My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 499 It’s definitely not a good thing

"I'm afraid this guy is not a stick."

Niu Baichuan murmured in his heart, especially when he saw Nangong Yidao looking at Zhang Gang with an unhappy look, it strengthened his determination.

"Little bastard, don't be fooled by him. It's not against the law to brag anyway. If you really agree, in public, then you have to really leave the munitions office."

The soft-armored girl said in her heart, looking at Zhang Gang coldly, feeling that this person was really annoying.

What a big deal, why is it so deceptive?

"If this palace is really mine, then will you also take the blame and resign from your position as a thousand households in the Iron Blood Camp?"

Lin Taixu asked with a smile.

"Of course, since it's a bet, it must be mutual. If Mr. Lin can't get in, Mr. Lin will resign from the position of Qianhu in the Munitions Office. If Mr. Lin can get in, Zhang Gang will resign from the position of Qianhu in the Iron Blood Camp."

Huang Debiao said seriously.

"Well, I think that should be the case."

Niu Baichuan expressed his stance directly and looked at Zhang Gang jokingly, "You are the one who started this matter. Don't be cowardly, otherwise, we will look down on you."

"Why don't you bet so big?"

The surrounding soldiers of the Zhenbei Army couldn't help but be stunned and dumbfounded.

I have seen people gambling on money and women, but I have never seen people gambling on military positions.

And it’s still a thousand-household position.

You know, the rank of Qianhu in the army is already regarded as a senior general. I don’t know how much time and military merit it takes to accumulate it.

If we lose, we will really go back to before liberation.

Decades of hard work, all in vain.

When Zhang Gang saw this, he couldn't help but feel angry. He hated Huang Debiao and Niu Baichuan so much that labor and management were running against Lin Taixu, but you are here to run against me?

Did I provoke you?

Although Zhang Gang felt that he would definitely win this bet, he was still a little worried if he was really asked to bet on his position.

After all, if you are not afraid of ten thousand, what if you are afraid of what happens?

"You're such a coward, how can you still be a Qianhu member of the Iron-Blooded Camp?"

Seeing Zhang Gang's hesitation, Lin Taixu couldn't help but sneered, looking at Zhang Gang as if labor and management looked down on you.

"Hmph, this general position is achieved through the bloody battles and fights of the brothers to win the commendation from the prince. How can we bet against each other privately?"

"Who do you think I am, Zhang Gang? And what do you think of those brothers who died in the Zhenbei Army?"

Seeing Lin Taixu laughing at him like this, Zhang Gang's face couldn't help but feel uncertain for a while. Then, he straightened his body and said righteously.

"Lord Senhu is wise."

Hearing what Zhang Gang said, the generals from the Iron Blood Camp Baihu beside him couldn't help but express their gratitude.

The look in Zhang Gang's eyes showed sincere respect.

Zhang Gang's words were very skillful. He not only covered up his weakness of not daring to gamble with Lin Taixu, but also used the heroic spirits of his comrades who died in Zhenbei Army to show his humility. By the way, he also discredited Lin Taixu. image of.

This is simply killing three birds with one stone.

Sure enough, under Zhang Gang's deliberate hint, the surrounding Zhenbei Army soldiers looked at Lin Taixu with eyes filled with deep anger.

If it weren't for the strict military regulations of the Zhenbei Army, they would all have committed the following crimes and denounced Lin Taixu.

"Tsk tsk tsk"

When Lin Taixu saw this, he couldn't help but tsk, looked at Zhang Gang and said, "Look at your mouth, it would be a waste if you didn't sell your butt."

As soon as these words came out, everyone present could not help but be stunned. Even though they were well-informed, they had never heard that there was an industry of selling butts in this world.

However, the soft-armored girl looked at Lin Taixu and felt that his words were definitely not good.

As for what's wrong, she doesn't know yet.

"Master, what do you mean selling your butt?"

If you don't understand, just ask. Diao BuDiao immediately humbly asks for advice.

"You don't understand this?"

Lin Taixu couldn't help but asked in surprise. I'm afraid everyone on earth knows this word and what it means.

Uh, okay, you're not from Earth.

"Do you know what that means, whore?"

After thinking about it, Lin Taixu asked.


Diao BuDiao nodded repeatedly and said,

He suspected that Lin Taixu was insulting his IQ. He didn't even know about the prostitute?

Baihua Building is full of this stuff from the first floor to the top floor.

"Does the male prostitute know?"

Seeing this, Lin Taixu couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. He was worried that Diao Budiao didn't know about the prostitute. Now that he knew, it would be easier to handle.

"Male prostitute?"

Diao BuDiao couldn't help shouting in shock, and looked at Zhang Gang subconsciously. Now he felt that he understood a little bit.

Prostitutes sell their lust in exchange for money, and the same goes for male prostitutes, but the places where they sell them are different.

This batch of selling stocks is the finishing touch and goes straight to the yellow dragon.


After hearing Lin Taixu's explanation, if everyone present did not understand, then they would be fools.

In fact, it's not that they don't understand what selling batches of stocks means, but they subconsciously feel that Lin Taixu would not be able to say such vulgar words in public.

Therefore, no one thought in any direction.

Now when Lin Taixu said this, everyone couldn't help but look at Zhang Gang with strange eyes, as if they wanted to laugh but were afraid to laugh, and it was very hard to hold it in.

"Bah, bah, bah, this perverted, shameless person."

The soft-armored girl suddenly blushed and cursed Lin Taixu in her heart, looking at Lin Taixu with burning eyes.

If she were stronger and could look out of her body, Lin Taixu would definitely burn down her anger to the point where nothing was left.

"That's not right, young master, what does selling stocks have to do with talking?"

Although Diao BuDiao understands what selling batches of stocks means, does it matter if one is below and the other is above?

So, if you don’t understand again, just ask.

"Because he can talk well and bark."

Lin Taixu replied seriously.


After Lin Taixu finished speaking, many people present couldn't help but burst into laughter.

This is a connotation that men understand instantly.

Pictures can appear in front of many veteran drivers. Just think about it, who can bear it?

Among them, Niu Baichuan and Huang Debiao laughed the hardest, almost crying.

Nangong Yidao couldn't help but look at Lin Taixu speechlessly, this bastard really has no taboos.

"It's definitely not a good thing."

The soft-armored girl gritted her teeth and said in her heart that she was a young lady with a pure mind like a little white sheep, so naturally she couldn't understand the connotation.

However, seeing everyone laughing, one knew that Lin Taixu was being shameless again.


"Lin Taixu, you are looking for death."

Zhang Gang was so angry that he almost vomited blood, and shouted angrily that he was a dignified and powerful man with thousands of households in the Northern Army, but he was actually called a male prostitute by Lin Taixu, and he was still in public.

Just think about it, why don't you make him angry?

Immediately, without thinking, he drew out his weapon and rushed towards Lin Taixu.

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