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Chapter 631 Can you resist?

"Are you crazy?"

When Nangong Yidao saw this, he almost stared out his eyes. Are you not satisfied with starting a war between the two countries, but you also want to start a war between the famous teachers of the two countries?

What are you thinking?

Ci'ao, is it too late for me to regret my marriage now?

"Joking, joking, come have tea, have tea."

Lin Taixu looked at Nangong Yidao who was almost frightened to death. He quickly picked up the tea cup and said, although this squad leader is as timid as a mouse, he is still good to him.

Therefore, he stopped scaring him. If anything happened, wouldn't he have to die laughing?

"Otherwise, you should let the third prince go."

Nangong Yidao said that in his opinion, killing a few barbarians would not be a big deal, but if the third prince Hu Decong was really imprisoned, it would be a big deal.

Nine times out of ten, there is no room for change.

"I know this well, you don't have to worry about it."

Lin Taixu shook his head and refused and said, he still expected to exchange Hu Decong for a sum of money, so he just let it go. Isn't that a loss of blood?

"In Hu Jiang City, there is a hundred thousand troops brought by him. If you dare to hold him captive, if the news gets out, I'm afraid that one hundred thousand troops will immediately appear under the border city."

Nangong Yidao said worriedly, the Hu people are not the Hua family, they are a family, and the Hu people are a country.

"Then we can't let him go. I'm detaining Hu Decong, and the one hundred thousand troops will definitely be intimidated. They can only show off. What if I let him go, and he turns back, sends an army to retaliate, and comes to attack the city?"

When Lin Taixu heard this, he shouted quickly, looking at Nangong Yidao with a trace of pity in his eyes.

Poor kid, a brain is a good thing, but it's a pity that you don't have one.


Nangong Yidao looked at Lin Taixu blankly, with a trace of pity in his eyes.

Poor kid, a brain is a good thing, but it's a pity that you don't have one.

He has been in the army for decades, most of which he has been fighting with barbarians, fighting wits and courage, and using various methods in endlessly.

However, in addition to their ferocious nature, the Hu people also have another characteristic, that is, in their hearts, defeat and death are a great honor.

After death, the soul will be recovered by the Snow Wolf God, and he will be reincarnated in the next life, and he will be able to live a happy and happy life with no worries about food and clothing.

His surviving family members will also receive many preferential treatment from the leader of the Hu Kingdom and enjoy a lifetime of glory and wealth.

Therefore, his request to exchange one hundred Hu prisoners of war for one hundred people was directly rejected by the Hu people.

And now Lin Taixu is actually thinking of using Hu Decong's life to threaten Dahu's army. Isn't this nonsense?

Just when I was about to retort, Hu Ren had never accepted threats, but after thinking about it carefully, what this bastard said seemed to make some sense.

This seems to be the only and best solution at the moment.

Then treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

"Where is Hujiang City? Is it far from here?"

Lin Taixu asked, his eyes flickering, as if he was brewing some bad idea.

"It's more than five hundred miles away from Dahuang City."

Nangong Yidao replied.

"Is there our city in the middle?"

Lin Taixu asked again, but he was calculating in his mind. It was more than five hundred miles, and the cavalry's rapid march would be enough for about one or two days.

This distance is too short.

There isn't much room for maneuver.

"No, there is just an earthen fort a hundred miles away from Hujiang City, called Kehu Fort. It can accommodate more than a thousand people. Because it is the only place where the Hu people invade us, so it is often attacked by the Hu people. It was massacred and no one lived there for decades.”

"Later, it was turned into a lookout post by the Zhenbei Army, and people were sent to guard it all year round. If there was an invasion by barbarians, they would burn smoke to warn Dahuang City as soon as possible."

Nangong Yidao said.

"Can you resist?"

Lin Taixu asked again.

"Fort Kehu can only accommodate more than a thousand people. Facing the charge of the army, not even a single wave will rise."

Nangong Yidao looked at Lin Taixu and said speechlessly.


What to resist?

"Tell me, if the barbarians know that the third prince has been captured and rush to send troops, can we dig a hole along the five hundred miles and set up a trap for them?"

Lin Taixu tapped his fingers on the table and said with a smile.

"Sending troops in a hurry?"

When Nangong Yidao heard this, he frowned. After a moment, he silently drank the cup of tea in his hand, got up and left.

Sending out an army is not just a matter of recklessness. It must have supporting strategies and logistics.

If the other party gets into trouble, he may not be able to do anything.

Walking out of the gate of the Munitions Mansion, Nangong Yidao couldn't help but was stunned. It seemed that he came here with the intention of raising an army to punish the enemy. How come in the end, he was told by that little bastard that he had lost his temper?

This is simple.

Returning to the Chinese army's tent, Nangong Yidao immediately ordered Niu Baichuan to come and see him.

After a while, Niu Baichuan hurried in and said, "See the prince."

"Here's the order. From now on, no matter day or night, keep a close eye on Hujiang City. If you find anything suspicious, report it to me immediately for a final decision."

Nangong Yida ordered.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"In addition, order the Zhenbei Army to be ready for battle at any time."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"in addition."

Within ten minutes, Niu Baichuan left the Chinese army's tent with an excited look on his face, and soon after, he saw a Zhenbei army of thousands of people coming out of camp.

"Hey, do you need to prepare something?"

Lin Taixu stood at the window, climbed up and looked into the distance, and saw the soldiers of the Zhenbei Army leaving the camp, muttering to themselves, frowning, and looking very troubled.

On the morning of the second day, Lin Taixu had breakfast, and saw a young man in green running in hastily.

"Brother Lin, you are really my idol. Do you even dare to kill barbarians?"

"It's really admirable."

"Also, I didn't expect that you would actually form a private army with three thousand guards. Brother Lin, do you still need more people in your private army?"

"Can you accept my little brother?"

The young man in green looked familiar and said with joy. As an aspiring young man and a soldier of the Zhenbei Army, he had an innate hatred for the barbarians.

However, due to various reasons, he has not killed a Hu man so far.

As for Lin Taixu, he actually killed eight in one go and captured two more.

This simply made him extremely envious, and his admiration for Lin Taixu was filled to the brim in an instant.

"Which battalion of the Zhenbei Army are you in?"

Lin Taixu asked with a smile.

"I'm from the Golden Gun Battalion, Brother Lin. You know the Golden Gun Battalion, right? It's the trump card of our Zhenbei Army, the elite among the elite."

The young man in green said proudly.

"You are not on duty today? It seems that I saw Qianhu of your Golden Spear Camp taking someone out yesterday. Why did I leave you behind?"

Lin Taixu asked again. He glanced at the young man in green. He didn't have the aura of killing on the battlefield at all. He couldn't help but feel funny. Is that it?

You still have the nerve to brag that you are a soldier of the Golden Gun Battalion?

You might as well say that you are from the Munitions Office.

I'm embarrassed to tell you.


Hearing this, the young man in green couldn't help scratching his hair in embarrassment. He looked at Lin Taixu and said with some embarrassment, "Actually, I am a good member of the Golden Spear Battalion, but I am a reserve."

The reserve force is the replacement, which means that if the official soldiers of the Golden Gun Battalion are killed in battle, how many people are killed in the battle will be drawn from the reserve force.

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