My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 699 Did I let you go?

"Fuck it"

Seeing this, Lin Taixu's face darkened. He originally thought that he was not a saint and could not save the suffering people in the world.

But, he could save one by one.

Besides, it is said that it takes ten years to cultivate to cross the same boat, and a hundred years to cultivate to sleep on the same pillow.

He and Li Lingling have been riding together. If not ten years, they have cultivated for at least nine years.

What's wrong with helping her?

However, what he never expected was that he finally decided to help Li Lingling after struggling with himself.

As a result, he was broken by Li Zhengqi's words.

You should have said it earlier, I would have done it earlier without even thinking about it.


You are the waste, your whole family is waste.

"Stop, did I let you go?"

Then, Lin Taixu turned his horse's head, looked at Li Zhengqi and others, and shouted angrily.

"Boy, what are you barking about?"

Li Zhengqi turned around and said to Lin Taixu with a sneer.

A cold light flashed in his eyes. He was worried that he had no reason to deal with Lin Taixu. He didn't expect that Lin Taixu really came to him without knowing whether to live or die. It was just right that he took the opportunity to cripple him. Compared with Tong Shao, the reward would be greater.

"Master Taixu, don't worry about me. You and Ke Xin should leave quickly."

Li Lingling saw this and said in a surprised voice. A trace of joy flashed in her eyes. She didn't expect that Lin Taixu would really stand up for her when they met by chance. Could it be that he fell in love with her?

However, the joy flashed and was replaced by a worry.

Although Lin Taixu was handsome, he was weak.

With the strength of a first-level martial artist, let alone be able to beat Li Zhengqi, even any guard of the Li family could beat him to death.

"Surround this rubbish and don't let him run away."

Li Lingling's words seemed to remind Li Zhengqi, and he hurriedly gave the order.

"Yes, boss."

"Yes, Brother Li."

"Yes, Captain."

Immediately, the Li family guards rushed up and surrounded Lin Taixu and Cao Kexin.

"Boy, I'll give you another chance to reorganize your words, say it again."

Seeing his men surrounding Lin Taixu and Cao Kexin, Li Zhengqi looked at Lin Taixu leisurely and sneered.

"Do you know who I am?"

Lin Taixu sat on the horse's back, looking down at Li Zhengqi, and asked lightly.

"Who are you? Haha, this rubbish actually asked us if we know who he is"

Li Zhengqi laughed and looked at Lin Taixu with disdain. What's wrong with knowing who you are?

If you know who you are, you are not a rubbish?

It's no exaggeration to say that in the mere Great Wasteland City, as long as anyone from any family in the imperial capital comes here, they are the target that everyone in the Great Wasteland City cannot look up to.

What's more, he comes from the Li family in the imperial capital, a second-rate family.

Except for the King of Zhenbei, he is not afraid of anyone.

Moreover, even if the King of Zhenbei comes, with the eldest son of the Tong family, the King of Zhenbei has to respectfully call him Tong Shao.

Now Lin Taixu actually dares to ask him shamelessly if he knows who he is.

It's simply a rhythm that will make people laugh to death.

"Haha, who are you?"

"Tell me who you are and see if you can scare us to death."


The Li family guards also laughed loudly, looking at Lin Taixu with great joy.

"Forget it, talking to you idiots is just a waste of saliva."

Seeing this, Lin Taixu shook his head and said, then took out the Thousand Miles Transmission Note from the storage ring, and then said, "Rongrong, there is a little trouble, you bring someone over."

After that, without waiting for the other party to answer, he put away the Thousand Miles Transmission Note again.

"Oh, calling for help? Good, very good, I'll wait for you to call for help, but you have to be careful, I was just planning to beat you up and break your limbs or something."

"If the people I call can't help you later, it's not as simple as breaking your limbs."

Li Zhengqi said fearlessly, looking at Lin Taixu's storage ring with ill intentions.

Storage ring, this is a good thing.

Even he can't afford it.

I didn't expect that Lin Taixu, a waste, could actually own such a treasure. It seems that he must be rich.

But what's the use of having money in this world?

You have to have strength.

Well, this storage ring will be yours later.

"Wait, it won't take a few minutes."

Lin Taixu was too lazy to pay attention to Li Zhengqi. He felt that talking to such a low-IQ person really lowered his level.

The three thousand guard camps of the Zhenbei Army.

The Qinglong Guard, the White Tiger Guard, and the Suzaku Guard were practicing daily in the martial arts field in the center of the camp.

"White Tiger Guards, assemble."

"Get on the horses."

"Follow me."

Su Rongrong stood up suddenly and shouted loudly, with a cold and murderous look on her delicate face.

Then, she jumped up and ran out of the martial arts arena.

Seeing this, the faces of the thousand White Tiger Guard girls also changed, stopped practicing, stood up at the same time, and ran in the direction where Su Rongrong left.

In less than a moment, the war horses neighed, and the White Tiger Guards rushed out of the Zhenbei Army camp like a whirlwind.


The actions of Su Rongrong and others immediately caused a commotion at the scene, and no one knew what happened.

"Continue practicing."

Qiu Zhener and Lin Feiyang shouted loudly immediately. Although they were very curious, they still abided by the iron rule of not leaving the camp without permission.

"Yes, Commander."

With Qiu Zhener and Lin Feiyang's shouting, the two thousand guards all looked stern, threw away their curiosity, and started practicing again.

Five minutes later.

"Boy, I have been waiting for you for five minutes. Where is the person you called?"

"If you don't come, our brother Li will not wait any longer."

"That's right, we can't wait for you for hours. Our captain Li's time is very precious."

Several Li family guards said impatiently.

"It's only been a few minutes? Are you so anxious? Are you in a hurry to reincarnate?"

Cao Kexin cursed angrily. Originally, according to her personality, she couldn't do such a disgraceful thing as cursing.

However, when she saw her best friend being bullied by a group of slaves, she couldn't help cursing.

No, what she said was not considered as scolding, because she was not scolding a person.

Li Lingling looked at Lin Taixu quietly, feeling both happy and worried.

She was happy that Lin Taixu was really willing to help her.

She was worried that if the helpers Lin Taixu found knew that he might have offended the Tong family of the imperial capital, would they still help Lin Taixu?

Moreover, would they vent their anger on Lin Taixu?

If Lin Taixu suffered an unprovoked disaster, she would rather Lin Taixu not help her.

Otherwise, she was afraid that her conscience would be guilty.

"How about it? Do you want to do it?"

Wang Jinglong, who was secretly following and protecting Lin Taixu, looked at Luo Xiangyang and asked.

Looking at Li Zhengqi's cold eyes, he was really bold, daring to offend even the Saint Master.

Do you know how to write the word death?

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