My Skills Are Not Serious

Chapter 1136: : Desperate

The behemoths swallowing the same kind will promote growth, increase in size, and evolve more powerful animals.

If the behemoth of that medium-sized behemoth reaches the limit and swallows the same kind of the same size, it is very likely that it will evolve into a large behemoth, and it will become irresistible like a natural disaster.

"Quickly, all the Griffin Riders are dispatched."

"Yiyi, set up a gun, and use all your strength to output regardless of the cost."

"Ya Ya, you come with me."

Jimo made an emergency deployment, riding a griffon and holding Yaya to fly to the direction of the giant beast.

Wenren sat on the flying tiger, and constantly launched raids at the giant beasts, trying to prevent the giant beasts from feeding, but her attacks were ignored by the giant beasts as if they were bitten by mosquitoes.

"Wenren, here we are."

Just when Wenren was anxious, Jimo brought the Griffin troops over.

"Sister, stop the behemoth quickly and prevent it from eating the heart and flesh and blood of another behemoth. It is very likely that it will evolve, and then..."

Wen Ren hurriedly said to Jimo on the Griffin.

"Well, I know."

Jimo issued an order loudly: "All of them, drop the plant bomb and focus on the head of the giant beast."

"Be careful to disperse and don't be affected by the explosion."


The griffin troop hovered above the head of the behemoth like a swarm of crows, dropping plant bombs.

The bomb exploded and the behemoth's head was shrouded in flames.


The bomb caused damage to the behemoth, making it scream, and at the same time angering it.

After the roar, the giant beast focused on the pesky flies around him, the giant mouth opened, and the giant beast began to inhale.

The visible wind whirls formed from the mouth of the giant beast, and the powerful suction pulls the air through its mouth.

"not good."

Jimo's expression changed, and he shouted at the Griffin Rider who was closer to the giant beast: "Get out of there."

But it was still too late. The Griffin Riders who were getting close were already being pulled by the suction. No matter how they were driven, the wings of the Griffin were all opened and they could not get rid of the strong air current. After a stalemate, they were sucked in. In the mouth of the giant beast, his throat fell.

Some people were even more miserable, being pulled by the suction force and hitting the teeth of the giant beasts, and they were directly turned into a pool of mud.


Jimo and Wenren watched the griffon riders bury themselves in the belly of the beast, very sad.

"Ya Ya, are there any black skull bombs."

Jimo asked the Bud in his arms with a deep voice.

"Well, there are two." Yaya replied.

"Throw it in."

"But, those uncles are also inside..."

Yaya has some concerns.

The Griffin Riders who were sucked into the mouth of the giant beast may still be alive. After all, the giant beast is so huge, and the space in its stomach must be large.

But if the skull bomb is thrown in, once it explodes, then Nasir is inevitable.

Jimo didn't know, but he still gritted his teeth and said, "Throw it in."

Seeing Jimo's insistence, Ya Ya took out the black skull bomb from his little belly pocket, threw it into the whirlpool created by the inhalation of the giant beast, and sent the bomb into the mouth of the giant beast. After a while, in Jimo Under the order of, the last one was dropped.


When Jimo watched the second bomb enter the beast's mouth, he immediately ordered.

Ya Ya Zun ordered, and his heart moved.


The black skull bomb exploded in the giant beast's throat, and fire spurted from the giant beast's mouth.

In the explosion, many blood clots of minced meat were ejected together.

Jimo and the others looked at the giant beast nervously, expecting two explosions one mile and one outside.


A painful and angry roar came from the beast's mouth, full of breath, no different from the previous roar.

"Damn it, it won't blow up." Wen Ren said bitterly.

Jimo smiled bitterly: "This kind of giant beast itself is very powerful. We seem to be unable to resist an attack. For it, it may be a knife that will be injured, but it will not be too heavy."

Wen Ren: "Is there no way?"

Jimo turned his head to look at Qinglong City, "Now let's see if Yiyi can cause damage to it."

Wenren turned his head and looked at the city. He saw Yiyi unfolding the fortress on the head of the city, and all weapons were deployed. Large and small energy muzzles were accumulating energy and preparing to shoot a salvo.

"Everyone lifted off."

In order to avoid accidental injury, Jimo ordered all Griffon riders to avoid the energy cannon shooting track.

Soon after the Griffin troop hovered 100 meters above the giant beast, Yiyi's energy cannon accumulation ended.

Then hundreds of large and small energy beams shot out, blasting towards the head of the giant beast.

