My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 605 Just listen to the Master


Li Yiyue nodded and said, Lin Taixu didn't need to say this, she would never pay attention to Chu Xuan again.

"However, from the look of that guy, he doesn't seem to be the kind of person who gives up easily."

Lin Taixu frowned and said, feeling a little troubled.

In fact, what Lin Taixu didn't know was that if Chu Xuan hadn't blocked the vision of heaven and earth that was created by Li Yiyue's activation of the Ice Spirit Taoist body at that time, he might have wanted to accept Li Yiyue as a disciple.

Not a hundred, but dozens.

That’s when the real headache comes.

"Master, don't worry. If he comes again, I will drive him away without saying a word."

Li Yiyue said confidently, shaking his little fist as he spoke, as if he wanted to prove his determination.

"Hey, it seems that there is a long way to go to recruit disciples."

Seeing this, Chu Xuan couldn't help but feel filled with emotion, and his brows were about to become knotted.

I think he is a majestic ninth-level Martial God and the head of the Northern Territory Zhentian Division, with a high position of authority.

If he said that he wanted to accept disciples, he would be afraid that countless geniuses from the four regions would rush to come and become his disciples.

But now, when he takes the initiative to recruit a disciple, he is actually disliked by the other party.

Is there any room for reasoning about this?

No, I have to find a way

Or, pretend to hold Lin Taixu hostage and force Li Yiyue to submit?

According to Li Yiyue's importance to Lin Taixu, she would probably kneel on the ground and call her master before she put her knife on Lin Taixu's neck.

Chu Xuan thought like this in his heart, and the more he thought about it, the more reliable he felt. Although it would make Li Yiyue dissatisfied for a while, as long as he treated her sincerely in the future and focused on cultivating her.

She will definitely forgive herself.


"Well, if that Chu Xuan takes you away by force or uses other means, you can go with him."

"Don't be stubborn with him, you know?"

Lin Taixu said again.

"No, if he dares to catch me, I will die in front of him."

Li Yiyue shook her head quickly and said firmly that she would never be separated from the young master in her life.

Unless, she dies.

"Idiot, you will have nothing if you die. When that happens, just pretend to agree, and then practice with him. When you can beat him, you will destroy him, and then bring him back and let me deal with him."

Lin Taixu rolled his eyes and gave Li Yiyue an idea with a smile.


Hearing this, Li Yiyue blinked his big eyes and thought for a while, then nodded and said, "Okay, just listen to the young master."

"I am the best"

Seeing this, Chu Xuan almost fell out of the air and wanted to slap Lin Taixu to death.

Listen, is this what people say?

Feelings: I have worked so hard to cultivate a disciple, but instead of being a favor, I have become an enemy?


However, seeing how thoroughly Li Yiyue was brainwashed by Lin Taixu, he felt that Li Yiyue would really be able to do such a thing in the future.

Hiss, toothache.

My whole body hurts.


Lin Taixu nodded with satisfaction, and specially put a piece of meat on the plate in front of Li Yiyue as a reward.

"Thank you, Master."

Li Yiyue narrowed his eyes, showed a happy smile, and then put the piece of meat into his mouth and ate it without saying a word.

Mmm, it smells so good.

So delicious.

"You're welcome."

Lin Taixu smiled and cut off Chu Xuan's backhand. He felt very satisfied and in a good mood.

At this time, he heard the sound of horse hoofbeats, and Lin Taixu subconsciously turned his head to look.

I saw a pair of boys and girls walking towards this side on the street, each riding a tall horse.

The young man has beautiful features and a majestic air. Although the girl wears a silver mask on her face, her slender and graceful body still exudes an irresistible temptation.

These two people were none other than the soft-armored girl and the green-robed boy.


Seeing the two of them, Lin Taixu couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. His eyes fell on the soft-armored girl, showing a look of nostalgia.

I haven't seen this girl for a while, and she is becoming more and more graceful and charming. I don't know which pig will be cheaper in the future.

Hey, the kid next to her seems to owe her a life.

I remember that at that time, this kid still vowed that he would be rewarded generously, and I foolishly believed him at the time.

As a result, I have been in Dahuang City for so long. Not to mention generous reports, there are no reports at all, and people are still missing.

Although he didn't expect the young man in green clothes to really repay him with anything.

However, this behavior should be condemned.

"It's Senhu-sama."

Li Yiyue curiously looked over and said in surprise that she had seen the soft-armored girl twice, so she knew her. As for the boy in green, she didn't know who she was.

As if she felt Lin Taixu's gaze, the soft-armored girl who had been trusting to rein in her horse raised the reins with both hands, and the horse immediately stopped in understanding.

The soft-armored girl looked around and found nothing suspicious. She couldn't help but frown secretly. Could it be that the closer the date was, the more uneasy and suspicious she became?

"Sister, are you planning to treat me to dinner at Baiweilou?"

"Wow, that's so domineering."

Seeing that the soft-armored girl actually brought him to the front of the Baiwei Building, the young man in green couldn't help but said excitedly, looking at the soft-armored girl with an excited and grateful expression.

This is really a real sister.

She actually treated him to a meal at Baiweilou. He instantly felt that the soft-armored girl's previous harshness towards him had become amiable.

"Are you crazy?"

The soft-armored girl turned her head and looked at the blue-clothed boy and said coldly.

Although she had never been to Baiweilou, she knew that the things inside were terribly expensive. It was also called Baiweilou.

It was a place where some dandies in Dahuang City picked up girls and pretended to be cool.

How could she take the blue-clothed boy to Baiweilou for a meal, even if he was her own brother.

Besides, she didn't have that much money.

"Well, what are you doing here?"

Hearing this, the blue-clothed boy's face fell and asked faintly. He originally thought that the soft-armored girl was kind enough to let him pretend once.

As a result, he thought too much.

Alas, the baby was bitter, but the baby didn't say it.

"Why don't you just find a street stall to eat?"

The soft-armored girl said. Of course, she wouldn't tell the blue-clothed boy that she stopped here because she felt that someone was watching her.

"Street stall?"

The young man in blue almost fell off his horse when he heard this. He looked at the girl in soft armor in disbelief. Is this his own sister?

He is a young man after all, although he is a young man without money.

But if he goes to eat at a street stall and is seen by others, it will make people laugh to death.

Besides, didn't you say you would treat me to a big meal?

You call a street stall a big meal?

Suddenly, his good mood fell to the bottom. It would be better to have a meal in the military camp.


At this time, a sound was heard. The young man in blue felt that his head was hit by something, and then, looking at a chicken leg that fell on the ground not far in front of him, he didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

Yes, a chicken leg.

And it was the kind that was eaten more than half by someone.

Is this what a human being does?

"Oh my god, who the hell has no sense of public morality and throws away food?"

The young man in blue shouted angrily, looking up and looking around. He swore that if he found the guy who threw the chicken leg, he would beat him to death.

Let him know the terrible consequences of throwing things around.

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