My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 590 I just want to be with the Master

"Actually, I came here this time to accept Miss Li Yiyue as my disciple. I also ask Master Taixu to make it happen."

Immediately, Chu Xuan spoke directly, intending to get straight to the point.

He was worried that if he continued to talk to Lin Taixu, he would slap him to death.

"Ah, accept me as your disciple?"

Li Yiyue, who was standing aside, couldn't help but said in surprise when he saw that he was involved. He looked at Chu Xuan quietly as if he was a fool.

We don’t know each other, but you actually want to accept me as your apprentice?

What are you thinking?

When Cao Hongfu and others saw this, they couldn't help but twitch their eyes and subconsciously looked at Li Yiyue. They didn't know Chu Xuan's origin, but they couldn't be wrong that he was a peerless strong man.

To be accepted as a disciple by such a person would make you laugh out of your dreams.

It is no exaggeration to say that if Chu Xuan said that he would accept them as disciples, if they hesitated for even a second, it would be disrespect for their master.

"Ice Spirit Dao Body?"

When they cast their envious gazes on Li Yiyue, their eyes almost popped out.

In the past, they only thought that Li Yiyue's body was a little weird, which made them unable to see the root cause of the illness. Now they finally understood.

It turns out to be the Taoist body.

In Fengyun Continent, before the Tao body is successfully awakened, others are usually unable to discover it. Only the closest people can sense it through blood induction, but the specific type of Tao body cannot be felt.

Only with the help of secret methods, or those who have reached the eighth level of Martial Emperor, or a peerless expert above Martial Emperor, can they discover it.

Otherwise, apart from that, no one would be able to discover the person with the Tao body in advance.

This can also be regarded as a way for Heaven to protect the Tao body, preventing the owner of the Tao body from being killed by the enemy when he is at his weakest.

Suddenly, they knew why Chu Xuan came to take over as a disciple.

"You? Accepting a disciple?"

Lin Taixu couldn't help but look at Chu Xuan with wide eyes and a look of contempt flashed in his eyes.

Just like you, what have you accomplished in cultivation? You don’t have any idea?

Still accepting disciples?

Please, don't mislead others.

"Wait a minute, you're here to take on a disciple, not to see me?"

Immediately, Lin Taixu seemed to have grasped the most important and critical point, and asked with a black line on his face.

From pink to black?

Ci'ao, immediately, Lin Taixu silently put the bottle of blood pills in his hand into the storage ring, and even looked at Chu Xuan's mouth.

I felt that I had suffered a big loss by letting him take a blood energy pill.

This is not because he is stingy, but because he feels that Chu Xuan has insulted his kindness.

His kindness is for his fans, right?

Chu Xuan smiled awkwardly and did not answer Lin Taixu's words. Then he looked at Li Yiyue and asked, "Miss Li, what do you think?"

"I want to accompany the young master. Thank you for your kindness."

Li Yiyue answered without thinking.


When Chu Xuan heard this, he couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth. Well, he knew this would be the result, but he still said unwillingly, "As long as you worship me as your teacher, no one in the New Moon Kingdom will dare to bully you."

"Furthermore, I will bear all the resources for your cultivation. Within ten years, I guarantee that your martial arts cultivation will reach at least the fifth-level martial master realm."

"Within a thousand years, you will surely reach the pinnacle of martial arts."

"Oh my god, will you reach the realm of Martial Master within ten years?"

"Reaching the pinnacle of martial arts within a thousand years?"

When Cao Hongfu and others heard this, they couldn't help but be dumbfounded. It took them one or two hundred years to reach the fifth-level martial master realm. You see, it only takes ten years.

He also promised to reach the peak of martial arts within a thousand years.

This shit, people can't be compared.

"No need, I just want to accompany the young master."

Li Yiyue still replied calmly, looking at Lin Taixu with firm and gentle eyes.

It doesn't matter to her whether he is a fifth-level martial master or the pinnacle of martial arts. What matters is that she can see the young master every day.


Seeing this, Lin Taixu smiled with satisfaction, feeling that his 100 million system experience points were not in vain.

With that said, he waved to Li Yiyue, who immediately walked to Lin Taixu's hand with a bright smile, "Young Master."

"The young master will take you to buy some sweets later."

Lin Taixu reached out and touched Li Yiyue's little head and said with a doting look on his face. He seemed to remember that he had never taken this girl out to play. Well, he would take her out to have some fun later.

"Okay, Master"

Li Yiyue said with a smile, feeling the warmth from Lin Taixu's palm on his palm, and his heart felt as sweet as honey.

"Buy some candy?"

Chu Xuan couldn't help but look at Lin Taixu with a dark look, "Brother, she wants to become a Martial God, but you didn't urge her to practice. Instead, you took her to buy candy and waste time."

If I interview you, won’t your conscience hurt?

"Lin Taixu, you are misleading me."

Chu Xuan stood up and shouted, he couldn't bear it any longer and there was no need to bear it any longer.

"Don't worry, if you can't teach me, I'll give it to Yue'er. If you can't teach me, I'll teach it to Yue'er. So, you'd better give up on recruiting disciples, because if Yue'er really wants to worship you as his teacher, then that's the real thing. The pearl secretly casts."

Lin Taixu looked at Chu Xuan and said, he said this with full confidence, because he has a system and he is a fool.

The power of cheating is something that you, a mere native, can understand?


"You won't blush when you brag, but can you show the cultivation method of the Martial King? Can you show the cultivation resources needed by the Martial King?"

"Can you show the cultivation method of the Martial God? Can you show the cultivation resources needed by the Martial God?"

Chu Xuan sneered. He didn't look down on Lin Taixu, he really looked down on him.

He admitted that Lin Taixu was very powerful because he was born with a famous teacher, but that was a matter for the future. However, being powerful was one thing, and resources were another.

To train a warrior to the peak, the resources needed were huge and difficult to calculate, even if he wanted to train Li Yiyue to the ninth-level Martial God.

He couldn't even get the resources he needed, and even needed to gather the power of a domain, and even needed to apply to Emperor Fengyun.

He didn't believe that Lin Taixu could do it.

He even suspected that Lin Taixu needed his help to reach the peak of martial arts and the ninth-level Martial God realm.

"Different levels require different methods?"

Lin Taixu heard the most important and critical thing again, and asked in surprise.


Chu Xuan was slightly stunned, obviously not following Lin Taixu's strange train of thought, but still answered honestly, "Of course it is necessary."

"That's not right, aren't there four types of martial arts, Tiandi Xuanhuang, each of which is divided into three levels of high, medium and low, a total of twelve types?"

"Why do we need martial arts corresponding to the level now?"

Lin Taixu frowned and looked at Chu Xuan with an expression of "I'm very smart, don't you lie to me".

But in his heart, he thought Chu Xuan was a liar.

PS: Eighth level martial emperor, ninth level martial god, readers reported that the martial arts level was wrong, and the previous release could not be changed. I don't have the authority. From this chapter onwards, I will correct it. Chu Xuan is a ninth level martial god.

I am very sorry, please understand.

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