My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 602: The Young Master of the Wang Family

"Okay, Master."

Li Yiyue nodded quickly and said, this is the correct operation. The young master is indeed wise and capable and knows how to live a good life.

Gotta kiss someone.

Uh, no, I have to give it a thumbs up.

"Well, let's go then."

Lin Taixu nodded and said, turning around and walking towards Dahuang Restaurant with Li Yiyue.

"Tsk, a poor guy can't even pay for food, so he still has the nerve to come out?"

"Beauty, I am Wang Yisu, the young master of the Wang family in Dahuang City. I wonder if I would be honored to invite you to lunch?"

At this time, there was only a sound of ridicule, and a boy of 17 or 18 years old, accompanied by two guards, walked up to Lin Taixu and Li Yiyue with steps that he would not recognize.

The Wang family in Dahuang City has many experts, including a fifth-level martial master.

Known as one of the four major families in Dahuang City.

The head of the family, Wang Jinshan, had only one son, so he extremely indulged and doted on Wang Yisu, which also led to Wang Yisu's arrogant, domineering and lawless behavior in Dahuang City.

Over the years, there are countless girls who have been raped by him, openly, secretly, softly, hardly, using all kinds of methods.

What's more, in order to satisfy his animal desires, he actually broke into a girl's family and killed the other's family, and even humiliated the girl to death.

Since then, Young Master Wang's name has resounded throughout the desert city, making young girls cry at night.

He had nothing to do today and planned to go to Baiweilou to eat and show off. Unexpectedly, he met a stunning beauty like Li Yiyue at the entrance of Baiweilou. He immediately walked over and struck up a conversation without even thinking about it.

As for Lin Taixu, he completely ignored it.

I am male and I like women.

However, when he glanced at Lin Taixu's handsome face, he couldn't help but murmured in his heart, shouldn't gender be so stuck?

Pedestrians around saw Wang Yisu and fled away, as if they saw the god of plague or a demon. They didn't even have the courage to speak, and just looked at Lin Taixu and Li Yiyue with pity.

The man was beaten to death, the woman

Oh, what a pair of poor babies.

"No, no need"

Suddenly asked about it, Li Yiyue said nervously, and his body subconsciously shrank behind Lin Taixu.

Her intuition told her that the Wang Yisu in front of her was definitely not a good person, especially the way he looked at her, as if he wanted to eat her.

Oh, is this a scene where a bad boy molests a girl in the street?

Seeing this, Lin Taixu sneered in his heart that such an old-fashioned and bloody thing actually appeared in front of him.

What the hell.


"Girl, my young master comes from the Wang family in Dahuang City. As long as you agree to have dinner with our young master, I guarantee that you will have inexhaustible wealth in the future."

"That's right, if you serve my young master well, he will marry you as his concubine in the 35th room, and you will make a lot of money and reach the pinnacle of your life."

The two guards following Wang Yisu each said arrogantly.

Hearing the guard's words, Wang Yisu's face showed a strong sense of pride, his eyes greedily looked at Li Yiyue's face, and his saliva could not help but flow out of his mouth.

Li Yiyue was naturally beautiful, and with the awakening of the Ice Spirit Taoist body, she looked even more innocent and lovable.

He was originally a lustful evil spirit, so he had no resistance at all.

If he hadn't wanted to leave a good impression on Li Yiyue, he would have done it directly.

However, he was not worried. None of the women he fell in love with in Dahuang City could escape his grasp.

He was even very confident that if Li Yiyue was from Dahuang City and heard that he was the eldest son of the Wang family, he might immediately pounce on him.

This is the confidence that comes from the young head of a big family.

"Sure enough, hey, this little girl is going to be in trouble."


"There are not a thousand girls, but hundreds, who have been raped by Wang Yisu over the years. I don't know when God will deal with this scum."

"Hey, it's difficult. He is the eldest son of the Wang family. The Wang family is one of the four major families in Dahuang City. Who dares to touch him?"

Seeing this, the pedestrians watching from a distance couldn't help but whisper.

"It turns out he is really a bad boy."

Although the pedestrians stood far away, Lin Taixu still heard clearly the content of their discussion and couldn't help but murmur in his heart.

Before, he was just guessing, but now it's solid.

That's right. If you're not a bad boy, can you commit the shameless act of hooking up with a girl on the street?

You see, I can't do this kind of thing.


Li Yiyue grabbed Lin Taixu's clothes with her little hands and shouted softly, looking a little scared.

"It's okay, don't pay attention to him."

Lin Taixu said comfortingly, Mr. Evil?

Sorry, I am the most evil person in the world. When I become evil, I even fear myself.

"Hey, kid, are you blind?"

"I wonder if my young master has fallen in love with this girl? Why don't you get out of here quickly?"

"Boy, if you don't want to die, get out of here right now, right now."

When the two guards saw that Lin Taixu was still standing there, they immediately became angry and cursed loudly.

I really don't have any discernment.

As they said that, the two looked at Lin Taixu with ferocious expressions.

Since you don't have good eyesight, break your limbs and throw them out.

They are Wang Yisu's guards. Over the years, relying on the power of the Wang family, they have done countless evil things for Wang Yisu, so they are already familiar with breaking limbs.

Not to mention that Lin Taixu is only a first-level martial artist, which is much lower than their second-level martial artists.

Even if Lin Taixu is a third-level martial artist, they still dare to attack. They don't believe that Lin Taixu dares to fight back.

In Dahuang City, it is no exaggeration to say that their Wang family is the sky.

Dare to fight back, that is to go against the sky, and then it will not be as simple as breaking limbs.

"Very arrogant."

Seeing this, Lin Taixu narrowed his eyes and said with a cold smile, is this looking for trouble?

Uh, no, is this looking for death?


Wang Yisu looked at Lin Taixu coldly, revealing a trace of dissatisfaction. Originally, he thought that when he reported that he was the young master of the Wang family, Lin Taixu should be scared and run away.

Why is he still standing there?

Is he bullying me, the eldest son of the Wang family, because I can't hold a knife?

Or do you think that I'm easy to talk to because I haven't been out for a few days?


Seeing Wang Yisu frowning, the two Wang family guards thought that this was an expression of dissatisfaction with them, and their eyes flashed coldly, and they were about to take Lin Taixu down, but before they could move, Wang Yisu walked over arrogantly.

"You are just a waste, and you dare to stay here. Are you looking for death?"

Wang Yisu sneered, walked in front of Lin Taixu, raised his hand and slapped Lin Taixu in the face.

He was a first-level martial artist, ninth level, and this slap used 50% of his strength.

In his mind, if he hit this, with Lin Taixu's first-level martial artist, first level strength.

I'm afraid that his whole head will be blown away by him.

Hehe, let you offend me.

I'll slap you to death with one slap.

Thinking of this, a cruel smile appeared on Wang Yisu's lips.

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