My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 536 Is this reason enough?

"Hey, that's a shame."

Lin Taixu couldn't help but sigh and said that he planned to make a few more and wait for the Hua Family Martial Lord to come and give them a try.

As a result, I couldn't buy it.

Think about it, this thing is equivalent to a nuclear bomb. Can you buy a nuclear bomb?

You definitely can’t buy it.

Then the only idea is to attack the Zhenbei Army.

"How many sky-blasting cannons does the Zhenbei Army have?"

Lin Taixu rolled his eyes and asked.

"Thirty doors."

Diao BuDiao immediately replied that this is an open secret and everyone on the earth knows it.

Uh, no, the entire Crescent Kingdom knows.

"Go to the squad leader and ask him to get ten gates to guard the munitions palace."

Seeing this, Lin Taixu couldn't help but said happily. He thought that even if the Suppression Army had this thing, it would only have three or five gates, but it turned out that there were thirty gates.

The layout is smaller.

Of those thirty, I don’t want you to have more than ten.

When you leave, take it with you and think about it, it shouldn’t be too beautiful.

With ten cannons in hand, I have the world.

Mom no longer has to worry about me being afraid of level five martial arts masters.

Diao Bu Diao:

Cao Hongfu:

"What? Is there a problem?"

Seeing Diao Budiao and Cao Hongfu looking at him in confusion, Lin Taixu asked in confusion.

Of course there is a problem.

However, even if Diao Bu Diao was beaten to death, he would not say it. If he really did say it, then he would not be Diao Bu Diao, but stupid.

"Well, young master, this sky-blasting cannon is to defend the Zhenbei Army camp. Without a legitimate reason, the squad leader is helpless."

After thinking about it, Diao BuDiao smiled flatteringly.

Upon hearing this, Cao Hongfu also nodded secretly, agreeing with Diao BuDiao's words.

As far as he knew, these thirty sky-blasting cannons were placed at various important locations in the Zhenbei Army camp. To put it simply, as long as any strong man of the Martial Lord level attacked from any direction.

There will be at least three sky-blasting cannons waiting to greet them at any time.

Therefore, not to mention taking away ten gates, but taking away one gate, the impregnable Zhenbei Army camp will inevitably have flaws.

If it were normal, it would be nothing, but if someone really attacked the camp.

It is very possible that this flaw could cause a catastrophe.

This is called pulling one hair and moving the whole body.

"The Munitions Mansion is an important place for storing military supplies. Doesn't it need to be protected?"

"Is this reason enough?"

Lin Taixu looked at Diao Budiao and said, You stick, if you don't have a reason, just find one.

Do you still need me to worry about this trivial matter for you?

"Enough enough"

Diao Budiao looked at Lin Taixu's unkind eyes, nodded quickly, and ran out in a hurry after saying that.

Mommy, I'm so scared of labor.

Uh, no, mommy, you scared the baby to death.


Seeing this, Cao Hongfu couldn't help but look at Lin Taixu stupidly again, with countless grass and mud horses whizzing by in his mind.

Brother, when people attack the camp, they must kill people first. Kill them all. Isn’t it easy to supply military supplies?

Therefore, the Hongtian Cannon must first protect the soldiers of the Zhenbei Army.

Who the hell is so stupid as to grab military supplies first?


However, what if someone really wants to steal military supplies?

After thinking about it carefully, there is nothing wrong with what Lin Taixu said.

Suddenly, Cao Hongfu couldn't stand it anymore.

"What? Lin Taixu actually refused?"

After arriving at the inn, Hua Zhiyuan said in surprise when he heard Hua Tiansheng's reply. With a flick of his fingers, he crushed the teacup in his hand into several pieces and clinked on the ground.

The hot tea instantly leaked between his legs.

"Yo yo yo"

Seeing this, Hua Zhi quickly stood up and reached for his pants. For a warrior of his level, a cup of boiling tea would naturally not cause any harm to his body.

The reason why he reacted so violently was because of his subconscious self-protection.

Key parts, key protection.


However, the fifth-level Martial Master is certainly not in vain. A burst of vitality evaporates the water traces in an instant.

"Haha, this Lin Taixu is pretty good."

Hua Yihu said with a smile, the smile on his face was amiable, admiring and happy at the same time, making people feel like spring breeze.

However, Hua Tiansheng and others felt their hearts tightening, and silently mourned for Lin Taixu for a few seconds.

A beautiful woman's smile can captivate a country.

Mr. Hu's smile hurt his muscles and bones.

No, the broken muscles and bones are still minor, but the soul should be gone.

Dahuang City, in front of a house.

Murong Changtian looked around, turned around, pushed open the courtyard door, and walked in quickly.

Soon, an ordinary-looking old man came out and looked around. Seeing that there was no suspicious person, he quickly retreated and closed the door gently.

Murong Changtian walked straight to the hall in the courtyard. There were more than a dozen old men with different faces in the hall. When they saw Murong Changtian walking in, they all stood up and looked at Murong Changtian excitedly.

They are all worshipers of the royal family. They came here secretly half a month ago in order to wait for Murong Changtian's arrival. Although they are not showing their aura at the moment, without exception, they are all strong men at the level of fifth-level Martial Lord. .

"Are you ready?"

Murong Changtian nodded and asked in a deep voice.

"Always be prepared, just waiting for Brother Changtian to come."

An old man with a stern face spoke. This man's name was Murong Zhenjun. He was the younger brother of the current emperor. He was a fifth-level martial arts expert at the ninth level of the Martial Master.

It is only one step away from the sixth-level martial king.


Murong Changtian said directly.


Murong Zhenjun instructed an old man beside him.


A group of royal priests responded, and eight people walked to different positions in the hall, while others stood guard around with solemn faces.

After the eight royal priests walked to their respective positions, they took out a jade plate and began to input the vitality in their bodies into the jade plate.

"Success or failure depends on this one move."

Murong Changtian said in his heart, if it still doesn't work this time, then the New Moon Kingdom will be destroyed by heaven.

Murong Zhenjun also looked at the eight royal priests with a solemn face, and his palms pinched subconsciously.


At this time, a violent sound was heard, and the gate of the manor was knocked open by brute force. Amidst the countless wood chips flying, eight masked men in black rushed in together.

Judging from the aura they exuded, they were also strong men at the level of martial masters.

Two martial masters of the ninth level.

Three martial masters of the sixth level, and three martial masters of the fifth level.

Seeing this, the eight royal servants couldn't help but tremble, but they continued to input vitality into the jade plate, but this time they undoubtedly accelerated the speed.

"Don't worry about them, you continue."

Murong Zhenjun shouted in a deep voice, his cold face showed a cold murderous intent, and then he strode out of the hall and blocked the door of the hall.

Seeing this, Murong Changtian couldn't help but curl his lips, revealing a cold murderous intent.

Is it finally here?

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