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Chapter 63 Memory Crystal

"I'm sorry, you guessed wrong. In fact, this famous master defeated you based on his strength. The gloves are just the icing on the cake."

"Also, the punch I just punched only had seven points of force."

Although Lin Taixu didn't know why Diao Budiao thought so, he still said honestly,

He had been idle and bored the past few days, but he had practiced a lot of fighting skills. Now, he is not the Amon of the past. In terms of actual combat ability, he is not inferior to anyone, or even worse.

Therefore, when he realized Diao Budiao's true strength, he withdrew ten points of his power and only used seven points.

If it is said to be seven-part force, then it is seven-part force.

It really didn't matter at all, because he was worried about having more strength, so he punched Diao Budiao to death.

He didn't even dare to use the tenth level Black Tiger Fist.

As for the increase in the Black Iron Gloves, he felt that it was just like that.

He also said that products produced by the system must be of high quality.


That's it?

He planned to return the black iron glove, he couldn't afford to lose this person.


Diao BuDiao spat out several mouthfuls of blood again. Although he believed that Lin Taixu was talking nonsense, he couldn't bear to be angry.

Damn it, if you admit it’s the gloves, you’ll die.

I have seen shameless people, but I have never seen such shameless people.

Mommy, labor and management are so angry.

"Hey, young man, your health is not good."

Seeing this, Lin Taixu couldn't help but said seriously, and walked towards Diao Butiao.

"What do you want to do?"

"Don't come over."

When Diao BuDiao saw Lin Taixu walking towards him, he was so frightened that he fell back on the ground with a look of horror on his face.

Although Lin Taixu is a waste, he has tricks.

He was afraid that if Lin Taixu came over and gave him another kiss, he would feel cold.

"You are very brave to attack the famous teacher."

As Lin Taixu walked away, he sneered and said, "This stick, the boss is worried that I haven't taught you a lesson. You, this stick, dare to strike first. What the hell, what are you thinking?"

Do you have a grudge against yourself?


"Lin Taixu, I am the master of the Famous Master Hall. If you dare to touch me, you are committing the following crime, which is an unforgivable crime."

"The Master Guards will not let you go."

Diao BuDiao threatened sternly, with endless regrets welling up in his heart. If he had known that Lin Taixu had those terrible gloves, he would not have dared to do it even if he was beaten to death.

Don't call yourself a dog, even if you call yourself a wolf, you still have to endure it.

Oops, that's sloppy.

Could it be that those gloves are

Suddenly, another thought came to Diao BuDiao's mind. Five years ago, he was entrusted by a big shot to come to Qingfeng City to be the master of the Famous Master Hall.

Its ultimate goal is to deal with Lin Taixu's father, Lin Baishi.

However, Lin Baishi was only a one-star famous teacher. How could He De be worthy of the big shot's painstaking efforts to arrange for him to come over?

He couldn't understand it before, but now he saw the gloves on Lin Taixu's hand and he understood.

A glove that can make a wasteful person wear it and unleash shocking power. This is definitely the most important treasure among the most important treasures.

It's worth the big man's move.

If he snatches the glove from Lin Taixu's hand and passes it on to that big shot, wouldn't he become famous?

At that time


Suddenly, an astonishing burst of pain broke Diao Budiao's dream. Lin Taixu stepped on his finger and crushed it. As the saying goes, ten fingers are connected to the heart, and even if someone steps on his finger, it will hurt. To explode.

What's more, crushing him?

Crush your sister.

Isn’t it good to be a human being?

"Oh, sorry, I didn't see it, it was a mistake."

Lin Taixu apologized quickly and said, "He really didn't mean to step on Diao Bu Diao's finger."

Is he the kind of person who builds his own happiness on the pain of others?

Sorry, he is.


Diao BuDiao held the fingers that were about to be crushed and looked at Lin Taixu with an angry look. You made a mistake, sister.

How many times will you crush me if you make a mistake?

You are not a son of man.

"Forget it, don't worry about this detail."

Lin Taixu said with a smile.

It’s not you who is stepping on you, so of course you don’t need to worry about the details, Gan.

Diao BuDiao gritted his teeth and looked at Lin Taixu. If eyes could kill, Lin Taixu would have been cut to pieces by him.

"Now, let's get down to business."

Lin Taixu stood in front of Diao Budiao and said seriously.

I've always been serious, okay?

You are not serious and you still fight with gloves on, which is extremely shameless.

Diao BuDiao complained crazily in his heart, looking at Lin Taixu with his eyes, wondering what Lin Taixu was up to.

He has now been psychologically shadowed by Lin Taixu.


Lin Taixu stretched out his hand, and saw a sphere the size of a baby's fist in his hand, emitting seven colors of light, like a crystal ball.

Memory crystal.

Lin Taixu spent a thousand silver coins to buy this in the system. As for its function, it is an alien version of the camera.

It can completely and perfectly record the current events, including sounds, etc., with the same degree of fidelity as when they happened at that time.

In the Crescent Country, due to the characteristics of memory crystals and the fact that memory crystals need to be in specific minerals and it takes thousands of years to produce one, memory crystals are expensive and priceless.

Because it is expensive, there are very few of them circulating in the market. Even though Diao Butiao is a famous master, at first glance, he didn't recognize that the memory crystal in Lin Taixu's hand was a memory crystal.

"Don't recognize it?"

Lin Taixu looked at Diao Butiao's dazed expression and asked with contempt. That's right, a country bumpkin like you naturally wouldn't recognize such a high-end thing.

"I don't recognize it."

Diao Butiao answered honestly. This broken ball looks okay. It's fancy and suitable for children to play with.

"What is this?"

Diao Butiao asked when he didn't understand.

"Memory crystal?"

Diao Butiao didn't recognize it, but when Murong Wushuang saw the memory crystal in Lin Taixu's hand, he recognized it at a glance and was slightly stunned. He didn't expect Lin Taixu to be able to take out such a rare thing.

It seems that this master is very well hidden.

Then, the corner of his mouth raised. Since there is a memory crystal, the problem is solved.

As long as Lin Taixu recorded that it was Diao Bu Diao who started the fight, then Lin Taixu would be invincible.

Attack a famous teacher?

Sorry, even the hall master does not have the qualifications and power to do so.

"Sister, what is a memory crystal?"

Wang Luoyi asked puzzledly.

Murong Wushuang immediately whispered the function of the memory crystal to Wang Luoyi, and Wang Luoyi couldn't help but smile, "I was worried that Master would get into trouble if I hit Master Diao, but now, it's useless to hit him."

"Master is indeed shrewd and prepared for a rainy day."

"Shrewd and prepared for a rainy day?"

Murong Wushuang murmured in her heart, with a gleam in her eyes.

Indeed, she thought Lin Taixu was just hot-blooded before, but now it seems that every step he takes seems to be casual and reckless.

However, if you think about it carefully, isn't it just digging a pit step by step, waiting for others to jump in?

He was powerful, but also very careful, taking every step carefully, and making full use of the rules.

Such a person

really made her curious.

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