The stomach and throat were exploded just now. The behemoth who was about to show off in the pain felt the danger instinctively and deflected its head subconsciously. However, because its head was too big, it was hit by most of the energy beams.

The weak spot was pierced by the light beam, a deep wound was punched in the fleshy place, and one eye was blown.

Although Yiyi's attack failed to kill the giant beast, it obscured the flesh and blood on half of its face, and at the same time blinded it in one eye.

Suffering from this injury, the giant beast was in deep pain, and the intact eye turned to Qinglong City with its head and radiated an extremely hateful look.

It saw the city in the distance, the culprit who caused its pain.


Roaring furiously, the giant beast gave up the corpse next to it, turned around to face the Azure Dragon Guardian, and strode forward.

"No, Yiyi's damage was too high and it caught its attention."

Wenren felt it for no second.

"Quickly, can't let it rush to the city, we stop it." Jimo yelled anxiously.

The Griffin troops launched an attack desperately.

But the beast's hatred was firmly placed on Yiyi, who was on the top of Qinglong City, and did not care about the Griffin troops surrounding him and harassing him.

After the behemoth started, its footsteps gradually accelerated, and the frequency of ground vibrations also increased. This is the rhythm of collision.

Seeing the giant beast rushing towards the city regardless, Jimo's face changed drastically.

To other creatures, the impenetrable copper and iron walls of the Azure Dragon Guard City are just building blocks in front of the giant beasts, and they don't have any effect at all.

If it can't be stopped, once the giant beast hits it, 100% will be destroyed, and the giant beast will crash into the city of Nirvana after the Azure Dragon Guard, it will be a catastrophe.

"Stop it for me." Jimo shouted hoarsely.

The Griffin troops have begun a new round of bombing.

At the same time, on the side of Azure Dragon Guard, everyone saw the giant beast rushing towards them, and their faces paled in fright.

"Run away."

In the face of the beasts rushing, no soldier can be as steady as Mount Tai, and has already begun to escape.

Panicked, using both hands and feet, and crawling around, all over the wall are people who hate their parents for having two legs.

Soon after, only Yiyi who was charged for the second time on the wall remained on the wall, as well as Gong Xiaobai and Dusi and other high-level officials who were still holding on.

Gong Xiaobai tremblingly sought ideas from others.

"Is there any way to stop it."

A bitter smile appeared on Dusi's face, "No way."

Although giant beasts cannot use extraordinary powers like mutant beasts, they have the most powerful body and the largest body in the world. If they want to deal with it, they can only rely on human lives to grind them.

But this will undoubtedly take time.

Now that the giant beast rushes up, who can kill it in a short time, or can prevent it from moving forward.

Obviously impossible.

"His Royal Highness, let's go, taking advantage of Nirvana City has just organized the evacuation of the citizens from the small world, and now the entrance is not very crowded, let's evacuate to the small world." Dusi felt that there was no hope, and sighed.

Gong Xiaobai looked at Yiyi and shook his head and said, "Yiyi is still working hard and hasn't given up. She hasn't left, and I can't leave."

Although very scared, Gong Xiaobai never had any thoughts of running away.

"His Royal Highness."

Doji wanted to persuade Gong Xiaobai to leave now, and he could quickly enter the small world before the city had gathered in large numbers. Once he delayed for a while, it was basically impossible to enter the small world with dense crowds.

But he had just spoken, but he was directly interrupted by Gong Xiaobai.

"You can leave if you want, and remember to take care of my mother when you leave."

After speaking, Gong Xiaobai stood firmly beside Yiyi, who was still trying to charge the energy cannon.

Seeing Gong Xiaobai like this, Du Si walked up to Gong Xiaobai and stood still with his eyes expressing admiration and gratification.

"His Royal Highness does not leave, then I will stay."

"You know, if you don't go now, you probably won't be able to go later."

Gong Xiaobai watched Dusi still follow him in this situation, and his heart was moved.

Toshi smiled at his Royal Highness, then turned his head and said to the others: "If you want to stay, please leave now."

Most of the rest are hesitating, after all, one step is to go first, to be able to take refuge in the small world first, and one more second will increase the risk of life.

And in fact, it doesn't make any sense to stay here, and you can't do anything to stop the giant beast from moving forward, but just waste time.

When everyone hesitated, Lu Yichuan made the first move. He walked behind Gong Xiaobai and Dusi and stood silently.

Toji glanced at it and was very pleased.

Others saw Lu Yichuan's choice, and they also made their own decisions.

Two-thirds of the people bowed to Gong Xiaobai and left, only one-third stayed.

