My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 656 You should call this a better name

"How much less powerful?"

Cao Hongfu asked again, and couldn't help but feel relieved. Fortunately, it was less powerful. If these sky-blasting cannons were as powerful as the sky-blasting cannons they knew.

That really scared them to death.

Although they were strong men at the fifth level and eighth level, they were confident that they could still deal with one or two sky-shattering cannons.

However, under a hundred sky-blasting cannons, not to mention the fifth-level Martial Lord, even the sixth-level Martial King would not dare to take risks.

After all, what if you die if you try?

"The range is 200 meters, the explosion range is 200 meters, and it is a sure kill at the second level warrior level."

Lin Taixu said lightly. There was one more thing he didn't say, that is, the power of attacks can be superimposed.

As the saying goes, quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes.

That's what it means.

As for how terrifying the qualitative change is, he doesn't know, but the products produced by the system must be high-quality.

He believed it would be fine.

"Two hundred meters range?"

"The explosion range is two hundred meters?"

"A second-level samurai level must-kill?"

Cao Hongfu, Luo Xiangyang and Wang Jinglong couldn't help but were slightly startled. Good guy, although this power does not pose a threat to themselves and others, it is definitely a supreme weapon when used in army fighting.

Because the army has a large number of people, and they are all third-level soldiers, most of them are soldiers below the level of martial arts master.

If a hundred sky-blasting cannons were to kill indiscriminately, who could withstand it?

Suddenly, they were worried about the coming reinforcements of the Hu people.

When you encounter a freak like the Holy Master, just accept your fate.

"Calm down."

Seeing the surprised expressions of Cao Hongfu and others, Lin Taixu said lightly, a two-level sky-blasting cannon shocked you?

Then if I take out the five-level sky-blasting cannon or the six-level sky-blasting cannon, you will be scared to death.


When Cao Hongfu and others heard this, they couldn't help but smile awkwardly. They felt that they had made a bit of a fuss and had lost the face of their fifth-level martial masters.

It actually made the Holy Master laugh.

Seeing this, Lin Taixu ignored Cao Hongfu and others, and quietly watched Qiu Zhener directing the White Tiger Guards to deploy the sky-blasting cannon.

He had distributed the Sky Boom Cannon to Qiu Zhen'er two days ago, letting her get familiar with it in advance, but he didn't know how well she got used to it.

Hope you won't let yourself down.

While Qiu Zhen'er was preparing, the Suzaku Guard led by Su Rongrong also displayed three hundred hand crossbows.

The shiny black iron crossbow frame exuded a suffocating cold aura under the afterglow of the setting sun.

Like the mouth of the God of Death, as long as his fangs are exposed, countless lives can be harvested.

"Flying Star Crossbow?"

Cao Hongfu couldn't help but was stunned and looked at Lin Taixu silently. Although the flying star crossbow was much less powerful than the sky-blasting cannon, this thing was also extremely expensive.

Moreover, it has extremely strong lethality for third-level martial artists and certain damage to fourth-level martial arts masters.

As for the three hundred, it seems that the Zhenbei Army does not have that many.

Did he dig out all the Zhenbei Army’s old secrets?

"This one is a little more powerful than the one used by the Zhenbei Army."

"The range is two hundred meters and the effective range is two hundred meters."

Lin Taixu seemed to see the surprise of Cao Hongfu and others, and said calmly.

It can be regarded as clearing up doubts for Cao Hongfu and others.

In fact, to put it bluntly, I just want to show off.

If it wasn't for showing off, why would he spend so much money on this thing?


Wouldn’t it be nice to save the money for upgrading?

When Cao Hongfu and others heard Lin Taixu say that the hand crossbow was more powerful than the one used by the Zhenbei Army, they thought that the hand crossbow was weaker than the Feixing Crossbow they imagined.

However, Lin Taixu unexpectedly gasped for breath.

Better than the Flying Star Crossbow?

The range is two hundred meters and the effective range is two hundred meters?

Would you call this better?

Please, the Flying Star Crossbow has a range of 200 meters, but the effective range is only 150 meters.

Is this just a little better?

They suspected that Lin Taixu was showing off, but they had no evidence.

While the three thousand guards were preparing, a cavalry team of tens of thousands of people was approaching quickly in the distance. A large flag tens of meters high was embroidered with three large gold-edged characters.

King of Zhennan.

That's right, the army that came to support Hu Duoduo was led by none other than King Zhennan himself.

The cavalry he led were also the famous Zhennan Army, which was famous in the Hu Kingdom.

The Crescent State has the King of Zhenbei and the Army of Zhenbei.

Dahu State has the King of Zhennan and the Army of Zhennan.

I don't know whether this is a coincidence, or whether it is a clear and covert statement that the Great Hu State wants to confront the Crescent State in a tit-for-tat showdown.

"My lord, if General Hu really rushed to Dahuang City, he wouldn't be stupid enough to attack the city directly."

A Qianhu general looked at the cold-faced Zhennan King Hu Yigui and said with some worry.

"Huh, that's because he's looking for death. He can't blame others."

Hu Yigui said coldly, with anger rising in his eyes.

He knew that the Jackal Cavalry was one of the most elite troops to defend the imperial capital and was deeply trusted by Emperor Hu. Therefore, he was tolerant of the Jackal Cavalry's arrogant and arrogant behavior.

However, he never expected that Hu Duoduo would be so bold and dare to disobey his own military orders.

This is simply arrogance to the extreme and lawlessness.

Therefore, if he were not worried that Hu Duoduo would be killed by Nangong and he would not be able to explain it to Emperor Hu, he would never have sent troops to assist.

"Your Majesty, a small group of soldiers were found near Xiaofeng Mountain ahead, numbering about three thousand. Please make your decision, Your Majesty."

At this time, the scout from the front ran to the front of Hu Yigui on Pegasus and shouted loudly.

"Have you ever found out whose army it is?"

Hu Yigui asked in a deep voice, without the slightest worry in his heart.

As long as Nangong Yidao is not around, he will not be afraid of any general of the Northern Army.

Kill as many as you come.

"The opponent's army formation has no flags, but their entire army formation is very impressive, and"

When the scout said this, his eyes rolled around, as if he didn't know what to say.

"And what? Say."

When Hu Yigui saw this, he couldn't help but frown and shouted angrily.

As a scout, you should fully report the military information you have investigated. If you hesitate, you are delaying the military aircraft and you should be executed.

"Moreover, hundreds of sky-blasting cannons and a huge number of flying star crossbows appeared in the opponent's formation."

The scout was startled and hurriedly said loudly, it wasn't that he didn't want to say it, it was because he was worried that he would not believe it if he said it.

Maybe in a fit of rage, he beheaded his own dog.

"What? Are you blind?"

Hearing this, Hu Yigui raised his hand and whip, roared out, and knocked the scout to the ground. If the scout hadn't been clever enough to get up and dodge immediately after landing, he would have been trampled to pieces by the horses coming from behind. broken.

"That bastard, hundreds of sky-blasting cannons, and a huge number of flying star crossbows?"

"Anyone who is not blind knows that this is impossible."

Hu Yigui said angrily, if the Crescent Kingdom had so many sky-blasting cannons, they would have attacked Hu Jiang City long ago, and would they still be huddled in the Great Desert City?

Stupid stuff.

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