My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 501: Did you encounter a ghost?

"Haha, that's right. Mr. Lin is so humble and handsome. He is a divine dragon in the sky. How can he be serious with a loach?"

Niu Baichuan laughed and said.

You are the loach, and your whole family is the loach: Zhang Gang.


Nangong Yidao pretended to cough twice, and looked at Niu Baichuan lightly, meaning, it's all done at once, stop blowing, if you blow again, you will fly out of Fengyun Continent.


Seeing this, Niu Baichuan couldn't help but smile awkwardly, and then said to Lin Taixu, "Master Lin, please open the palace quickly so that we can see what is inside, so that we can gain some knowledge."


Lin Taixu nodded, his eyes passing over Zhang Gang's face, whether intentionally or unintentionally, revealing a hint of joking.

Immediately, Lin Taixu walked to the palace gate, pressed his hands on the gate, and pushed towards the gate with all his strength.

Suddenly, everyone couldn't help but look at Lin Taixu calmly, and they were very curious in their hearts, whether Lin Taixu could really open the door of the mobile palace.

Or is it just as Zhang Gang said, it's all about making things mysterious and sensationalizing.

Seeing Lin Taixu's arms gradually exerting strength, the soft-armored girl's heart lifted involuntarily, as if she was helping Lin Taixu to exert strength together.


After a few breaths, a dull sound came out, and Lin Taixu screamed. His body was like Jia Liu and Cai Zian, and was blown away by the door, flying backwards out of the steps.


Seeing this, the soft-armored girl couldn't help but scream. She didn't expect that Lin Taixu would also be knocked away. However, she was still some distance away from Lin Taixu, and it was too late to save him at this moment.

Suddenly, he couldn't help biting his lips, feeling a deep worry in his heart.

It must be painful to fall from such a height.

"not good."

Seeing this, Nangong Yidao and Xiao Yexuan's eyes tightened, and they immediately reached out to grab Lin Taixu's body to prevent him from falling to the ground and getting hurt.

However, when they were confident that they could catch Lin Taixu's flying body, they saw that their outstretched palms were either up or down, and they actually watched Lin Taixu's body and His fingers passed by.

What the hell.

What the hell?

Nangong Yidao and Xiao Yexuan couldn't help but look at each other, feeling like countless grass and mud horses whizzing past in their hearts.

The two of them missed, and Murong Gao on the side naturally took action without hesitation. However, the same, still, still, he did not even touch the corner of Lin Taixu's clothes, and watched Lin Taixu fly further and further away.

What the hell.

Hit the undead.

Three powerful fifth-level Martial Masters took action one after another, but none of them could save Lin Taixu who was sent flying. Fortunately, they were the participants.

If someone else told them, they would beat the person who told them to death.


Lin Taixu screamed repeatedly in mid-air, but there was a smile in his eyes.

Nangong Yidao and others missed one after another. This was not an accident, but Lin Taixu spent thirty system silver coins to ask the system to intervene.

And the ultimate goal is naturally not that he wants to taste what it is like for a dog to eat mud, but has another purpose.


At this time, the soft-armored girl screamed in surprise and found that Lin Taixu was flying towards her.

Mommy, what is this?

Uh, no, mommy, should I catch him, or shouldn’t I catch him?

Just when she was struggling with the conflict between heaven and man, her vision went dark, and Lin Taixu flew directly in front of her.

Immediately, she subconsciously reached out to catch Lin Taixu, and Lin Taixu didn't know whether it was panic or a natural reflex.

His hands naturally hugged the soft-armored girl tightly.

Nephrite is full of warm fragrance

Smelling the faint warm fragrance of the soft-armored girl, Lin Taixu couldn't help but closed his eyes happily, these thirty silver coins.

Worth it.


Seeing this, Nangong Yidao, Xiao Yexuan and Murong Gao couldn't help being shocked. They looked blankly at Lin Taixu, who was hugging the soft-armored girl tightly like an octopus, with countless black lines sliding down his forehead.

They were closest to the palace gate, and the soft-armored girl stood behind them

Then the question comes,

Why was Lin Taixu knocked away by the palace gate? Instead of falling straight down, he flew around them in a half-fox-shaped semicircle, and was then caught by the soft-armored girl.

This isn't right.

Something is very wrong.

However, they have no evidence.


After a few short breaths of surprise, the soft-armored girl felt that she was actually, uh, no, Lin Taixu was actually holding her. The man's unique aura was like a burning flame, burning her body and mind.

She felt dizzy and confused, and immediately threw Lin Taixu out without thinking.


Lin Taixu, who was intoxicated by the softness and orchid-like scent of the soft-armored girl, was unprepared for a moment and was thrown to the ground. He immediately got up from the ground with a grimace of pain.

"Lin Taixu, you must have done it on purpose."

The soft-armored girl glared at Lin Taixu, feeling ashamed and angry. She didn't know why Lin Taixu went against common sense and flew around in a circle for her to catch.

But, don't think about it, it's definitely his bad idea.

It's intentional.

"What did I do on purpose?"

Lin Taixu deliberately pretended to be confused and asked, "Do you admit it?"

Even a fool wouldn't admit it.

Besides, do you think I'm a fool?


The soft-armored girl was furious. Although she knew that Lin Taixu did it on purpose, she had no evidence.

After being blown away, he could still fly around. Not to mention Lin Taixu, a first-level martial artist, even a sixth-level martial king couldn't do it.

So, she had to stare at Lin Taixu fiercely, but, involuntarily, the place where Lin Taixu had just hugged her seemed to have some magic power, which made her body tend to be soft.

"Haha. Look, everyone, just now Lin Qianhu swore that the palace was his, and now he was also blown away. What do you think he is not just sensationalism?"

Seeing Lin Taixu being blown away, Zhang Gang laughed loudly, and the expression that was depressed to death just now disappeared in an instant, replaced by endless pride.

When everyone heard this, they all looked at Lin Taixu, feeling that although Zhang Gang's words were a bit exaggerated, someone did like to brag a little.

This is a slap in the face.

"Do you regret not making a bet with me?"

Lin Taixu glanced at Zhang Gang calmly, and said while waving his hand to sweep away the dust on his clothes.


Hearing this, the smile that had just appeared on Zhang Gang's face froze instantly, and he looked at Lin Taixu blankly.

It would have been better if Lin Taixu didn't say anything. When he said this, he suddenly felt like a knife was inserted into his heart fiercely, and it was stirring back and forth, making him so painful that he couldn't say anything.

The name of this knife is regret.

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