Gong Xiaobai didn't react to those who left, nor did he feel any sense of betrayal. After all, it was a matter of life.

For those who stayed, Gong Xiaobai looked over one by one, deeply imprinting their faces and names into his mind.

Gong Xiaobai looked at the behemoth approaching outside the city, feeling the more and more obvious vibration, and couldn't help saying: "Uncle, where are you now? If you don't come out, you won't be able to see it the last time."

Just when Gong Xiaobai was thinking about why someone would not show up, the energy cannon deployed by Yiyi was charged for the second time.

This time Yiyi consumed all the materials she had collected that had been used to upgrade her, temporarily increasing the charging speed and the power of the energy cannon.

Hundreds of energy beams shot out. At the same moment, Yiyi's unfolded arms disintegrated in a blink of an eye, and she fell to the ground and passed out into a coma.

The beam of light hit the giant beast outside the city, and the beams of light left holes in the body of the giant beast. After a while, these holes flowed out like a drain pipe.

If it’s another creature, eating a hundred beams of light head-on will definitely get the box lunch, but the behemoth suffered a moderately severe damage. At first, it slowed down significantly and staggered a bit, but soon, the behemoth cheered up again. She got up, and accelerated her pace even more crazily. The intense pain made it even more angry, and the speed was faster than before.

Three kilometers,

Two kilometers,

one kilometer……

The giant beast is getting closer and closer to Qinglong City, and the people on the wall already feel like they are in a magnitude six earthquake.

"It's over."

Seeing that the final blow did not stop the beast, it angered the beast to speed up. Gong Xiaobai hugged the unconscious Yiyi with a desperate expression.

Jimo and Wenren, who had been following the giant beast and constantly attacking, saw the giant beast accelerating again, and desperately slumped on the mount.

"Damn it, it won't die like this, the strength of the behemoth is too terrifying."

Jimo muttered nonchalantly, "Is it really impossible?"

Yaya grabbed Jimo's clothes and said with sobbing, "Sister Jimo, let's save sister, okay?"

After Yaya's reminder, Jimo suddenly woke up.

"Quickly, Wenren, let's take the Griffin Troops to save people."

The behemoth can no longer be stopped, and the only thing that can be considered now is to save the people who can be saved.

Wen Renxin couldn't bear it, "Sister, is there really no way, there are so many people in the city, once the giant beast rushes in..."

Jimo smiled bitterly: "I can't think of a way. If Chen Fang is there, maybe there is a way, but he doesn't know where he is."

Wen Ren: "Yes, where is he?"

Wenren used the contract to summon Chen Fang before, but the contract didn't work, as if being isolated by something. He only knew that Chen Fang was still alive, but he didn't know where he was.

"Don't think about Even if he shows up now, it's useless. Let me save people first." Jimo said.


The two gathered the Griffins and prepared to go to the city wall to pick up Yiyi, Gong Xiaobai and others, while there was still some time, and then go to the city to receive others from the small world. As for the others, they could only be resigned. I only hope that they can enter the small world before the giant beast enters the city.

Just as Jimo and Wenren drove the mount to speed up, Yaya pointed to a place on the ground and shouted: "Uncle, it's uncle, he is shouting."

Jimo and Wenren's whole body shook, looking in the direction that Yaya was pointing, they saw a figure covered with red blood, standing on the behemoth that had died before, shouting with a loudspeaker in his hand. What's going on.

Jimo and Wenren are undoubtedly happy to see Chen Fang appearing and unharmed.

"What is Chen Fang talking about?"

"If you can't hear me, I will pick him up."

Wen Ren drove the Flying Winged Tiger to turn around and fly towards Chen Fang.

But Yaya stopped her at this time.

Ya Ya, who was wearing a bunny suit, could rely on the two rabbit ears on the clothes to hear what Chen Fang was yelling unreasonably.

"Uncle asked us to summon him on the head of the giant beast."

Wenren expressed doubts.

Jimo's brain quickly brightened his eyes.

"Quickly, any of you have gold coins."

Wenren dumbly took out a gold coin and said, "I have it."

Before he could explain, Jimo drove the Griffon close to the Flying Tiger, holding Bud and jumped onto the Flying Tiger, and directly commanded the Flying Tiger to chase the giant beast and land on it.

Then Jimo held the gold coin non-stop and called.

After the golden contract appeared, it gradually disappeared.

At the same time, Chen Fang appeared above the sky.

Immediately afterwards, a ball of fire fell from the sky, chasing the beast's head and blasted down quickly.

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