My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 49: Find a Reason

"Haha, you're welcome."

Diao Buqi laughed and said, feeling very impressed by Huang Baihai's attitude. He immediately took out two pill bottles and put them on the table and said, "These are your father's resources for this month. Take them."

"Thank you, Mr. Steward."

Huang Baihai cupped his hands and took the two pill bottles on the table, "Then I won't disturb the steward. I will leave first."

"Okay, let's go slowly without seeing you off."

Diao Bucai nodded.

"How dare I send you off to my lord, the steward?"

Huang Baihai said modestly, saluted Diao Buchan again, turned around and walked towards the door.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute."

At this time, Lin Taixu suddenly spoke up.

"I wonder what the young master's orders are when he asks you to stay here."

Hearing Lin Taixu's words, Huang Baihai stopped, turned around and asked Lin Taixu.

"Do you know me?"

Lin Taixu ignored Wang Luoyi and slowly walked up to Huang Baihai and said, "Young Master Huang, right? Let me introduce myself first. My surname is Lin and my given name is Taixu."

"Lin Taixu?"

When Huang Baihai heard this, he was slightly startled, feeling that he had heard these three words Lin Taixu somewhere before.

There was no way, it was true that although Lin Taixu was a one-star famous teacher, his presence in Qingfeng City was too low.

"I am not talented, but I am a one-star famous teacher."

Seeing this, Lin Taixu couldn't help but a few black lines slipped from his forehead. Damn it, is the presence of labor and capital so low?

Tell me your name, and it actually makes you think about it for a long time?


"It turns out that I am the famous master. I am blind-sighted and negligent. I hope that the famous master can forgive me."

When Huang Baihai heard this, he quickly raised his hands to Lin Taixu and cursed in his heart why he was so stupid. How many Lin Taixu were there in Qingfeng City?

Isn’t it just Lin Taixu, a useless famous teacher?


"It doesn't matter, don't blame those who don't know."

Lin Taixu waved his hand and said, he found that he now has one more goal, which is to make his face become a household name in the entire Qingfeng City, uh, no, to become a household name, otherwise, how can he be worthy of his one-star famous teacher and four-star master? A big shining golden character.

"Thank you, Master Master. I don't know what orders Master Master has for stopping this junior?"

Huang Baihai asked.

It seems like I have no friendship with him, right?

Thinking about it, he held the pill bottle in his hand tighter.

If there is no elixir, I won't give it to you if you want life.

"Show me the elixir bottle in your hand."

Lin Taixu said, he didn't know what Huang Baihai was thinking at this time. If he knew, he would definitely slap him with a slap in the face. Will the famous master of labor and management take away your elixir?

Besides, if I really want to steal it, can you, a second-level warrior and a first-level warrior, be able to protect it?



When Huang Baihai heard Lin Taixu's words, he couldn't help but get excited. Damn it, labor and management are so calculating. He immediately guessed that this bitch wanted to take advantage of the pill in my hand.

"Lin Taixu, what do you want to do?"

Diao Bugua couldn't help but roared.


"Of course it depends on how many Yuan Ning Dan he has. If the number is similar to mine, then hello to you and me to everyone."

"If not, hey Diao Bu Greed, you are definitely dead."

Lin Taixu looked at Diao Bu Greed and sneered.

This is also the reason why when he saw Huang Baihai coming, he didn't plan to immediately find trouble with Diao Buqi. He wanted to trick you, so that you wouldn't be convinced and he couldn't show his methods.

"Ha ha."

"I am dead?"

Diao Bu Gre laughed loudly, with a fierce look on his face, "Master Huang, show him the elixir. I want to know how you killed me."


What's going on?

Huang Baihai is a bit confused. Is there any inside story?

Although his mind was filled with hundreds of thousands of questions, he still obediently handed the pill bottle in his hand to Lin Taixu.

He likes going to the theater and stuff the most.

Lin Taixu took the two pill bottles from Huang Baihai's hand, smiled at Huang Baihai, and said, "Don't worry, what's yours is still yours."

After saying that, he stretched out his hand and said to Murong Wushuang, "Shuang'er, pour out the pills inside and count how many there are."

"Yes, Master."

Murong Wushuang sighed secretly and replied, stepping forward to take the two pill bottles from Lin Taixu's hands, then walked to a table and poured out all the Yuan Ning Dan inside.

Seeing this, Diao Bucai didn't stop him, he just looked at it with a cold smile.

What's wrong with a useless famous teacher who gives you less resources?

You can still go to heaven.


"Papa pa pa"

Hearing a series of rolling sounds of pills, Murong Wu poured out twenty Yuan-Condensing Pills from the two pill bottles in his hands.

"Master, there are twenty pieces. According to the number of Master Huang and his disciples, he can only receive eighteen pieces."

Murong Wushuang said that Huang Taiji was a one-star famous master with eight disciples. According to the regulations of the famous master hall, he could receive eighteen yuan-condensing pills, but now, Diao Butanfei had given him a full twenty.

Instead of decreasing, it actually increased by two.

This obviously does not conform to what Diao Buqi said, that the resources issued by the superiors are tight.

Immediately, when he thought that he had been deceived by Diao BuChan for so long, Murong Wushuang suddenly felt a shocking anger in his heart.

What the hell, I treat you as an honest person, but you treat me as a fool.

You want to die, right?

"Now, tell me what's going on."

Lin Taixu looked at Diao Bucai and said with a smile.

"What could be wrong? Master Huang has many students and has worked diligently to make outstanding contributions to the development of the Master Teacher Hall. Therefore, even if resources are scarce, he cannot be missing out even if others have them."

"Why, do you have any objections?"

Diao Bu Tan sneered, showing an attitude that I just won't give you resources, what can you do?

Come and bite me.

"Mr. Huang, take your Ningyuan Pill away."

Lin Taixu smiled slightly, looking at Diao Bu Tan without getting angry, but smiled at Huang Baihai.


"Okay, okay."

Huang Baihai responded quickly, stepped forward quickly to put 20 Ningyuan Pills into the pill bottle, and then held them in his arms with great care. This period of time is the key time for his father to be promoted to a two-star master teacher, and no resources can be lost.

"You go and get busy."

Lin Taixu waved at Huang Baihai and said.

"Yes, yes, Master Master, I'll take my leave then."

"Master Manager, I'll take my leave now."

Huang Baihai hurriedly said to Lin Taixu and Diao Butan, turned around and walked outside, not caring about anything that had nothing to do with him.

Although he also wanted to watch the fun, his strength did not allow it.

One was the resource manager, and the other was a one-star master.

Who can he afford to offend?

"I have no objection."

Lin Taixu sneered, picked up a chair next to him and smashed it on Diao Butan's head. The speed was so fast and the force was so fierce that with a "bang", the chair made of fine pear wood was instantly shattered, and Diao Butan was also smashed to the ground.

The entire floor paved with wooden boards trembled a few times.

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