"Why don't you get down?"

The soft-armored girl turned her head and shouted to Lin Taixu in a low voice, "Who is this person? He's addicted to her."

"oh oh."

Lin Taixu was stunned when he heard this, and quickly slipped off the horse.

"Mrs. Lin."

Seeing this, the soft-armored girl looked at Lin Taixu with blazing eyes, gritted her teeth and roared in a low voice, as if she wanted to tear Lin Taixu into pieces.


Lin Taixu looked at the soft-armored girl in surprise, what's wrong with this? Are relatives coming? Why do you always get angry?

It’s okay if you scolded me when I got on the horse. Now I’m still angry when I get off the horse. It’s true that only villains and women are difficult to raise.

The ancients never deceived me.

Immediately, Lin Taixu was stunned, as if he remembered that he had used one hand to hold a place when he dismounted.

Let me go, no wonder it's so soft, uh, no, no wonder it's so stable.

Thinking about it, Lin Taixu's eyes couldn't help but fall on the soft-armored girl's straight and slender thighs.

"You're dead, you're dead."

The soft-armored girl turned over and dismounted, landed gracefully, stood next to Lin Taixu, glared at Lin Taixu and said.

"I didn't mean to."

Lin Taixu said aggrievedly, the conscience of heaven and earth, he really didn't mean it. Whoever gets off the horse doesn't find something to help him, eldest sister, this is a normal person's subconscious protection for his own safety.

How's that?

"You still want to be intentional?"

The soft-armored girl looked at Lin Taixu with wide eyes, wishing to punch him in the face.

You are shameless anyway.


Forget it, when a scholar encounters a soldier, there is no reason to explain.

Lin Taixu smacked his lips in silence, not bothering to show off to the soft-armored girl. Anyway, he couldn't speak to her.


The soft-armored girl was already very angry because she was eaten so much by Lin Taixu today for no reason. Now seeing Lin Taixu actually showing a dead look like what can you do to me, she became even more angry and furious.

The riding crop was held tightly between his fingers, as if it was pointed at Lin Taixu's face.


She has seen shameless people, but she has never seen anyone as shameless as Lin Taixu.

Sister, I have a speechless expression, what can you do to me? : Lin Taixu.

"What are you going to do now?"

Just when the soft-armored girl was about to go crazy, Nangong Yidao appeared beside Lin Taixu at some unknown time. He looked at the closed door of the Hua Family Courtyard, and then looked at Lin Taixu. Xu asked.

Seeing this, the soft-armored girl had no choice but to give up and planned to write down this grudge in a small notebook and go back to find Lin Taixu to settle the ledger.

"This famous teacher always only convinces people with virtue."

After a while, Lin Taixu looked at Nangong Yidao and said slowly.


When Xiao Yexuan heard this, he couldn't help but nodded, expressing his great appreciation for Lin Taixu's high moral integrity and being a role model for others.

Seeing Xiao Yexuan like this, Diao Budiao almost laughed. However, in order to avoid being beaten to death by Lin Taixu, he quickly stepped aside and suppressed his laughter.

Others don't know what Lin Taixu means by convincing people with virtue, but he knows.

It is no exaggeration to say that as soon as he heard Lin Taixu say these four words, he knew that someone was going to be in bad luck.

It's fine if you have money, but if you don't have money, it's life-threatening.

"what sound?"

Hua Feichen, who was sitting in the hall, suddenly became excited, walked out of the hall quickly, and shouted loudly.

"Sir, something bad has happened. A group of cavalry has surrounded our house. It seems that they are coming with bad intentions."

As soon as Hua Feichen finished speaking, a guard outside ran in in panic, shouting as he ran.

"What? Who is this person? How dare you come to my Hua Family Courtyard to act so recklessly?"

"Does he want to die?"

Hua Feichen heard this and shouted angrily, "Where's Chang Wenshi? Tell him to come over and see me."

In his mind, the Zhenbei Army was still outside the city gate and would never rush in so quickly. The only possibility was the city defense army.

City defense army?

How dare the city defense army be so unafraid of death?


At this moment, a deafening roar was heard. In Hua Feichen's stunned and surprised eyes, he saw that the tall and heavy door suddenly collapsed into countless pieces from the outside in.

Immediately, countless wood chips and fragments were erupted like a volcano, roaring into the small courtyard, destroying all the flowers, plants and trees in the courtyard for dozens of feet, and falling into a mess everywhere.

It was as if all the cattle in Desert City had come here for a visit.

"So brave."

Seeing this, Hua Fei was so angry that his heart and lungs exploded. He looked at the gate with evil eyes and swore in his heart that if he didn't bury this madman in the small courtyard today, the Hua family would be ruined and would never be reborn.

"court death."

When Hua Fangyuan heard the loud noise, she quickly walked out and said in a sinister manner, her eyes showing cold murderous intent.

How long has it been since the Hua family killed someone? Did the world forget the majesty of the Hua family?

Otherwise, who would dare to step in so openly?

"It feels so good."

At the gate, Lin Taixu stood calmly where there was only a small section of the threshold left, and said with pride in his heart.

No wonder so many people like to knock on the door instead of knocking on it.

This feeling is really extraordinary.

That's right, Lin Taixu kicked this door into pieces.

"Is this what you call convincing people with virtue?"

Nangong Yidao looked at Lin Taixu silently and asked speechlessly.

"Don't worry about those details."

Lin Taixu rolled his eyes at Nangong Yidao and said lightly, and then he strode in with Xiao Yexuan and others.


Niu Baichuan, who was one step behind, looked at the empty door edge and gave a thumbs up.

Only someone like Lin Taixu could blackmail the second prince and kick the door of the Hua family's courtyard.

He did something that none of us dared to do.

Alas, I can't do it.

"Who are you? How dare you break into the Hua family's courtyard? Do you know how to write the word death?"

Looking at Lin Taixu kicking the door and walking in with people, Hua Feichen roared angrily.

"Is this the Hua family's courtyard?"

Lin Taixu stopped and asked after hearing this.

"Yes, this is the courtyard of our imperial Hua family in the desert city. You dared to lead troops to besiege it and even broke the gate. You deserve to die."

"Why don't you kneel down and beg for death?"

A guard of the Hua family shouted angrily.

"Kneel down."

"Kneel down."

Immediately, the other guards of the Hua family shouted loudly, looking at Lin Taixu and others with cold eyes.

Hua Feichen and Hua Fangyuan looked at Lin Taixu with a sneer on their faces. They wanted to see what Lin Taixu's reaction would be after he knew that this was the courtyard of the Hua family?

Cry bitterly?

Kneel down and beg for mercy?

Sorry, it's too late.

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