My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 619 Can't we shake?


Then, Lin Taixu swung the purple gold hammer in his hand in a beautiful arc, directly shaking off the two long swords that were slashing towards him.


The two Hu guards involuntarily took three steps back before they could stand firm.

"So strong."

The two Hu guards were extremely shocked. They originally thought that the Hu people's physical strength was invincible, but they didn't expect that the always weak New Moon people would have such a brave person.

This was simply an eye-opener for them.

"Kill, kill."

After repelling the two Hu guards, the other four Hu guards came in an instant, each waving a long sword with murderous intent and slashing down in the air.

The cold sword light left a series of piercing whistles in the air because of the speed and the blessing of vitality, as if the god of death was grinning.


Seeing this, Lin Taixu kept swinging the purple gold hammer in his hand, and suddenly, a series of crisp metal clanging sounds were heard.

He blocked the attacks of the Hu guards one by one without any error.

He said he was not at all stressed by the attacks of a group of second-level warriors.

"Born with supernatural power?"

Hu Decong saw Lin Taixu casually defeat two guards, and his eyes could not help but condense. Before Lin Taixu defeated the two guards, he thought that Lin Taixu was just a sneak attack, and his guards underestimated the enemy, so he was defeated by Lin Taixu by chance, so he didn't take it to heart.

But now it's different. Under the full-strength attack of his two guards, the opponent also defeated them easily, so things are different from what he expected.

You know, the strength of these two guards is not to say that they have reached the level of third-level martial artists, but at least the strength of the seventh or eighth level of second-level warriors.

Compared to their own second-level warriors, the power that can exceed two or three levels of strength is something he can be proud of.

However, Lin Taixu is only a first-level warrior, and he can burst out such a strong power, which is simply incredible.

Genius, an absolute genius.

Such a genius must not be allowed to live, otherwise, when he grows up, he will definitely be a disaster for our Great Hu Kingdom.

Xinyue Kingdom has one Nangong Yidao, and there must not be a second one.

"Kill him at all costs."

Immediately, Hu Decong shouted sternly. He had no way to interfere with Nangong Yidao's rise, but now Lin Taixu was still very weak, and he had to personally extinguish this dangerous flame.



With Hu Decong's order, the attacks of the six Hu guards became more and more fierce. Before, they might have been concerned about whether the purple gold hammer in Lin Taixu's hand would hit them, whether it would hurt them, or whether it would kill them.

However, now there was no scruple at all. Not only was there no scruple at all, but after a few moves, everyone rushed to hit the purple gold hammer in Lin Taixu's hand.

The only purpose was that they hoped to use their bodies to hinder Lin Taixu, so as to give their companions a chance to kill Lin Taixu.

However, it was a pity that no matter how fast and fierce their attacks were, or how strange and tricky their swordsmanship was...

They were always blocked within a foot of Lin Taixu.

Not to mention killing Lin Taixu, they couldn't even touch his clothes.

In a blink of an eye, a few minutes passed, and the six of them were sweating profusely.

"Hey, who is this guy? He's so fierce?"

"Yeah, I didn't expect that there is such a genius in our Xinyue country. With the strength of a first-level martial artist, he can actually deal with the attacks of six second-level warriors, Hu people?"

"He is simply an idol."

"Not bad, not bad, look, he is holding a girl in his arms."

"To be honest, this girl is so beautiful. If I had such a little beauty as a sister, I would be willing to live one year less."

"You are narrow-minded. If I had such a beauty as a sister, I would be willing to live ten years less."

The onlookers around couldn't help but admire Lin Taixu for being able to hold a stalemate with the Hu guards, but after admiring, they naturally went off topic.

"A bunch of perverts, just looking at the girl, doesn't anyone find that this boy is really good-looking?"

Soon, their self-indulgence was interrupted by a girl savagely. What girl are you looking at? The opposite sex only has offspring, and the same sex is true love.

Can't you learn from me and like handsome brothers?

"Wow, really, this young man is so handsome, I love him."

"Young man, I want to give birth to a fairy with you."

"What the hell is giving birth to a fairy? Isn't it giving birth to a monkey?"

"Tsk, you don't understand, ugly people give birth to monkeys, and a woman like me who is beautiful and charming and you will give birth to a fairy."


After the girl finished speaking, she quickly aroused the approval and screams of a group of girls. The eyes looking at Lin Taixu were full of admiration and love.

Indeed, Lin Taixu was originally handsome and beautiful. At this moment, although his figure was submerged in a piece of knife light, he moved left and right, unrestrained and unstoppable.

Which girl in the world can withstand such temptation?

"A bunch of trash."

Seeing that his guards could not attack for a long time, Hu Decong couldn't help cursing in his heart, and then he took out a jade talisman, input vitality into the jade talisman and said something.

As he spoke, he looked at Lin Taixu with a cold look.

"Is he calling someone?"

"That's a sound transmission jade talisman, he must be calling someone."

"I'm sorry, this bastard is so shameless. With so many people, it's okay to just hit one, but he still shakes people up. He's so shameless and invincible in the world."

Seeing this, many people recognized Hu Decong's intention, and they couldn't help but be filled with indignation and said with utmost contempt.

"Is he the only one who can shake people? Can't we shake them?"

Yun Zhenghao said angrily that it is simply intolerable for the Hu people to be so domineering and insult their compatriots in their own country.

Therefore, the eyes looking at Hu Decong were full of murderous intent.

"Who are we shaking? Are the city defense troops coming to help?"

"Not to mention whether you can call the city defense army, but you have called it. Are you sure the city defense army will not capture this young man and hand it over to the barbarians in order to curry favor with the barbarians?"

Han Lihui said that although he was extremely dissatisfied with the Hu people, he was not as radical as his friend Yun Zhenghao.


Hearing this, Yun Zhenghao's little face suddenly fell down. What Han Lihui said was really not impossible.

Because something like this happened in the Crescent Kingdom.

Moreover, this is not an example.

He remembered that when the Hu people also insulted the Crescent Country compatriots, they alerted the city defense army. He thought that when the city defense army arrived, they would help the compatriots punish the Hu people.

As a result, the city defense army did not even dare to fart in front of the Hu people. In the end, in order to appease the Hu people's dissatisfaction with the Crescent Kingdom, the city defense army actually killed the insulted compatriots to please the Hu people.

The crime is that he intended to provoke a war between the two countries and put the lives of thousands of people in both countries at risk.

It’s so outrageous.

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