My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 674: What are you looking at me for?

"Hey, that's not right. Wasn't it Lin Taixu who took the Third Prince away?"

"You let him decide? What do you mean?"

Then, Bian Deyong asked coldly, feeling that Nangong Yidao was playing tricks on him, but he had no evidence.

"Everyone is responsible for his own actions. What's the problem?"

Nangong Yidao sneered.


Bian Deyong felt that what he said made sense, and he was actually a little speechless.

The soft-armored girl couldn't help but smile secretly, looking at Bian Deyong with a trace of pity in her eyes. If you argue with the prince, maybe it won't be a big deal.

But if you argue with Lin Taixu, you have to be careful.

Maybe, you will end up arguing your life.

Huang Debiao and Liu Zhiming had little contact with Lin Taixu, so they looked at Nangong Yidao with confusion, wondering why the prince gave such an important matter to Lin Taixu.

What exactly is the plan?

If you don't have hair on your mouth, you can't do it well.

If this really gives the Hu people an excuse, wouldn't the two countries have to go to war?

Hey, a war between the two countries?

Suddenly, the two's eyes lit up. Doesn't this mean that they have military merits?


That's it.

The two immediately understood what Nangong Yidao was thinking. Isn't this waiting for the Great Hu Kingdom to start a war?

It seems that the prince killed the Hu Wolf Riders a few days ago, and he didn't get enough of killing.

That's great, we didn't get enough of killing either.

The two looked at each other and smiled knowingly.

"How many people are coming from the Great Hu Kingdom this time?"

Lin Taixu asked as he walked.

"Just one envoy and a dozen Hu guards, but the identity of this envoy is not simple."

Niu Baichuan replied.

"Oh? How is it not simple?"

Lin Taixu couldn't help but become interested when he heard it. A not simple identity means that he is a distinguished guest.

He likes people with not simple identities the most.

As for whether it will cause a war between the two countries, he doesn't have to worry at all.

Will the Great Hu Kingdom give up the attack because of the New Moon Kingdom's compromise?

Definitely not.

The reason why the two countries did not launch a war was not because the Great Hu Kingdom was not sure enough to swallow the New Moon Kingdom?

Since the other party was not sure to completely conquer the New Moon Kingdom, why should he worry?

"This man is called Bian Deyong, one of the staff of the King of Zhennan. He has always advocated invading our New Moon Kingdom, as if this person was born with a blood feud with our New Moon Kingdom."

Niu Baichuan said, gnashing his teeth secretly. If there were no such people in the Great Hu Kingdom, the Great Hu Kingdom and the New Moon Kingdom would not have been fighting for many years, causing great suffering.

If the two countries had not clashed, the envoy would not have been killed.

He wanted to immediately skin Bian Deyong and pull out his tendons to avenge the New Moon Kingdom people and Zhenbei Army soldiers who died in the war over the years.

"Born with hatred for our New Moon Kingdom?"

Lin Taixu couldn't help but laugh when he heard it. There are such people?

Could it be that he came from a different time like me?

I don't have a natural hatred for the Hu people, but I simply hate their money and rat tail.

If it weren't for that woman, I'm afraid that the country that lives a hard life would have been one of our provinces long ago.

"Well, but we investigated his bottom line. He is a native Hu person, and his ancestors have been Hu people for eighteen generations. I really don't understand why he has always advocated the destruction of our Xinyue Kingdom."

Niu Baichuan said with some confusion.

"It doesn't matter. As long as I am here, the Great Hu Kingdom can't destroy the Xinyue Kingdom."

Lin Taixu waved his hand and said, kidding, with me here, the Great Hu Kingdom still wants to destroy the Xinyue Kingdom. Damn, if I don't destroy the Great Hu Kingdom, they should be laughing secretly.


Hearing this, Niu Baichuan couldn't help but stare at Lin Taixu with his eyes wide open. This bragging is going to the sky.

"Why are you looking at me like this?"

Seeing this, Lin Taixu looked at Niu Baichuan speechlessly and said, to tell the truth, no one believes it?

If he puts a hundred second-level cannons on the top of the Great Wilderness City, how many people dare to die?

Or, if he leads a heavy army, guards the cannons, and advances step by step, which army of the Great Hu Kingdom can stop him?

If a hundred cannons are not enough.

Then two hundred cannons.

If two hundred cannons are not enough, then three hundred cannons.

To destroy a small Great Hu Kingdom, it is not a piece of cake.

"It's okay, keep going, we are almost there."

Niu Baichuan replied, and continued to walk forward with Lin Taixu, too lazy to argue with Lin Taixu.

No matter how exaggerated Lin Taixu's words are, he doesn't believe them anyway.

Cao Kexin blinked her beautiful eyes and looked at Lin Taixu. For some reason, she actually believed what Lin Taixu said in her heart.

This is so fucking magical.

As for Cao Hongfu, he was calm and composed, and there was no ripple in his heart. Since the Saint Master said that he could destroy the Great Hu Kingdom, he would naturally do what he said.

Is there any need to question this?

After a while, they arrived in front of the Zhenbei King's central army tent.

At this moment, there were two rows of soldiers standing in front of the tent, one row was the Zhenbei Army soldiers, and the other row was the Hu people guards brought by Bian Deyong.

Seeing the arrival of several people, the Zhenbei Army soldiers did not make any moves, while the eight Hu people guards exchanged glances, and I don't know what bad ideas they were thinking.

"Not bad, the captain actually got such a big tent in the Zhenbei Army camp?"

"Well, there is a future."

Looking at the tall and mighty tent in front of him, Lin Taixu said in surprise.

Indeed, this central army tent is really too big, several times bigger than the tent of the soft-armored girl he had been to.

Have you rolled up the tent now?

However, fighting alone is not enough.

We need to see if there are any goods inside.

For example, his own military supply house is not only big, but also full of dry goods.

There are no shortage of pavilions and terraces.

"Go in, Captain Lin."

Niu Baichuan heard this, and his mouth twitched again. He said speechlessly, and made a gesture of invitation to Lin Taixu. He had learned a lesson from Lin Taixu's stubbornness.

What can you do to someone who even Zhenbei Wang Ling doesn't believe in?

"Stop, who are you?"

Just when Lin Taixu was about to enter the tent, he saw a Hu guard stretched out his hand to stop Lin Taixu and shouted sternly.


Seeing this, Lin Taixu, Niu Baichuan and others were stunned. What kind of operation is this?

Being stopped by the Hu people in their own military camp?

"Asshole, what do you want to do? How dare you stop us?"

Then, Niu Baichuan came back to his senses and shouted angrily, this is simply a rebellion, you Hu people are just a few people in other places, but you dare to be so arrogant in the Zhenbei Army camp.

Are you hanging yourself like an old man, thinking that your life is too long?

Seeing Niu Baichuan's anger, the Zhenbei Army soldiers in another row of guards subconsciously grasped their hands on their waist knives and looked at the Hu guards with cold eyes.

Seeing this, Cao Hongfu stood behind Lin Taixu without leaving any trace, ready to take action at any time.

Of course, according to his strength, he didn't need to prepare in advance to deal with a few Hu guards.

But, how to say it.

Attitude is very important.

Yes, attitude is very important.

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