My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 538 How long will it take?


The black-clothed masked man who led the group felt as if his body was about to fall apart, and he spurted out several mouthfuls of blood and fainted.

The other black-clothed masked man was so frightened when he saw this. Although he was also a martial arts master of the ninth level, the leader was beaten to death, and he didn't think he could be much stronger than him.

However, the six royal priests had no choice but to entangle him tightly. Even though his martial arts cultivation was higher than the other six, he still couldn't escape in a short time.

About a few minutes later, the black-clothed masked man of the ninth level of martial arts was slapped to the ground by the tiger claws transformed by the White Tiger Shura Formation.

He couldn't even pick it up.

So far, in less than ten minutes, the eight black-clothed masked men were completely wiped out.

"A bunch of idiots, they really think that there is no one in my Murong royal family."

Seeing this, Murong Zhenjun smiled coldly and said that the last time the Five Flower Jade Dew Pill was robbed, it was because they were not prepared enough. They robbed it once and wanted to rob it again.

This king is interviewing you, what are you thinking?

In the hall, after more than ten minutes of infusion of vitality, finally, the jade plates in the hands of the eight royal worshippers burst into a brilliant light.

At the same time, above the position where they stood, a ray of light suddenly penetrated from the ground, intertwined with the light in their hands, and then constructed a three-dimensional octagonal pattern of several feet in radius.

Then, as their vitality continued to be output, the light in the pattern kept twisting.

"It's almost time, let's go in."

Murong Zhenjun said, tilting his head to look in one direction, revealing a sneer.

In that direction, there were more than a dozen black spots flying towards this side.

Obviously, this was the opponent's reinforcement.

"Only a dozen, I really want to stew them all in one pot."

Murong Zhenjun said in his heart while walking towards the hall, this is a good opportunity to trap and kill the opponent.

Kill a few at a time.

Twice, it's more than a dozen.

Three times, it's dozens.

He didn't believe that the opponent's martial masters could not be killed.

However, it is a pity now. First, there is no time left. Second, I am also worried that the other side may only have one batch of reinforcements.

If there are several batches, I and others may be trapped.

Then it will be more trouble than gain.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The six royal servants replied, dragging the few black-clothed masked men who were not dead and killed to the hall.

This is a witness. After taking it back to check the identity, wait for the royal reckoning.

When they came to the front of the hall, they saw that the White Tiger Shura Formation automatically cracked a gap. After Murong Zhenjun and others entered one after another, the gap disappeared again.

"White Tiger Shura Formation?"

A few minutes later, more than a dozen black-clothed masked men appeared in the manor, and they were all powerful warriors of the fifth level.

A tall and thin black-clothed masked man looked at the hall wrapped in a light cover and said in shock.

The White Tiger Shura Formation is famous all over the world, and a powerful warrior of the fifth level of martial arts can naturally recognize it at a glance.

Then, the tall and thin man swept his eyes over the scene in the courtyard. It was obvious that there had been a big battle here just now.

And the companion who had warned him for help was now nowhere to be found.

It looked like he was probably dead.

Immediately, a chill rose from the tall and thin man's body, "Murong Changtian, don't think that this broken formation can stop us. I think you'd better come out obediently."

"I think it's not easy for you to practice, so I can let you go and spare your life."

When Murong Changtian left the imperial capital, they were sent out to secretly monitor Murong Changtian.

Although everyone knew that there was no second Five Flower Jade Dew Pill in the world, as the saying goes, it's better to be safe than sorry.

If Murong Changtian couldn't get the Five Flower Jade Dew Pill, they naturally wouldn't have to do it.

But now it seems that Murong Changtian must have got the second Five Flower Jade Dew Pill, otherwise, he wouldn't be willing to move the White Tiger Shura Formation guarding the palace here.

However, he was very curious. Although the White Tiger Shura Formation was said to be an integrated attack and defense, it would not run away. What was the point of moving it here?

Do you plan to stay there and die of old age?

Even if you die of old age, you can't take the second Wuhua Yulu Pill with you.

"How long will it take?"

Murong Changtian looked at Murong Zhenjun and asked.

"Five minutes."

Murong Zhenjun replied.

"How about we go out and kill a few people and come back?"

Murong Changtian smiled and said, looking outside through the window lattice on the main door of the hall.

There was murderous intent in his eyes.

"Why bother so much, Lao Zhang, activate the formation to kill them."

Murong Zhenjun said with a smile.

Lao Zhang was the royal attendant who activated the formation to kill eight black-clothed masked men just now.

"Your Majesty, they are numerous and powerful. If they defeat the White Tiger Zhenling, I'm afraid that the White Tiger Shura Formation will be damaged."

Zhang Yifen looked at the eighteen martial masters outside and said with some concern.

If it were in the palace, let alone eighteen martial masters, even if there were many times more, he would dare to activate the formation.

However, this is not the palace.

The White Tiger Shura formation here is only a temporary construction, and its solidity is not even one percent of that of the palace.

And there are not many Yuanshi reserves.

If a fight really breaks out, there are indeed many variables.

"Forget it, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future, and now business is important."

Murong Zhenjun shook his head and said, in order to kill a few Martial Lords, if the White Tiger Shura Formation was damaged, it would not be a bad death.


"Yeah, too."

Murong Changtian nodded and said nothing more.

The top priority now is to send Wuhua Yulu Pills back to detoxify my sister. As for killing people, haha, do you think I won’t recognize you if you wear a mask?


If he misses today, he won't mind killing the martial master of the New Moon Kingdom.

"Go with all your strength and attack the shield."

At this time, the tall and thin man outside the hall seemed to have thought of something and shouted loudly, with a terrifying light bursting out of his eyes.

Teleportation array.


They must be activating the teleportation array inside.

Activating the teleportation array takes time and cannot be interfered with.

Therefore, this is why Murong Changtian wanted to move the White Tiger Shura Formation here.

Thinking about it, a cold sweat suddenly broke out from his forehead.


Immediately, the dozen or so martial masters around him immediately attacked the White Tiger Shura Formation without saying a word.

"Boom boom boom."

I saw more than a dozen bright waves of vitality attacking the White Tiger Shura Formation in unison, erupting with a harsh roar.

However, when the attack was over, the mask of the White Tiger Shura Formation was still as bright as new and stood firm.

"Keep going, don't stop."

The tall and thin man yelled, with a look of fear in his eyes. He could not imagine how terrible the consequences would be if Murong Changtian successfully activated the teleportation array.

While he was speaking, more than a dozen fifth-level martial masters arrived.

Including the eight people who died, there were more than forty warriors at the level of Martial Master.

This is simply appalling.

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