My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 612 Let’s wait and see

"Yes, Master."

As Wang Yisu's order came down, two clever Wang family guards immediately stepped out of the crowd and walked towards Lin Taixu.

They are the ninth level of first-level warriors. Dealing with a useless first-level warrior like Lin Taixu is not just a joke.

Therefore, being able to curry favor with the young master without the slightest risk is something that even a fool would rush to do.

"Old Cao, you won't do anything?"

Seeing this, Luo Xiangyang, who was hiding among the people eating melons, saw that Cao Hongfu seemed to be about to take action, but did not take action, so he couldn't help but curiously asked Cao Hongfu in a low voice.

It means, if you don't take action, I will.

After all, the safety of the Saint Master is the top priority and cannot be allowed to slip by.

"We'll see later."

Cao Hongfu replied in a low voice that he originally planned to protect Lin Taixu, but he found that Lin Taixu's eyes were not panicked, so he planned to wait and see.

Besides, it doesn't matter if he guesses wrong. In the face of his own powerful strength, even if the opponent cuts the knife into the body of the Holy Master, he is confident enough to kill the opponent.

"Boy, lie down on the ground honestly and let me break your limbs. This way I guarantee you will suffer less pain, otherwise hehe"

A Wang family guard walked up to Lin Taixu, pointed the long knife at Lin Taixu, and said with a sinister smile.

Preparing the limbs is a technical job.

Different playing styles will lead to different consequences.

For example, if he is in a good mood, he can be interrupted immediately, but if he is in a bad mood, it will take several times to interrupt.

The former only hurts once, while the latter hurts many times. No, the difference is clear.

For another example, when he is in a good mood and breaks your limbs, if you are lucky, you can catch it without affecting your future life and actions.

If you are in a bad mood, even if you find a miracle doctor, you will still be a cripple even if you get it.

This was the experience he gained from breaking many people's limbs for Wang Yisu.

He wouldn't tell most people.


As soon as the Wang family guard finished speaking, Lin Taixu kicked him in the stomach, making a dull sound.

The royal guard was immediately kicked into the air, and then fell to the ground on all fours as if being pulled by an invisible force.

When Lin Taixu lowered his foot, he stepped on the head of the Wang family guard.

This incident happened very quickly. To outsiders, it looked like the Wang family guard fell to the ground after finishing speaking, and then put his head at Lin Taixu's feet.

It’s so outrageous.

"Woo. Let go of me."

The royal guard who was stepped on roared and struggled to get up from the ground.

However, Lin Taixu's foot was like a big mountain pressing on his face. No matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't get up even if his head was on the ground.

From a distance, it looks like a toad twisting its limbs on the ground, which makes people laugh.

"That's it?"

Lin Taixu looked at the Wang family guard at his feet with a sneer. He kept saying one thing after another, but in the end, he could not stop his kick.

Are you a joke invited by the monkey?

"court death."

When another Wang family guard saw this, he couldn't help shouting angrily, raised the weapon in his hand and slashed at Lin Taixu's feet.

"Lao Cao"

At this time, Luo Xiangyang whispered again. If he didn't take action before, it was because the opponent didn't show his weapon. He didn't think it was a big problem, but it was different now.

This is the rhythm to kill the Holy Master.

Considering the meager cultivation level of the Saint Master, one blow of the sword would definitely separate the head of the person.

Um, no, the human legs are separated.

Not only Luo Xiangyang was anxious, but Wang Jinglong and Xiao Yexuan were also anxious, and they all looked at Cao Hongfu.

"It's okay, just wait."

Cao Hongfu said with his expression unchanged, and a bright light flashed in his eyes.

Because he saw Lin Taixu kicking the Wang family guard away. This was simply a perfect demonstration of his mastery of power control.

Otherwise, it would not be possible to achieve such smooth flow and pleasing scenery.

Therefore, in order to once again confirm his suspicion, he felt that he could wait.

After all, even if his guess failed, the Saint Master's leg was cut off by this royal guard and it was not impossible to put it back together.

Calm down.

At this moment, Lin Taixu's expression remained unchanged, and when he turned his hand, there was a purple gold hammer in his hand.

A second-level purple gold hammer, the handle is three feet long, and the hammer body shines with light, exuding an intimidating sense of oppression.


With the purple gold hammer in hand, Lin Taixu struck the guard without thinking.

The gun is fast and accurate from seven steps away, and the hammer is steady and hard within seven steps.


Just when the long knife in the hand of the Wang family guard was still an inch away from Lin Taixu's leg, the Purple Gold Hammer erupted with a harsh whistle and hit his shoulder accurately.

With a bang, the Wang family guard screamed and flew out behind him. That direction was exactly where Wang Yisu was standing.

And the long knife in his hand was aimed at Wang Yisu's neck impartially.

"I am the best"

When Wang Yisu saw this, he was so frightened that he almost peed. His face turned pale with fright. He subconsciously wanted to avoid it, but found that his legs did not obey his orders at all, and he could not exert any strength.

"Ah, Master, get out of the way."

The Wang family guard yelled, his face a bit paler than Wang Yisu's.

One was because he was hit by Lin Taixu's purple gold hammer, and the other was because he was scared.

If he really looked back and killed the young master.

Um, no.

If he really turned around and killed the young master with a knife, then the family would have to skin him and remove his bones.


When the third-level martial artist next to Wang Yisu saw this, he cursed in a low voice and stood in front of Wang Yisu. Then he raised his left leg and kicked the Wang family guard on the waist.


The Wang family guard was immediately kicked out more than ten meters away and fell to the ground. Blood was vomiting from his mouth and he was about to die.

"so far so good."

The royal guard said with a hint of a smile that was about to survive a disaster, then rolled his eyes and passed out.

"Oh, I'll go, it's just a little bit close."

"Oh, what a pity."

The spectators around him couldn't help but express regret. If it weren't for the third-level martial artist to stop him, Wang Yisu would have become the first person in history to be accidentally killed by his own bodyguard.

It can simply go down in history.

Not only did everyone around him feel it was a pity, Cao Hongfu and others also felt it was a pity.

I feel that this hammer from the Holy Master is simply a divine hammer.

Of course they can do it with their strength, but don't forget what strength they have.

What kind of strength is the Saint Master?

Therefore, it is even more rare.

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