My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 9: Advancing to the Fifth Level of Martial Apprentice

"Killed by an enemy."

"Killed by a strong man."

"Or the task issued by the system was not completed, and the system destroyed him humanely."


The system seemed not to notice Lin Taixu's complaints, and eloquently told the causes of death of the first thirty-seven controllers.

Lin Taixu was sweating profusely after listening to it. This is fucking, it turns out that the system is not invincible.

Then what's the use of your broken system?

I couldn't complete the task issued by the system, so I was destroyed by you humanely. You are so stingy that you don't even give me a new gift pack.

Do you still have some shame?

"Forget it, go to sleep."

Lin Taixu felt that he and the system had no common language, so he simply got into bed and planned to sleep.

Although it was only afternoon and there was still some time before dark, there was no entertainment in this place, and he couldn't practice, so why not sleep?

Besides, going to bed early is good for health.

Ahem, wrong. Going to bed early may lead to good dreams. If I could have the same dream as last night, it would be so cool.

However, dreams are beautiful, but reality is cruel.

Lin Taixu slept from the afternoon to the next morning, a whole afternoon and a whole night. Until Zhao Feixue and Zhao Feishuang woke him up, he didn't dream of anything.

Suddenly, he felt that life was hopeless.

Fortunately, Zhao Feixue and Zhao Feishuang's attentive service brought him some comfort.


"Congratulations to the controller's disciple Murong Wushuang for advancing to the first level. The system rewards the controller with 1000 experience points."

"The system rewards the controller with 1000 experience points as a master."

"Excuse me, controller, do you choose to improve your martial arts level or your body level?"

At this time, the system's voice sounded in Lin Taixu's heart.


Hearing the system's prompt sound, Lin Taixu seemed to be struck by lightning, and a burst of ecstasy emerged in his heart.

He knew that he was born with a useless body and could not practice.

Now that he heard that the system had been upgraded and he could actually practice, do you think he would not be ecstatic?

"Enter the system."

Immediately, Lin Taixu said without hesitation. As his voice fell, the surrounding space suddenly stopped. Zhao Feixue was half-bending over to help him tidy up his clothes. Because time had stopped, she was like a puppet that was fixed, keeping her bent posture.

The collar was drooping, and a white light suddenly appeared.

Lin Taixu couldn't help but twitch his eyelids. It seemed that he had discovered another heaven-defying skill of the system.

Then, Lin Taixu's eyes flashed, and he looked at the virtual screen that appeared in front of him. He ignored it and didn't look at it.

If he continued to look, he would definitely have an accident.

Practice is still important.

"Open the character panel."

Lin Taixu ordered, showing a serious look, but his eyes couldn't help but look down.

Is this too obscene?

Lin Taixu thought to himself, but whoever it is, will be like this.


A crisp sound sounded, and the system character panel appeared in front of Lin Taixu.

Controller: Lin Taixu

Age: 16

Stamina: 10

Master level: First-class master

Apprentices: Murong Wushuang, Zhao Feixue, Zhao Feishuang, Lin Luoyi, Ouyang Yanran

Martial arts level: 0

Physical training level: 0

System experience value: 1000

Martial arts talent: 0 (talent 50 is genius, the higher the value, the stronger the talent, the highest is 100)

Martial arts body: waste body (trash)

Kungfu: Taixu Dragon Claw Hand (God-level)

Equipment: None

Creating something out of nothing value: 4


Lin Taixu looked at the character panel carefully and found that only the system experience value increased by 1000, and the others were basically the same.

"System, what is the difference between physical training and martial arts?"

Lin Taixu asked. After all, this was his first time, and he thought it was better to be cautious.

"Physical training is the path of physical cultivation, while martial arts is the path of spiritual cultivation."

"These are two different cultivation systems. The difference is that physical cultivation is slow to advance, but the combat power is high, invincible at the same level, and can go back to conquer."

"Spiritual cultivation is fast to advance, but the physical body is weak. If a physical cultivator gets close to you, you will die."

The system explained.

"I choose physical cultivation."

Lin Taixu thought about it. Physical cultivation and spiritual cultivation reminded him of the two professions in the game he often played before, the warrior and the mage.

