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Chapter 678: Compensation of One Million Silver Coins

"I hope that when I am born in my next life, I will be uglier and my family will be poorer."

"In this way, you can run around day and night for food and clothing, and rely on your own hands to build a better future. Only this kind of life is meaningful."

"So, if I kill you and you can let me destroy myself, I will really be grateful to your eight generations of ancestors."

Lin Taixu looked at Bian Deyong and said seriously.


As soon as Lin Taixu finished speaking, Cao Kexin couldn't help but chuckle, reminding her of what Lin Taixu had just told her about a poor, ugly family with a height of 1.49 meters.

Love, this is his dream for the next life.

At this moment, she felt that Lin Taixu was really interesting.

Who can resist a handsome and interesting young man?

Nangong Yidao's eyes twitched. He really wanted to slap Lin Taixu to death for pretending to be a comparison. Niu Baichuan and others couldn't help but twitch their mouths. Listen, is this what a human said?

In addition to eating and sleeping every day, isn't this a good life?

Isn't their goal to live such a comfortable life?

It turns out that this guy still thinks that living like this is boring.

Big brother, why don't we change things? We also want to be bored.

The soft-armored girl looked at Lin Taixu dumbfounded and said to herself, "Are you lazy? It's as if someone forbids you from struggling?"

As for wanting to live again?

This guy has had enough nonsense.

"You must be poisonous."

Bian Deyong looked at Lin Taixu and almost spit out a mouthful of blood. He ate and slept every day, and ate after sleeping. Isn't this okay?

Are you still going to seek death?

If you want to seek death, then seek death, please don't hold me back.

"It's not poisonous, I'm an upright young man."

Lin Taixu refused solemnly, and then said to the two Zhennan Army soldiers, "Are they tied up? Once tied up, they will be dragged out and beheaded."


The two Zhenbei Army soldiers who were tying up Bian Deyong couldn't help but tighten their hands when they heard this, and almost strangled Bian Deyong to death on the spot.

Tied up, dragged out and beheaded?

Are you serious?

"Lin Taixu, do you dare to kill me?"

Bian Deyong couldn't help but yelled in fright.

"Nima, can you say it in another way? This is the same sentence you keep repeating over and over again. You never get tired of saying it, and I get tired of listening to it."

"Drag him out and behead him, stay away."

Lin Taixu looked at Bian Deyong and couldn't help but complain. Do you villains like to be so pretentious?

Is that the same sentence that comes over and over again?

Don't you know how to read more books?

There are different ways to threaten people like this.

"Yes, Lord Chihu."

The two Zhenbei Army soldiers looked at Nangong Yidao again when they heard this. Seeing that the other party had no expression, they immediately responded in unison.

He immediately carried Bian Deyong and walked towards an open space.


"I am the special envoy of the Hu Kingdom. The two countries are at war. If I don't kill the envoy, if you kill me, you will definitely be called a coward and fearful of trouble. It will be unworthy of your New Moon Kingdom's demeanor."

When Bian Deyong saw that Lin Taixu was serious, he was so frightened that he struggled and yelled.

"I was originally timid and lacked grace."

Lin Taixu spread his hands and said.


Bian Deyong never dreamed that Lin Taixu was in trouble, and he couldn't help but feel angry and anxious at the moment. However, when he wanted to open his mouth to refute, he found that he couldn't find anything to say to excuse himself.

Silently, he allowed the two Zhenbei Army soldiers to drag him aside.

Think about it, whoever meets such a person who is not afraid of death and unreasonable will be blinded?

But this kind of person still has great power.

Doesn't this cost people their lives?

Seeing this, the soft-armored girl couldn't help but look at Bian Deyong in relief, aren't you arrogant?

When you meet Lin Taixu, just accept your fate.


After dragging Bian Deyong to a place about ten meters away from Lin Taixu, a soldier of the Zhenbei Army kicked Bian Deyong down to his knees, and another soldier of the Zhenbei Army drew out his sword without saying a word.

"King Zhenbei, you can't kill me. I am a special envoy. The two countries are at war. If I don't kill the envoy, if you kill me, your reputation will be ruined."

Seeing that Lin Taixu was really determined to kill him, Bian Deyong quickly changed his target to Nangong Yidao.

Your subordinates are ignorant, so you, the majestic king of Zhenbei, are also ignorant.

Now he can only bet that Nangong Yidao will have some scruples and let him go.

Otherwise, I really won’t be able to go back this time.

"When the two countries are at war, the envoys will not be killed. This is true."

"However, this does not mean that you want to assassinate General Qianhu of our army. I can still pretend that nothing has happened."

Nangong Yidao said with a sneer.

"It's unfair. I swear to God, I never ordered them to assassinate Lin Qianhu."

Bian Deyong swore quickly.

"Hmph, so it means that we, Lin Qianhu, have wronged you?"

Nangong Yidao continued to sneer.

Wasn't it just Lin who wronged me?

Bian Deyong shouted in his heart, but when this guy who was eating was about to fall to the ground at any time, even if he thought so in his heart, he would not dare to say it even if he had some courage.

"It's my fault, I was obsessed for a moment."

"They shouldn't be allowed to assassinate Lin Qianhu."

"Fortunately, Lin Qianhu Jiren Tianxiang was not harmed. I deeply apologize for this and gave one million silver coins to Lin Qianhu as compensation for him."

Immediately, for the sake of his own life, Bian Deyong pinched his nose and admitted the unfounded crime of assassinating Lin Taixu.

Originally, he just wanted to make things difficult for Lin Taixu, but in the end, the trouble failed, and instead he was assassinated.

Who does he have to talk to for reason?

"One million silver coins?"

Cao Kexin couldn't help being shocked, looking at Lin Taixu blankly, and found that Lin Taixu was really amazing.

If he framed someone at will, not only would he be killed, but he would also be compensated with silver coins.

This is so simple.

"One million silver coins?"

"Are you sending beggars away?"

When Lin Taixu heard this, he couldn't help but said disdainfully, it's a good thing that you are the special envoy of the Hu Kingdom.

He could only take out one million silver coins when he opened his mouth, what a poor man he was.

Although he didn't have half a silver coin on him at the moment, it didn't stop him from thinking that one million silver coins was just a small amount of money.

It can't be any smaller.

"No more. I really can only take out one million silver coins. I can't take out any more. Mr. Lin, this is a misunderstanding. We have something to talk about. You need to ask them to let me go first."

Bian Deyong said with a sad face.

Indeed, one million silver coins was already most of his net worth.

Although he is the right-hand man of Zhennan King Hu Yigui, status does not mean money.

Besides, he still had eighteen concubines to raise in the Hu Kingdom.

Where can I save any silver coins?

"Old Niu, what do you think?"

Looking at Bian Deyong, he didn't look like he was lying. Lin Taixu turned his head and looked at Niu Baichuan and asked.

"Uh what did I say?"

Niu Baichuan couldn't help but was stunned. He couldn't figure out why Lin Taixu thought of asking himself if he was watching the show well.

What do you want me to say?

Do you want me to say, you did a great job?

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