My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 615: Encountering the Virgin Mary

"Who are you? Why are you against my Wang family?"

Seeing that all his guards were beaten to pieces, and even Wang Sisong was no match for Lin Taixu, Wang Yisu was really panicking.

Oh my god, this is a dead end.

"Does it matter who I am?"

Lin Taixu walked slowly towards Wang Yisu with Li Yiyue, saying as he walked.

"If you have something to say, please don't come over here."

Seeing this, Wang Yisu was so scared that he retreated repeatedly, shouting, he didn't think he was stronger than Wang Sisong and could withstand Lin Taixu's hammer.

Seeing this, Lin Taixu swung the purple gold hammer in his hand and hit Wang Yisu's back accurately.


Wang Yisu immediately spit out a mouthful of blood, staggered and fell to the ground involuntarily, emitting a heart-wrenching scream.

However, when he thought of Lin Taixu's horror, he could not care about anything else. He immediately thought about standing up and getting away from this evil star. As for revenge, he would wait until he was safe.

However, he found that no matter how hard he tried, he could not stand up. He felt that his body below the waist had no feeling at all.

It was broken, definitely broken.

This damn thing hit his spine.

No, I want to go home, I want to see a doctor.

Supported by great fear, he kept crawling forward with his hands instead of feet, just wanting to leave this place as soon as possible.

"Want to run? Have you asked me?"

Lin Taixu took a few steps forward, picked up the purple gold hammer on the ground, and then walked to Wang Yisu, stepped on his shoulder, sneered and said, his eyes were cold.

He had no sympathy for Wang Yisu, because he knew that if he had not had some strength, he would have ended up dozens of times worse than Wang Yisu now.

And what was waiting for Li Yiyue was a tragic ending worse than death.

"I am the young master of the Wang family. I am the only son of my father. You can't kill me. If you kill me, our Wang family will not let you go."

"As long as you let me go, I promise I won't pursue the fact that you hurt me."

Feeling the murderous intent emanating from Lin Taixu, Wang Yisu endured the severe pain from his body and shouted loudly, hoping that the Wang family's signboard would make Lin Taixu afraid and let him go.

"What is the Wang family? Why don't you pursue the fact that I hurt you? In fact, you should think about whether I will pursue the fact that your Wang family offended me."

Lin Taixu said with contempt on his face. What is the Wang family?

I can kill and beat the people of the Hua family in the imperial capital if I want to.

You are just a broken Wang family, and you have the face to pretend to be a big wolf in front of me?

"Our Wang family is one of the four major families in Dahuang City. There are countless strong people in the family. If you kill me, you will definitely not be able to escape."

Wang Yisu shouted desperately, looking at Lin Taixu with despair in his eyes.

He is really scared now, especially the coldness emanating from Lin Taixu.

It made him tremble with fear.

He knew that Lin Taixu really dared to kill him, and he really didn't take the Wang family seriously.

He was rampant in Dahuang City, relying not on strength, but on the deterrence of the Wang family.

Now, without this umbrella, imagine how he dared to challenge Lin Taixu?

"Please, I was wrong, forgive me, I won't dare to do it again."

Wang Yisu continued to beg, tears and snot flowing together.

He didn't want to die, but fortunately he didn't enjoy a lot of his youth.

"Hehe, I didn't expect that the high and mighty Wang family's eldest son would have this day."

"This is simply a great pleasure."

Seeing this, the people around couldn't help but feel a little happy. Even if Lin Taixu didn't kill Wang Yisu today, they felt very satisfied with Wang Yisu's current half-death fate.

Of course, they would be even more satisfied if they beat Wang Yisu to death.

"Escape? Are you Wang family qualified?"

Lin Taixu couldn't help but be amused by Wang Yisu's words. He needed to escape from a family that didn't even have a sixth-level martial king?

As he said that, he exerted a little force on his toes, and suddenly, the bones on Wang Yisu's shoulders made a sound that they were unable to bear and were about to break.

Don't you like to bully others?

Don't you like to bully the weak?

Well, today I will let you taste what bullying is and what bullying is.

"Ah, spare my life, please, spare me."

Feeling the piercing pain in his shoulder, Wang Yisu shouted frantically.

"Forgive others when you can, you've gone too far."

At this time, the burly man came over with a sheep-bearded old man and several guards, with his hands behind his back, and said lightly.

Originally, he planned to wait until Wang Yisu beat Lin Taixu to death and snatched Li Yiyue away before coming out to play a hero to save the beauty.

I heard that those lowly servants of Xinyue Kingdom like to play this kind of trick the most, and they can capture the hearts of beauties every time.

So, he also wanted to feel how effective it was.

However, he didn't expect Wang Yisu to be so useless. The people he brought not only didn't beat Lin Taixu to death, but were beaten half to death by Lin Taixu instead.

So, he was too lazy to wait any longer and walked out directly.

He planned to use the excuse of defending Wang Yisu to force Lin Taixu to get angry and bump into him, and then he could justifiably capture Li Yiyue and make amends.

This is called having a reason and evidence. Even if he alarmed the city defense army or the Zhenbei army, he could still be justified.

Didn't Xinyue Kingdom boast that it was a country of etiquette and law?

This is called using his own spear to attack his own shield.

If you are a mute and eat Coptis chinensis, you will not be able to tell the pain.


Seeing this, Lin Taixu couldn't help turning his head to look at the burly man curiously, with countless grass and mud horses whizzing by in his heart.

This is

Met the Virgin?

However, when Lin Taixu's eyes fell on the burly man's head, he felt that the other man's hairstyle seemed a bit familiar...

Seeing the burly man and others approaching, the pedestrians around him subconsciously stepped back several meters, their eyes showing deep disgust and hatred.

The Hu Kingdom and the Crescent Kingdom have been at war all year round, and the residents of Dahuang City have suffered the most casualties. Their hatred for the Hu people has been deeply engraved in their bones.

After all, no one's ancestors, brothers and sisters died at the hands of barbarians, right?

However, the royal family was weak and only tried to please the Hu people with humility. Therefore, even though they were full of hatred for the Hu people, they did not dare to do anything to the Hu people in public.

Otherwise, as long as the Hu people complained to the local city defense army, the city defense army would definitely put them in jail indiscriminately in order to quell the anger of the Hu people.

Otherwise, the Hu people will use this as an excuse to launch a war, and no one can bear the responsibility.

Therefore, in order not to give the Hu people this excuse, they had to stay away from the Hu people as much as possible to avoid being blackmailed by them.

"Bold slave, hurry up and let me go."

Seeing that Lin Taixu was stunned on the spot, the old man with a goatee and beard became furious and immediately stepped forward and cursed angrily.


Lin Taixu was stunned again, feeling a little bit confused. Did the mental hospital fail to close the door and let this lunatic out?

Old man, the Qing Dynasty has been dead for hundreds of years, and they are still slaves.

Um, no.

Old man, this is a different world, there is no Qing Dynasty.

Wake up.

Huh. Qing Dynasty?

Oops, I think this guy’s hairstyle looks a bit familiar.

Isn't this hairstyle the popular hairstyle in the Qing Dynasty in the previous life?

Damn it, the Qing Dynasty was so powerful that it popularized hairstyle trends into another world?

so amazing.

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