My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 47: Diao Bu Greedy

On the third floor of the Master Hall, in a luxurious room.

A fat man was lying on a chair, sleeping with his eyes closed. Two maids with curvy figures and beautiful faces stood behind him, carefully massaging him.

This person is none other than Diao Buqi, the manager responsible for the resource management of the Famed Master Hall.

Resource management may be difficult to understand, but if you think about it, all the resources a famous teacher needs must pass through his hands, and you can imagine how fat this job is.

And looking at his fat head, you can tell that he has done a lot of things to enrich his own pockets.

"Master Master, please come in."

The maid took Lin Taixu and others outside the door, said, and made an inviting gesture towards the room.

"Well, I'm done."

Lin Taixu nodded and smiled, then walked in with Murong Wushuang and Wang Luoyi.

"It turns out to be Wushuang girl. Long time no see. Long time no see."

Realizing that someone had come in, Diao Buchan immediately opened his fat eyes with only a slit left. As soon as his eyes fell on Murong Wushuang's face, he immediately stood up from the chair and walked towards Murong Wushuang. He came over and stretched out his fat hands to hold Murong Wushuang's little hand.


As soon as he walked up to Lin Taixu, Lin Taixu opened Diao BuChan's hands with a slap and looked at Diao BuChan coldly.

What the hell is wrong with this?

Shake hands as soon as you arrive?

I have never had any control over labor and capital. How can I take advantage of you, a fat pig?

Every time Murong Wushuang came to collect resources for Lin Taixu before, she was inevitably harassed by Diao Butan. Fortunately, she kept a distance and was never touched by Diao Butan. But it’s also annoying.

Seeing Lin Taixu slap away Diao Bu Greed now, Murong Wushuang couldn't help but curl up the corner of his mouth, showing a faint smile, and a trace of warmth emerged in his heart for no reason. It turns out that this is how it feels to be protected by someone.

Well, it feels pretty good.


"Who are you? How dare you disrespect me, the manager?"

Diao Buchan immediately glared at Lin Taixu and asked, "To prevent someone from picking up girls is like killing his parents. This is an irreconcilable hatred."

Suddenly, Diao Bucai wanted to kill Lin Taixu.

"Guanshi Diao, this is my master."

Murong Wushuang took a step forward, introduced Diao Buchan, and then obediently retreated to stand behind Lin Taixu again.

Looking at Lin Taixu's back, although she was not tall, she felt full of security at this moment.

"Your master?"

"Wailin Taixu?"

Diao Bucai was stunned, looked at Lin Taixu and said, fortunately he closed his mouth quickly and did not say the word "waste".

"I don't know why the famous master is here, why?"

Immediately, Diao Bucai walked back to his seat again and asked in a strange way. Since Lin Taixu was present, he would definitely not be able to treat Murong Wushuang. However, he believed that as long as he gave himself some time, Murong Wushuang, a little girl, After all, there is no way to escape from his grasp.

"Come here, what else can I do?"

"Of course it's to receive resources."

Lin Taixu rolled his eyes and said, I'm not here to receive resources, am I here to pick up girls?

This damn fat guy, doesn’t he have any brains?

"No, these are your resources for this month."

Diao Butan took out a mutton-fat jade bottle from the drawer beside the table and handed it to Lin Taixu. When Lin Taixu reached out to take it, he took his hand back, opened the bottle cork and took out the elixir inside. After pouring out two pills and throwing them on the table, he handed the pill bottle to Lin Taixu again.

There was a look of contempt and ridicule in his eyes.

"What do you mean? You actually took two of them?"

Lin Taixu took the elixir bottle from Diao Buqi's hand and asked coldly, with a trace of anger in his heart, feeling that he was not receiving resources from the Famed Master Hall.

It's like begging from Diao Buqi.

"Master Master, the resources allocated to famous teachers from above are very tight right now, so we can only distribute so much at the moment."

Diao Bucai rolled his eyes and said, leaning lazily on the chair, looking arrogant as if he wanted it or not.


Lin Taixu chuckled, uncorked the bottle, then poured the mouth of the bottle into the palm of his hand, and poured out three thumb-sized pills.

It seems to be the essential condensation pill for warriors to practice.

In order to stimulate the enthusiasm of famous teachers, the resource issued by the famous teacher hall to each famous teacher is to receive a certain amount of Yuan Ning Dan according to the famous teacher level every month, in order to speed up the rapid growth of famous teachers.

A one-star famous master can receive ten Yuan-Condensing Pills every month, and his disciples can receive one Yuan-Condensing Pill every month. However, the disciples are limited to receiving no more than ten.

A two-star master can receive twenty Yuan-Condensing Pills every month, and his disciples can receive two Yuan-Condensing Pills every month. The number of disciples who can receive Yuan-Condensing Pills cannot exceed twenty.

Samsung famous teachers follow this example.

Therefore, according to Lin Taixu's current level of one-star famous teacher, plus five disciples, he can receive fifteen Yuan Condensing Pills every month.

However, now I can only receive three.

Haha, Lin Taixu's eyes suddenly became cold and his murderous intent rose.

"How many Yuan Ning Dan was last month?"

Lin Taixu suppressed the murderous intention in his heart and asked Murong Wushuang.

"Last month it was five."

Murong Wushuang answered honestly.

"What about before?"

Lin Taixu continued to ask, the coldness on his body getting a little heavier.

Diao Bu Tan said that the resources issued by the higher authorities were getting less and less. Whether it was true or not, he didn’t know.

But now seeing Diao Bu Tan pour out two Neng Yuan Dan and throw them casually on the table, he immediately knew that it was not that the resources issued by the higher authorities were less, but that this bastard had embezzled them.

You dare to swallow Lin Taixu’s things, you don’t know how to write the word death.

“Manager Diao said that the resources issued by the higher authorities are limited, so they cannot be distributed according to regulations. A year ago, you could still receive ten.”

“Later, it gradually became less, eight, seven, and only five last month.”

Murong Wushuang had never seen Lin Taixu look so cold. He felt that the air around his body was about to condense into ice when he was looked at by Lin Taixu like this. He couldn’t help but feel a little scared and said weakly.

“Why didn’t you say it at that time?”

Lin Taixu was furious when he heard it, and shouted at Murong Wushuang, but he felt something was wrong as soon as he said it. Before, it seemed that he had not traveled through time before.

According to the previous master's character, even if Murong Wushuang told him, he probably wouldn't dare to say anything and had to admit defeat.

Ahem, too careless.

"Disciple. Disciple also said that."

Murong Wushuang replied, looking at Lin Taixu speechlessly. She remembered that he had said it several times. You said forget it at that time, and now you pretend not to know?

What, is the master so great?

Can you just make up lies and wrongly accuse your disciples?

Thinking about it, Murong Wushuang became more and more angry. For the first time in her life, she felt wronged. Even, for some reason, her nose was a little sour.

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