My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 5 Taixu Dragon Claw Hand

"Then hurry up and release the mission quickly."

Lin Taixu heard this and said quickly, with an eager look on his face.

There is a saying that, yes, blocking someone from getting rich is like killing your parents.

This broken system is not going to work anymore.

"Tasks in this system are released randomly."

"What is random release? Can you explain it clearly?"

Lin Taixu asked a little dumbfounded.

"Random is. Willful."

After thinking about it, the system chose a person who it thought Lin Taixu could understand and explained, and explained.

Damn it, willful?

Is publishing tasks based on willfulness?

You are so capable, why don't you go to heaven?

When Lin Taixu heard this, he almost spat out a mouthful of blood and had the desire to uninstall the system.

You are used to it.


"Friendly reminder, the controller once used the power to create something out of nothing. Do you want to use it?"

"If used, it is recommended that the controller uses it on the Taixu Dragon Claw Hand."

The system said again.


Lin Taixu replied that he still hasn't figured out how to create a system out of nothing. Now that he has the opportunity to use it, of course he won't be stingy.


"Use the skill of making something out of nothing, and one hundred skill points of making something out of nothing will be deducted."

"Creating skills out of nothing"


"Discovered the skill to create something out of nothing, Taixu Dragon Claw Hand."

"Level, god level."

"After practicing to a great extent, you can go up to the sky to get the sun and moon, and go down to the sea to catch the dragon."

Immediately, after listening to the system's voice, four rays of light flew out of Lin Taixu's body and penetrated into the foreheads of Zhao Feixue and others.

Obviously, those four rays of light are the real practice of Taixu Dragon Claw Hands, not Lin Taixu's nonsense.

After watching the light dissipate, Lin Taixu also suddenly found that he had a set of training methods for Taixu Dragon Claw Hands in his mind.

At the same time, the skill record of Taixu Dragon Claw Hand was also added to the skill column of his character panel, and his training level has reached the peak level.

The levels of martial arts in Fengyun Continent, whether it is the first-level martial arts skills or the ninth-level martial arts skills, are divided into four levels: entry, minor, great, and peak.

The higher the realm, the stronger the power of the skill.

It usually takes several years or several years for a skill to go from beginner to minor success. It will take at least ten years or even hundreds of years to reach Dacheng. And it is extremely difficult to reach the peak. This does not depend on time. It can be done.

It requires more understanding and talent.

Therefore, in Fengyun Continent, there are very few people who can practice a skill to its peak.

You don't have to be a genius to succeed.

If Lin Taixu hadn't traveled through time, I'm afraid he would really be overjoyed and get carried away.

After all, directly cultivating a set of skills to the peak level is something that can only be achieved by chance, which is equivalent to shortening hundreds or even thousands of years of hard work.

However, now, Lin Taixu has no intention to think about this. Because he seemed to understand what it was like to make something out of nothing.

It turns out that the greatest unparalleled function of this system of creating something out of nothing is to turn what does not exist into something real.

Isn't it just fabrication out of thin air?

Oops, I’ll go.

Labor and capital are losing blood.

Lin Taixu's expression suddenly changed, and he was so angry that he almost killed someone. He felt that he had been tricked by the system. If he had known that he was so awesome, even if he was a fool, he would not have chosen to create Taixu Dragon Claw out of thin air.

Isn't it good to have a pile of silver coins?

Isn't it bad to have a bunch of magical skills?

Otherwise, if you lengthen yourself by ten centimeters, wouldn't it be delicious?

After a while, Lin Taixu remembered that the system had deducted skill points from nothing, and he immediately clicked on the character panel. Sure enough, he found that there were 100 skill points from nothing that had been reduced to 0, which immediately made him feel extremely painful.

What an incredible opportunity, just wasted by me.

Who should I talk to to explain this?

Randomly, an idea flashed in Lin Taixu's mind. If he gets skill points out of thin air again, does that mean that he will have another chance to make something out of thin air in the future?

If you get a lot, does that mean you can use it many times?

"Well, as long as you have the skill points to create something out of nothing, can you use the skill to create something out of nothing?"

As if to confirm his suspicion, Lin Taixu couldn't help asking the system weakly, if this is the case, there's no need to be too sad, right?


The system replied.

"This is acceptable."

Lin Taixu smiled immediately, and his mood of vomiting blood finally eased a little, and then continued to ask, "Then how do you increase the skill points of creating something out of nothing?"


After a while, the system silently said two words.

"Quit, quit."

When Lin Taixu heard the word "random", he almost vomited blood again. He shouted angrily in his heart, "Damn it, if you don't quit, he will kill the system alive."

Isn’t this really a joke?

No one would play like this.

What a mess.

He finally figured out that this broken system was insane.

Can't put too much hope into it.

As Lin Taixu shouted to quit, the virtual screen in front of him immediately disappeared. At the same time, the hair fixed in the air slowly fell on Zhao Feixue's crystal clear ear.

Everything returned to normal.

About an hour later, Wang Luoyi's slightly closed eyes opened, and a happy smile spread across his battered face.


Wang Luoyi stood up, walked to Lin Taixu, and said respectfully.

"What's the matter?"

Lin Taixu asked while drinking tea. He suddenly lost something out of nowhere. He seemed to be in a bad mood and felt that the girl was no longer attractive.

I don’t even feel like seeing it anymore.

"Master, my disciple has successfully cultivated the Taixu Dragon Claw Hand and has reached the entry level."

Wang Luoyi said happily, looking at Lin Taixu's eyes with deep respect and gratitude.

Only by practicing the Taixu Dragon Claw Hand can you know how powerful it is.

She felt that even though she had practiced to the entry level, she could only exert less than one ten thousandth of the power of the Taixu Dragon Claw. If she really cultivated to the peak state, her power would definitely be higher than what the master said. Worse than that.

"You're only at the entry level, and your qualifications are a bit poor. After such a long time, most people can at least reach the adult level."

Lin Taixu said without raising his eyelids.

In fact, being able to master a set of combat skills in such a short period of time shows that Wang Luoyi's martial arts understanding is not low, and he can be called a genius.

Moreover, two words must be added in front of genius, peerless.

However, when Lin Taixu thought that he had wasted 100 points for nothing, he suddenly felt that Wang Luoyi's entry level was no longer good.

"This disciple is stupid, please be punished by Master."

Wang Luoyi had been successful in cultivation, and he was still a little complacent in his heart. When he heard what Lin Taixu said, he knew that he still failed to meet his requirements, and immediately knelt down in front of Lin Taixu and apologized.

Since ancient times, strict masters have produced great disciples. Only the stricter the master's requirements can teach better disciples. When he thinks that he has just achieved some achievements, he becomes proud and complacent. If the master hadn't given him a heads-up, I'm afraid it would be difficult to make any progress in his future martial arts career.

Therefore, in her heart, instead of complaining about Lin Taixu's harshness, her respect for Lin Taixu deepened.


"Since the controller makes something out of nothing, the system rewards the controller who makes something out of nothing with 1 skill point."

"Reward 10 silver coins."

"The controller please pay attention to check."

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