My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 701: Killing and destroying the heart

"You idiot, you're standing in the middle of the road and you won't give way. Let's see how you die now."

Seeing this, Li Zhengqi, who had escaped the disaster, couldn't help but snicker in his heart as he looked at Lin Taixu, Li Lingling, and Cao Kexin.

But I feel very sorry for Li Lingling in my heart. If she dies, even if Young Master Tong doesn't hold her accountable when she goes back, I'm afraid the reward will be gone.

"See Master."

"My subordinate came late to protect the master. Please forgive me, master."

Su Rongrong got off her horse, came to the front of Lin Taixu's horse, knelt down half-kneeling, and said respectfully.

"You came just in time."

Lin Taixu said, and then waved his hand to signal Su Rongrong to get up.

What he said was true. Su Rongrong came at the right time. Otherwise, Li Zhengqi would have to do it himself if he wanted to catch Li Lingling.

"What? Master?"

When Li Zhengqi heard this, he couldn't help but feel his head hit and almost exploded. This cavalry was actually called by Lin Taixu, a loser?

This is impossible, this is absolutely impossible.

Immediately, Li Zhengqi roared in his heart, looking at Lin Taixu with eyes full of resentment and viciousness.


I worked hard and worked hard in the Li family, and I was promoted to the level of third-level martial arts master. However, I still lived a life of precariousness and tight money.

That's why he accepted Tong Anyi's benefits and betrayed the Li family.

The reason is to make your life more nourishing.

But why is it that Lin Taixu, a useless first-level warrior, can have an army as his slaves without paying anything?

Thinking of this, he was so angry that his chickens turned purple.

God is unfair.

"Thank you, Master, for not committing any crime."

Su Rongrong stood up and thanked them. After saying that, her face turned cold, she glanced around Li Zhengqi and others, and ordered in a low voice, "Arrest everyone who dares to resist, and kill them without mercy."

"Yes, Sir Commander."

Immediately, a group of White Tiger Guard girls responded, and the White Tiger Guard girls on the periphery jumped off their horses and ran towards Li Zhengqi and others.

Behind them, hundreds of White Tiger Guards were holding flying star crossbows and aiming at Li Zhengqi and others. If they made any move, they would be shot with merciless crossbow arrows immediately.

"My lord, my lord, we are just passing by, why are you arresting me?"

Li Zhengqi shouted quickly.

"Stop talking nonsense, kneel down and hold your head in your hands, otherwise, I will kill you."

The two White Tiger Guard girls held crossbows and shouted angrily at Li Zhengqi, with cold murderous intentions on their delicate faces.

If you dare to be disrespectful to your master, you will deserve to die.

If Li Zhengqi was even the slightest bit uncooperative, they would behead him without saying a word.

"Calm down, calm down"

When Li Zhengqi saw this, his expression changed with fright, and he quickly knelt on the ground obediently and said with his head in his hands.

As he spoke, he secretly looked at the situation around him, thinking of ways to escape.

It is true that he is a third-level martial artist, but to rely on the strength of a third-level martial artist to break out of the siege surrounded by thousands of people can only be said to be wishful thinking.

Especially since the opponent still has hundreds of flying star crossbows in his hands.

I was afraid that he would be shot into a dead hedgehog before he could even take three steps.

Therefore, it is definitely not possible to do it forcefully.

We can only wait for the opportunity.

However, it is a pity that the opportunity he thought of was a joke in front of the White Tiger Guard girl.

Seeing Li Zhengqi kneeling on the ground as requested, the two White Tiger Guard girls looked at each other, and seemed to see a trace of disappointment in each other's eyes.

Can you not be disappointed?

Li Zhengqi was so obedient, they really couldn't find any reason to take action.

If it were an ordinary army, I'm afraid they would do it according to their own temper. If there is no reason, then they should find their own reason.

However, they are different because they are influenced by Lin Taixu, military rule number one.

Conquer people with virtue.

Therefore, in order not to damage the image of their master, they could not do it even if they wanted to kill Li Zhengqi without a legitimate reason.

Immediately, the two of them sealed Li Zhengqi's Yuan Hai expressionlessly, then grabbed Li Zhengqi from the ground and escorted him to Lin Taixu.

Other Li family guards were also brought over by a group of White Tiger Guard girls.

Facing the powerful strength, they had no choice but to bow their heads and accept their fate. No one dared to resist.

Just like that, in less than three minutes, Li Zhengqi, who was so arrogant just now and looked like he was the best in the world, and more than a dozen Li family guards knelt in front of Lin Taixu in a row.

Really everything is impermanent.

Li Lingling couldn't help but look at Lin Taixu in surprise, her eyes filled with deep emotion, feeling like she was in a dream.

"You look at me like this, don't you mean to commit yourself to me?"

Seeing this, Lin Taixu couldn't help but smile and said, deliberately wanting to tease Li Lingling.

It has to be said that Li Lingling has a charming voice and a look of gratitude and appreciation. Fortunately, it is Lin Taixu. If it were anyone else, I am afraid that she really can't control herself.

"Yeah, if Master Taixu doesn't dislike it, Ling'er has no objection."

When Li Lingling heard this, instead of being angry, she nodded as if she wanted to. Her fiery gaze only made Lin Taixu feel weak.

What's wrong with this world?

I said it casually, but the girl teased me instead.

Seeing this, Lin Taixu couldn't help but secretly smile bitterly. In fact, he didn't know Li Lingling's situation.

Since being entangled by Tong Anyi, she has lived in fear every day. She worries about seeing him during the day, and worries about whether the people around her will collude with Tong Anyi and betray her at night.

It’s better in the family. After all, her father is the head of the Li family. No matter how much the elders of the Li family try to curry favor with Tong Anyi, they still have to be cautious about their means and measure.

However, since she came to Dahuang City these few days, she deeply felt what it means to cry to the sky and the earth for no response.

What does it mean to be worse than death.

Now, Lin Taixu forcefully solved Li Zhengqi for her, just like letting a person who has lived in darkness for a long time suddenly see the light.

Imagine, under this kind of excitement and happiness, let alone pledge her body, she is willing to pledge her life.


Seeing this, Cao Kexin couldn't help but look at Li Lingling with a strange look. She felt that the shock she had brought to herself today in the past few years of knowing Li Lingling was not as great as today.

Is this still the well-educated Li Lingling before?


Looking at Lin Taixu's embarrassed look, Li Lingling couldn't help but chuckle. She didn't expect that Lin Taixu actually had a shy side. Suddenly, her eyes looking at Lin Taixu became more and more fiery.

Handsome, humorous, compassionate, simple, and powerful.

How could she not like such a treasured young master?

Compared with Tong Anyi, bah. How can a rubbish like Tong Anyi be compared with a treasured young master?

He is not even qualified to lick the shoes of a treasured young master.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you. It seems that you can't afford to offend the people I called."

Lin Taixu looked at Li Zhengqi and said with a smile.

What is killing people and destroying their hearts? This is killing people and destroying their hearts.

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