My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 472: Is this a bit too much?

Manglong Jue.

One of the most powerful combat skills of the Hua family, it can only be practiced by every direct descendant of the Hua family, or by the collateral disciples who have made outstanding contributions to the family.

This set of exercises is divided into nine levels.

It is said that if you practice to the highest level, you can transform into a giant dragon, which can boil mountains and burn seas, with overwhelming power.

However, although this set of exercises is extremely powerful, there are only a few people in the Hua family who can practice it to the ninth level.

Ninth Elder Hua Tiansheng has been practicing this set of exercises for decades, and has only reached the fifth level so far. As for Hua Feishen, it is even more unbearable. After decades of practice, he has only achieved moderate success.

That is to say, the first level of Manglong Jue has been reached.

However, even if it is the first level, it is still a qualitative leap.

As soon as the black giant python appeared, it exuded a powerful and savage aura within a few meters of it.

And Hua Feichen's martial arts aura has obviously become much stronger than before, although he is still a third-level martial artist.

However, that kind of powerful and ferocious aura can completely defeat many third-level and third-level martial artists.

"The Hua family received the emperor's favor and did not want to repay it. Instead, they intended to harm the second prince. Their wolfish ambitions are obvious. Now, they dare to use force to show off their evil. They deserve death."

"Captain, destroy him and escort him back to the imperial capital at a certain date to be dealt with by the Criminal Department."

Lin Taixu put his hands behind his back and said righteously.


Nangong Yidao replied, his eyes falling directly on Hua Feichen not far away. It's finally my turn this time.

"Hahaha, that's so shameless. If you cripple me, I want to see who among us crippled whom."

Hua Feichen laughed loudly, looking at Lin Taixu and Nangong Yidao with eyes full of contempt.

Manglong Jue.

This is the clan-suppressing technique of the Hua family. It is extremely powerful. Although it cannot kill enemies beyond levels, the increase bonus for the cultivator is extremely huge.

Well, to put it simply, anyone who feels its power says yes.

Now that you are being ignored, let me teach you how to behave today.

"The python comes out of the cave."

Hua Feishen roared in his heart, and with a gesture, the black python appeared behind him as if he was psychic, staring straight at Lin Taixu and Nangong Yidao with his cold eyes.

Then, as soon as its body moved, it flew towards Nangong with a knife.


The huge body of the black python glided through the air, and a violent aura of monsters filled the air involuntarily, with overwhelming power.

"It's just a little bug, what's there to be so arrogant about?"

Seeing this, Nangong Yidao smiled coldly and said disdainfully. As he spoke, he saw a sword light rising from his side, turning into a stream of light and slashing towards the black giant python.

"Stab it."

The sword light was as powerful as breaking bamboo, cutting the black giant python into two pieces without any hindrance.


Before the giant black python could even squeak, it exploded in the air and turned into a stream of vitality that disappeared into thin air.

It really comes in a hurry and goes in a hurry.

Just like that gust of wind.

"How can it be?"

When Hua Feichen saw this, he almost bit off his tongue. The Manglong Jue was his trump card. It had always been invincible in the past. He didn't know how many opponents he had killed with it.

Why was he killed so easily today?

This isn't right.


While Hua Feichen was in shock, Nangong Yidao's sword was as powerful as a rainbow and continued to fly towards Hua Feichen.


Hua Feichen screamed in surprise, and before he could react, the sword light sank into his lower abdomen.

In an instant, the Yuan Hai in his body was twisted into a fishing net, and the strong Yuan Qi lost its restraints and immediately galloped freely in his body.

"Puff puff"

I saw Hua Fei sinking into his body like firecrackers, with dull sounds erupting one after another. The out-of-control vitality was like countless steel needles piercing his meridians and acupuncture points, destroying all his meridians.

Then, the martial arts aura on Hua Feichen's body immediately dropped visibly to the naked eye.

Third level, first level martial artist.

Level 2 Samurai Eighth Level.

Level 2 Samurai Level 1.

In less than a moment, he became a useless person with no strength to restrain himself.


Hua Feichen opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood, then his legs went weak and he knelt on the ground.

"It's useless."

"I have become a useless person."

Hua Feichen was wailing in his heart, obviously unable to accept this reality.

You must know that in this world where warriors are respected, without cultivation, it is equivalent to losing everything.

Even if he is from the Hua family, he is no exception.

Moreover, the larger the family, the more stringent the requirements for disciples. If you have the strength, you can fully enjoy the advantages that the family brings to you.

If not, then I'm sorry, you are the abandoned son of the family.

"so far so good."

Watching Nangong destroy Hua Feichen with one blow and one sword, Niu Baichuan finally breathed a sigh of relief. The prince is still the same prince.

Fortunately, it was not ruined.

I almost scared the baby to death.

"You think, are we going a little too far?"

Seeing Hua Feichen's devastated look, Lin Taixu suddenly spoke.

The reason why he said this was that it felt a bit untrue.

Others who traveled through time were bullied. A first-level warrior would be bullied by a second-level warrior, and a second-level warrior would be bullied by a third-level warrior. In short, bullying would be enough.

And myself.

It seems that he is bullying others, and it is a fifth-level martial master bullying a third-level martial artist.

This is so damn cool.

It was so satisfying that he even wondered if he had picked up the wrong script.


Hearing this, Nangong turned his head and looked at Lin Taixu with a look of disgust on his face.

You were the one who yelled about beatings, killings, and ransacking homes, and now you're pretending to be a good person?

Please, be a human being.

"It's not too much. How can it be too much? If you offend the young master, it's not too much even if you let them break into pieces."

Diao BuDiao said seriously.

Not only did he not feel that it was too much, but he felt that it would be too easy for him to just destroy Hua Feichen.

"Yes, I would rather let the world fail me than let the world fail me."

Lin Taixu nodded and said, it is better to bully others than others to bully yourself, right?

"What should we do now?"

Nangong Yidao asked, "It's a beating, it's useless. Now he wants to see how Lin Taixu ends up."

"So, you are destined to be the squad leader."

Hearing this, Lin Taixu glanced sideways at Nangong Yidao and said contemptuously.


Niu Baichuan, who was standing aside watching the show, almost choked on his own saliva when he heard this. He looked at Lin Taixu speechlessly, "Brother, you really dare to talk about anything."

The soft-armored girl also looked at Lin Taixu in surprise, and then at Nangong Yidao, feeling that something was wrong.

In other words, there is an unknown secret between the two of them.

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