My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 69: The old man who almost died of anger

"What else?"

Ku Lao asked unhappily. This idiot, doesn't he know he is very busy?

"Ku Lao, I think I can't do this."

Diao Butiao said the truth. As the heaven and earth are conscientious, if he can fight for a little, he will not say such a cowardly thing.


Ku Lao seemed to be a little bit unbelieving of what he heard. You can't do it?

You are at least a second-level warrior with the fifth level of cultivation. Can't you do two second-level warriors who have just been promoted?

Are you not burning paper at the grave to fool the ghosts?

"You won't tell me that you can't beat them, right?"

Ku Lao resisted the urge to slap Diao Butiao to death and asked.

His face was cold and expressionless. If there was any expression, it was that there was no expression that matched the old man's current mood.


Diao Butiao nodded and looked at Ku Lao eagerly, as if to say, congratulations, you guessed it right, but unfortunately, there is no reward.

"Oh my god."

Ku Lao wanted to kill someone at this moment. After a short silence, he yelled at Diao Butiao, "Are you a waste? You can't even beat two newly promoted second-level warriors? Then what are you living for?"

"How dare you live in this world?"

"How did the Diao family produce a waste like you?"

Diao Butiao was scolded so badly that he had to endure it silently. Although he felt very aggrieved and wanted to stiffen his neck and curse back, he took the job.

However, when he thought of Lin Taixu's horror and evil, his body shuddered.

The severe pain in his body has not subsided, and it is really not appropriate to kill himself in various ways.

Bear it.

Bear it for a while, and the wind will be calm.

Take a step back and live a happy life.

I will not argue with an old sly person like you.

"Tell me, give me a perfect explanation, otherwise, I will immediately send the Bloodthirsty Guards to kill Lin Taixu and his disciples, and by the way, let them chop off your head and use it as a chamber pot for me." After cursing for a while, Old Ku pointed at Diao Butiao and shouted again. He was very suspicious in his heart whether Diao Butiao did not want to do this, or whether he had already turned against them. However, when he thought of Diao Butiao's status in the Diao family, which was even worse than a dog, he knew that even if he had a few dog guts, he would not dare to betray the young master. So, there must be something he didn't know. Diao Butiao was shocked when he heard the words, especially when Old Ku mentioned the Bloodthirsty Guards, which made him feel cold all over. Bloodthirsty Guards, just by hearing the name, you know they are not good birds, right? That's right, they are not good birds. Bloodthirsty Guards are a group of guards cultivated by the young master's family with a lot of resources. Each of them is powerful and bloodthirsty by nature. Wherever they go, there is no grass growing and blood flows like a river. So far, no one has ever survived the pursuit of the bloodthirsty guards.

Do you think he would not be afraid of such a terrible killing machine?

No, he was scared to death.

"Old Ku, I really can't beat that Lin Taixu."

Diao Butiao explained hurriedly.

"Level 2, Level 5 can't beat Level 2, Level 1? You are simply... What did you say? You can't beat Lin Taixu?"

"Isn't Lin Taixu a waste?"

"You can't even beat a waste?"

Ku Gu was cursing halfway, and when he remembered that Diao Butiao was not talking about Lin Taixu's disciple, but Lin Taixu, he suddenly burst into a shocking rage.

It's understandable that you can't beat a Level 2 warrior, but it's impossible to understand.

And now you have the nerve to say that you can't beat a waste.

You, do you want to laugh to death, or do you want to piss me off to death?

At this moment, he really wanted to take the teleportation array and teleport to Diao Butiao in seconds, and then grind him to ashes, so that he knows what cruelty is.

I don't know what's wrong with the young master, why did he choose this waste.

Love him for being ugly, love him for being thin, love him for not having a few pounds of meat on his body?


"I don't know where Lin Taixu got a pair of super boxing gloves from. After wearing them, he can burst out the strength of a second-level warrior of the seventh or eighth level."

"One punch almost blew me up."

Diao Butiao said aggrievedly, if I hadn't seen the opportunity early, I'm afraid I would never see you again.


"If you don't believe it, look at the injuries on my body."

As soon as Ku Lao said something, Diao Butiao immediately said, stretched out his hand and took off the master's robe on his body, proving that what he said was true.

However, after he took off the master's robe, he looked at his body and couldn't help but be stunned.

On his body, except for the kisses and scratches left by his exercise with the maid just now, sorry, there are no scars at all.

Not even a bruise.

At this moment, he remembered that Lin Taixu had hit his arm with his fist, and the force passed through his arm, causing him to be seriously injured.

Scar? There is a hammer scar.

Now, it is embarrassing.

Ku Lao looked at Diao Bu Diao's skinny body coldly, his face turned blue with anger, and he immediately closed the Qianli Projection Array without saying a word.

Super boxing gloves?

After wearing them, a waste can burst out the strength of a second-level warrior of the seventh or eighth level.

You are fooling ghosts?

There is such a thing in the world?

Then why do they still practice?

Just wear a condom.

You are bragging about this bullshit, even the failed author dare not write like this.


"Ku Lao, don't leave."

"I'm telling the truth."

Seeing that Ku Lao had closed the Thousand Miles Projection Array, Diao Bu Diao was dumbfounded and immediately shouted. When he activated the Thousand Miles Projection Array again, the other side did not respond.

Why does no one believe the truth?

After Diao Bu Diao tried several times, he knew that he could not contact Ku Lao, so he sat on the chair and looked at the sky in silence.

He had a hard time.

On the other side of the Thousand Miles Projection Array, Ku Lao's face was full of murderous intent. How long has it been since he was so angry?

Ten years?

Twenty years?

Or a hundred years?

However, he was really angry with Diao Bu Diao today. Thinking back to the conversation between him and Diao Bu Diao, he found that Diao Bu Diao was sincere in his words and serious in his attitude, so that he could not find any trace of lying, but he just...

He was being the most sincere and saying the most ridiculous words.

Well, he was serious, so he was playing a monkey and a fool!

Summary completed.

"Very good, very good."

Ku Lao sneered and said, "Come here."

"Greetings, sir."

Immediately, a guard pushed the door open, knelt in front of Ku Lao, and said.

"Go, ask Commander Wu to lead people to Qingfeng City, kill Lin Taixu and his disciples, and by the way, bring that bastard Diao Bu Diao back to the young master for punishment."

Ku Lao ordered in a cold voice. Although he wanted to kill Diao Bu Diao, Diao Bu Diao was chosen by the young master after all. If he really wanted to kill him, he would not be able to explain to the young master.

Forget it, let's save his life for now.

As for why he rushed to Qingfeng City instead of taking the teleportation array.

Sorry, their family doesn't have such high-end stuff.

Just now, it was just his intentional silver.


The guard immediately took the order and retreated.

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