My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 92: Kill as soon as possible

"See Master Master."

"Master Master, Li Busi's five million silver coins, plus Dong Jiba's ten million silver coins, Shi Zhen will enjoy ten million silver coins."

"A total of 25 million silver coins are all here. Please accept them, Master Master."

Arriving at the pavilion, Liu Sandao said that when Du Lengfeng handed over Dong Jiba and Shi Zhenxiang to him yesterday, when he heard that it was Lin Taixu's instructions, he immediately understood Lin Taixu's intention.

He immediately took the two of them back to their families and forced each family to get 10 million silver coins.

Then it was delivered to Lin Taixu early this morning.

I have to say that people's behavior is habitual. You see, you get used to it as you keep doing it.

Moreover, the minimum starting price is 10 million.

He abruptly raised his business level to the point where even Lin Taixu would be ashamed.

What the hell, three swords, labor and management are not as ruthless as you.

Lin Taixu looked at the five big boxes in front of him and gave Liu Sandao 10086 thumbs up for his professionalism.

Look, that's the gap.

Labor and capital extorted 77,81 people for only 40 million silver coins. This guy only extorted two people for 20 million silver coins.


"Master, what are you doing?"

"Why do so many people send him money?"

“And, you’re giving away so much?”

Zhao Feixue, Zhao Feishuang and Ouyang Yanran were all filled with questions. They came from a big family and it could be said that they had no idea about money. However, even if they were given away tens of millions, they knew that something was unusual.

As for Murong Wushuang and Wang Luoyi, they knew it, but they would not tell them.

They all felt that they could not afford to lose this person.

However, Master is still enjoying it, and they are also very desperate.

They were very suspicious, what does Master need so much money for?

Could it be that the elixirs that Master gave me were bought with money?

That does cost a lot of money.

Does that mean we should ask the family to send some money?

Thinking about it, Murong Wushuang and Wang Luoyi looked at each other and made a decision in their hearts.

Sun's house, lobby.

Sun Chaohong's jaw almost dropped as she listened to the second elder's report, "You mean Murong Wushuang and Wang Luoyi have been promoted to the second level warriors?"


"A group of dead soldiers sent by my subordinates went to ambush Lin Taixu, but Murong Wushuang and Wang Luoyi killed most of them, and the remaining half escaped."

“Being able to achieve this level is already a good proof.”

The second elder said, yes, he was the one who sent the dead men in black, and the man in the cloak was also him.

But, so what, he won't admit it.

He won't tell Lin Taixu either.

"What the hell."

When Sun Chaohong heard this, his expression changed and he uttered a curse word, which further strengthened his determination to kill Lin Taixu.

There is no turning back when the bow is drawn.

Since Lin Taixu has been offended, he must deal with it as soon as possible, otherwise, the Sun family will never be able to withstand the other party's revenge.

Therefore, kill people as early as possible.


"Master, when I came back, my subordinates asked the Master Master Hall to find out that Lin Taixu had already made an appointment with the Master Master Hall to be promoted to a two-star master teacher."

The second elder said again with a heavy heart.

"If he is promoted to a two-star master teacher, then he can become the deputy hall master of Qingfeng City's famous master hall, and he will be eligible to move into the famous master hall."

"When the time comes, he will be guarded by famous teachers and guards, so it will be more difficult to kill him."

Sun Chaohong said worriedly, with a gloomy expression on his face.

"It's better to take advantage of now"

The second elder said, reaching out and making a downward gesture.

It takes time to make a reservation and actually advance, so if they kill Lin Taixu during this time, isn't that okay?

Not witty?

If Lin Taixu were present, he would definitely point at the second elder and say, "Look, I guessed it right. A person like him will never give up until he commits suicide."


Sun Chaohong touched her chin and walked back and forth in the hall, seeming to be thinking about the feasibility of the second elder's words.

"Go and let him do it. Tell him to kill Lin Taixu and his five disciples. After that, he will no longer owe me the Sun family."

"From now on, the sea is deep enough for fish to leap, and the sky is high enough for birds to fly."

After a while, Sun Chaohong said to the second elder, with a look of pain on his face.

Sun Chaohong said that he was the Sun family's most powerful trump card.

It can be said that the Sun family can become one of the four major families in Qingfeng City because of this person.

This is also Sun Chaohong's greatest confidence in becoming the first family in Qingfeng City.

If it is used now, it will undoubtedly become much more difficult for the Sun family to become the first family, and they may even miss the honor of being the first family.

You can imagine Sun Chaohong's mood at this moment. It's not pain, it's a relief from the cold.

"Master of the house, you"

The second elder couldn't help but look at Sun Chaohong in shock, with an incredible look on his face. Although he did not have as high a position or power as the first elder in the Sun family.

However, I also know how important the person Sun Chaohong mentioned is to the development of the Sun family.

Now use him on Lin Taixu, is he worthy?

However, when I think of Murong Wushuang and Wang Luoyi, well, you deserve it.

"Go ahead. If I don't kill Lin Taixu, I always feel uneasy."

Sun Chaohong is also a very decisive and straightforward person. Once he makes a decision, he will not hesitate.

"Yes, head of the family, my subordinates will go and do it now."

The second elder saw this and said nothing more. He immediately bowed to Sun Chaohong and left the hall.

"Lin Taixu, this day next year will be your death anniversary."

Sun Chaohong said fiercely in his heart. Compared with making the Sun family the first family in Qingfeng City, killing Lin Taixu is the top priority at present.

Because Murong Wushuang and Wang Luoyi's promotion speed is too fast.

It was so fast that he was terrified.

A few days ago, Murong Wushuang was only a level 7 martial artist, and now, a level 2 warrior.

Who can be promoted to a level 1 martial artist in two or three days?


Not to mention the entire Xinyue Kingdom, even the entire Fengyun Continent probably has no.

If they are given a few more days, won't they be promoted to a level 3 martial artist immediately?

Even if they can't be promoted to a level 3 martial artist, as long as they are promoted to a level 5 martial artist, that will be the day of the Sun family.

The family is finished, why keep the trump card?

Do you want to play Landlord?

Therefore, he still knew what was important and what was not.

Half an hour later, the second elder came to a dilapidated courtyard in a veiled and winding way. He looked around to make sure that no one had noticed him. Then he quickly pushed the door open and closed it.

In a room in the courtyard, a skinny old man was closing his eyes and regulating his breathing. When he noticed someone entering, he immediately opened his eyes, and a cold light shot out from his blood-red eyes, which looked extremely terrifying.

His skinny right hand quickly grabbed the long knife placed aside, and he stood up. A cold murderous intent instantly filled the dilapidated house.

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