"Is the famous teacher really that stupid?"

Lin Taixu couldn't help but murmur in his heart, with a hint of surprise on his face. He was thinking about whether he should find an opportunity to abduct Luo Xiangyang and Wang Jinglong as his bodyguards.

After all, who could say no to two such powerful guards?


Besides, what’s the future of being a famous teacher?

Only by following yourself can you have a future. Take care of enough money and beautiful women.


Uh, no, it’s because the tea is full and the wine is full, isn’t it delicious?

As for Cao Hongfu, he was automatically ignored. You said, when it comes to eating and drinking, you are no better than others, so how come you made three of them fly away with your hands?

You hit one and it's still there whining.

Tell me, what else can you do?

After knocking several fifth-level warriors away, Luo Xiangyang and Wang Jinglong paused for a moment, and glanced at Cao Hongfu who was fighting Hua Qihu.

As if to say, what's the use of rushing out first?

Haven't you defeated your opponent yet?

Look at us again. Although we came out slowly, we defeated our opponents in seconds.

Who is victorious and who is weak, the Holy Master will naturally know at a glance.

"I'll wipe it."

Cao Hongfu's eyelids twitched, and he instantly understood the meaning of Luo Xiangyang and Wang Jinglong's eyes. Suddenly, his heart burned with anger, and then he vented all the anger in his body towards Hua Qihu.

Hua Qihu suddenly felt a lot of pressure.

Damn it, you said you earn a few hundred yuan a month, what are you doing with your life?


"I went and actually ran away?"

Looking at Cao Hongfu's look, Luo Xiangyang and Wang Jinglong seemed to know that Cao Hongfu understood the meaning of his eyes, and immediately rushed towards the opponent who was knocked away by them again.

As the saying goes, you don’t need a heavy hammer to make a sound.

Now that people know it, they should stop being aggressive, right?

After all, they are both famous teachers and work together at the Imperial Capital Famous Teacher Hall. They have close personal relationships on weekdays, like brothers and beloved relatives and friends.

The reason for doing this was just a little joke with Cao Hongfu.

Well, that's all, no harm.

It doesn’t hurt your uncle, but your heart is full of hurt now: Cao Hongfu.

"Hold the grass"

Seeing Luo Xiangyang and Wang Jinglong coming to kill again, the expressions of several fifth-level martial masters couldn't help but change, especially when Luo Xiangyang said that they ran away.

They almost spit out a mouthful of blood and died suddenly on the spot.

Damn it, are we running away?

It's great that I was obviously beaten away by you.

It's simply outrageous to actually beat him up.

"Stop hiding it and use all your strength. Otherwise, we won't be able to leave today."

One person shouted loudly, it was the seventh-level martial master who wanted to kill Lin Taixu.

With a flash of his hand, there was a three-meter-long golden spear.


I saw the spear in his hand shaking, a buzzing sound sounded, and the golden spear emitted a dazzling light, like a wild dragon awakening, exuding frightening power.

"Demon Dragon Spear?"

"A member of the Yun family?"

Luo Xiangyang narrowed his eyes and said indifferently. He and Wang Jinglong immediately stopped slightly and suspended the attack.

The Yun family is a second-rate family in the imperial capital.

Although not as famous as the eight major families, the Yun family's strength is among the top among the second-rate families.

The Yun family thrives on marksmanship.

The Demonic Dragon Spear is said to have been acquired by chance when the ancestor of the Yun family was traveling abroad. It is astonishingly powerful and unpredictable.

It was this set of marksmanship that made the ancestors of the Yun family among the strong and created the foundation of the Yun family for hundreds of years.

However, the conditions for cultivating the Demonic Dragon Spear are harsh. Except for the ancestor of the Yun family who has cultivated the Demonic Dragon Spear to the fifth level, no Yun family disciple has reached this level for hundreds of years.

Those with the highest talents can only practice to the third level.

The other Yun family disciples have been lingering on the first level and the second level.

Someone once speculated that if no one in the Yun family could master the Demonic Dragon Spear to the fifth level, within ten years, the Yun family would inevitably decline, and it would be expected that they would even be expelled from the imperial capital.

"I am Yun Xiujie of the Yun family. Who are you? I will not kill the nameless ghost under the demon dragon spear."

Yun Xiujie shouted loudly, with high spirits and unparalleled fighting spirit.

It's like having a spear in your hand and you are invincible.

In his mind, the reason why he was defeated by Luo Xiangyang so easily was because he didn't show his special skills.

So, now, I show my hand.

If Luo Xiangyang can defeat him easily again, then he will lose.

"I am Han Liangzhe of the Han family, here to fight."

Then, another Martial Lord roared angrily, his momentum soaring to the sky, and an astonishing sword intent was revealed from all over his body, creating the appearance of a cloud behind him.

Sky Flower Sword, Han family.

One of the second-rate families in the imperial capital.

The strength is also not weak, and among the second-rate families, it can be ranked in the top ten.

Since Yun Xiujie chose to show his cards and no longer hide, he naturally had nothing to hide.

Exploded the strongest state.

"I am."

After the two of them, another Martial Master shouted loudly. His face was ferocious and domineering. His reputation and aura were somewhat stronger than Yun Xiujie and Han Liangzhe.

Luo Xiangyang and Wang Jinglong couldn't help but were slightly startled. Good guy, there is a great god hidden here.

There's something going on.

However, when the two of them were happy and thought they could have a big fight, they saw the Martial Lord shouting again, "Goodbye."

Then he turned around and ran away.

That speed is like the wind.


Seeing this, Luo Xiangyang and Wang Jinglong were completely confused.

What is this operation?

"I'm leaving too."



Seeing someone running away, the other martial masters also bowed and fled.

If you want to fight to the death in a battle that is obviously unwinnable, wouldn't that be stupid?

Whoever fights is stupid.

Suddenly, there were only three people left on the scene, including Hua Qihu and others who were originally aggressive.

"Oh, fuck."

Lin Taixu was shocked and opened his mouth slightly when he saw this.

It's so outrageous.

You are already a fifth-level martial master, but you can run away?

Even street thugs know how to fight a few times, and you are not even as good as thugs?

Oh my god.


Seeing this, Yun Xiujie and Han Liangzhe almost spit out blood. They said they would grow old together, but you guys quit halfway.

Uh, no.

Didn't we agree to advance and retreat together?

Can we still play happily together?


Hua Qihu felt a rush of blood rushing to his head, almost tearing his head off.

Taking advantage of the moment when he was distracted, Cao Hongfu seized the opportunity and defeated the black python with one blow, kicking Hua Qihu in the chest.


Hua Qihu groaned, and his body hit the ground hard like a kite with a broken string, and then rubbed the ground to create a trench half a foot deep.

He slid more than ten meters before stopping.

Coincidentally, he fell at Yun Xiujie's feet.

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