Undoubtedly, the warrior is his favorite.

Because in close combat, life and death depend on positioning, uh, all on skills, how cool and unrestrained it is.

So, life and death are indifferent, just fight if you don't agree.

Physical cultivation is the first choice for passionate men.


"The controller has selected the path of cultivation, physical cultivation."

"The controller's body training experience points have increased by one thousand."

"The body training level has been raised to the first level of a martial artist, and the strength is 1,000 kilograms."

The system voice immediately sounded, and the character panel flashed. Lin Taixu found that the body training level was finally not 0, but now it was the first level, and there was a bracket after the first level (0/2000)

It obviously means that 2000 experience points are needed to upgrade to the second level of a martial artist.

Of course, this is not the point. The point is that after being promoted to the first level of a martial artist, Lin Taixu felt that he was full of energy at the moment, and it seemed that a powerful force was flowing in his body. Compared with the past, it was simply incomparable.

No wonder everyone is thinking about how to make themselves stronger. This feeling of being in control is really not that good.

His eyes inadvertently glanced at the white light deep in Zhao Feixue's collar. Lin Taixu felt that with his current strength, it was no exaggeration to say that he could crush it.

Brutal or not?


"The controller's body training level increases. The system rewards a body training technique, a pair of first-level black iron gloves, and rewards 2,000 experience points and 1,000 silver coins."


"The controller's body training level increases, and the system rewards a white cloud shirt, 3,000 experience points, and 1,000 silver coins."


"The controller's physical training level increases, and the system rewards a basic boxing technique, Black Tiger Fist, with a reward of 4,000 experience points and 1,000 silver coins."


Hearing a series of beeps that stunned Lin Taixu, Lin Taixu was surprised to find that in just a few breaths, his body training level suddenly changed from 0 to the fifth level of a first-level martial artist, and his strength also increased. It became 5,000 pounds.

What the hell.

Who just said that physical training is slow to advance?

Come out and I promise not to beat you to death.

In the blink of an eye, you can jump five levels, how can you go faster?

Ascend directly to heaven?


"I discovered the body tempering technique, body tempering technique. Do you want to practice it?"

"I discovered the basic boxing technique Black Tiger Fist. Do you want to practice it?"

"Practice, practice."

Lin Taixu said quickly.


"If the Body Tempering Technique is successfully practiced, the master's cultivation speed will increase tenfold."

"The Black Tiger Fist is successfully practiced. If the controller uses the Black Tiger Fist, the strength will increase by 10%."

"The current controller is at the fifth level of martial arts level one, with a strength of 5,000 kilograms."

"One hour of practice progress adds 10 experience points."

The system voice continued.

"Oops, let me go, it will only increase 10 experience points in an hour?"

Lin Taixu, who was originally very happy, suddenly fell down when he heard the last sentence of the system. Looking at the bracket (0/5000) after the fifth level of body refining, he did a rough calculation, at least it must be More than 20 days.

My dear mother, this is too slow.

"How to increase experience points?"

Lin Taixu asked, if this continues, the second and third levels will not be calculated on an annual basis.

No, I am too impatient to wait.

"Practice advanced skills, or take elixirs and elixirs, which can be converted into system experience points."

"As for the rest, it's up to the controller to explore it himself."

This time, the system did not pretend to be dead when Lin Taixu asked him how to get skill points, and answered immediately.

"Oh, that's fine."

Lin Taixu thought for a while, nodded and said, since there is a way, it's not a problem.

"With 5,000 kilograms of strength, it can blow up a cow."

Immediately, Lin Taixu set his sights on the strength column and felt his heart beat faster. Unexpectedly, he knew that a first-level martial artist at the first level could only punch one hundred kilograms, and a fifth-level martial artist could only punch five hundred kilograms. Jin, it's better for me, just jump up a thousand times.

This power is equivalent to a full blow from a fifth-level warrior of the second level.

Because only after the first level of the second-level warrior, the spiritual warrior will advance to the next level and increase his strength by one thousand kilograms.

This, physical cultivation, is indeed invincible at the same level, and can defeat immortals in reverse.

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