My Skills Are Not Serious

Chapter 1156: : Troops clash, instantly kill the enemy

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Seeing the Lake City army "invaded" the city, Chen Fang's time had been waiting for a long time.

"Everyone gets on the horse."

Chen Fang solemnly ordered.


Thousands of knights dropped their saddles in silence, mounted their horses and raised their guns, with a solemn expression, waiting for Chen Fang's order.

Xiao Qiao and Hela were brave and brave, and brought ninety-nine Dryad warriors to Chen Fang's summons, and came to him.

Shikoudi was surprised to see the cavalry force assembled at speed and ready for battle, and the already extraordinary Dryad warrior, secretly saddened in his heart.

Regardless of the combat effectiveness, just this order and prohibition, the discipline that can be assembled in a very short time, the army trained by oneself is incomparable.

Shikoudi glanced at Chen Fang quietly, and became very curious about him.

What method did he use to train such a disciplined soldier?

So Shikoudi took advantage of the time when the troops were really assembled and there was still some time to do so, and asked Chen Fang a question.

Chen Fang heard Shikoudi's question and almost laughed out loud.

As long as this is only in a quiet array, it can be called ordering, prohibition and strict discipline?

You are afraid that you have never seen the attitude of the army of the flower planters, and you don't know what is not moving like a mountain and still like a forest.

As for the soldiers under his army, this morality is not as good as the recruits who have only been enlisted for two months for flower growers, and they can be compared with college students who have been in military training for two or three weeks.

Of course, Chen Fang is not belittling his own soldiers, but now the soldiers of the Nirvana Army have only been training for a few months, and Chen Fang only took a few days in front of him and then handed it over to Wenren to manage him. It is rare to be irresponsible to such an extent as an army commander, and only soldiers can do this.

"There is no way, just let them stand in a line and pose."

Chen Fang didn't believe it at all.

You lie to the children to play.

Can you train such a disciplined soldier by standing in line?

The three-year-old didn't believe it.

Shikoudi thinks Chen Fang's words are just perfunctory, but as the commander-in-chief of the army, she is not dissatisfied, but rather embarrassed.

After all, the training methods for soldiers, no matter where they are, must be undisclosed, and I am not from Chen Fang's side. I just rashly raised this issue a bit unknowingly.

"Sorry, I took the liberty."

Shikoudi apologized to Chen Fang.

Seeing her attitude, Chen Fang shook his head and said, "Don't apologize, I don't care."

Then Chen Fang said: "We will fight later, you..."

Shikoudi wanted to experience how Chen Fang led the army up close, and observe the combat ability of the troops. Before Chen Fang finished speaking, she hurriedly pleaded: "I'll go with you, I can help, and absolutely It won't interfere with you."

Chen Fang was a little embarrassed, but he couldn't see the beauties begging. It was nothing anyway. He also considered that Shikoudi was really good and might be able to help, so he agreed.

Seeing Chen Fang's promise, Shi Kotti was excited.

Then Chen Fang saw that the army had been assembled, so he did not delay any longer, and ordered the "daughter" regiment and cavalry troops to follow Chen Fang to the Lake City army.

When he approached the back 500 meters of the Lake City army, Chen Fang opened the art of war.

With the blessing of the arrow front formation, the soldiers and the dryad warriors adjust their positions during the run, forming a formation in a very short time. The distance between people is as measured by a ruler, not the slightest difference, and the lineup is neat.

This situation shocked Shikoudi's heart.

Last night, she actually discovered that Chen Fang has an incredible ability to make troops form a special formation, but at the time she didn’t see it very real, so she didn’t feel too deeply, but now it’s completely in the daytime. After seeing it clearly, I couldn't help but feel an unmatched feeling in my heart.

However, while Shikoudi was still in shock, what made her stunned happened again.

When he was less than a hundred meters away, Chen Fang activated his charge skills. Under the combined effect of the military formation, the thousand-person formation rushed towards the Lake City Army formation.

The effect of the charge skill was presented by a thousand people. The momentum was so great that the sky was shaking. Under the overwhelming thunder, a group of cavalry slammed into the enemy army who found the enemy but couldn't react. In the lineup.

Under the impact of the cavalry unit led by Chen Fang, the Lake City soldiers were either knocked into flight or stepped into the ground with iron hoofs.

The Lake City army was originally like an army formation on fields with dense crops during the autumn harvest. It looked like it was plowed out of a gap after cutting rice and pour wheat.

Chen Fang led the cavalry unit, plowing through the Lake City army from head to tail, and rushed in the direction of the arrival again without being blocked.

This wave came back and forth, causing no less than 3,000 losses to the Lake City army.

Shikoudi, who was sitting behind Chen Fang, had a dumbfounded expression from start to finish. She was shocked by what she saw and felt.

"This... this is too unreasonable."

Thousands of people have the same heart as one person, controlling the army like an arm, swinging the army like a fist, and hitting wherever you point, this...

Shikoudi looked at Chen Fang's back and swallowed.

"It's too powerful. With such skills, whoever can beat the troops he leads."

Shikoudi was full of jealousy deep in her heart.

Out of the instinct of being the commander of the gods' army, Shikoudi looked at Chen Fang's defenseless back, and there was a moment of killing intent.

But soon this killing intent dissipated.

Shikoudi smiled bitterly and shook his head.

I thought to myself what was wrong, even if Chen Fang was terrible, he shouldn't have such thoughts.

Chen Fang saved himself and saved himself from being insulted. Wouldn't it be ungrateful to do it?

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have such thoughts."

With a guilty feeling in her heart, out of her own mind, Shi Kottie said softly.

She was intent on killing Chen Fangsheng only for a moment. When Shikoudi softly apologized, she thought Chen Fang didn't know, but what she didn't expect was Chen Fang's response.

"Haha, it's because you didn't make a move, or you wouldn't be able to survive just now."

Shiqueti burst into cold sweat when she heard what Chen Fang said with a smile. She did not expect Chen Fang to feel her killing intent and heard her apology. For a while Shiqueti looked panicked, and at the same time The feeling of guilt in my heart became stronger.

And why Chen Fang would speak is because just now, he keenly noticed that Shikoudi was killing himself.

Chen Fang wouldn't be able to deal with hostile people because of Shikoudi's beauty and beauty. He would never be merciless.

But just when Chen Fang tensed his muscles and wanted to start to become stronger, Shikoudi immediately apologized to himself in less than a second after showing the killing intent.

This made Chen Fang dumbfounded, but at the same time he accepted the idea of ​​destroying flowers.

Through this incident, Chen Fang can also be regarded as a preliminary understanding of Shikoudi's personality.

This girl is not the kind of insidious person who can stabbing a knife in the back, she can be an ordinary friend.

Therefore, Chen Fang would not feel disgusted with her because of her momentary killing intent. On the contrary, he believed that this kind of person could be associated with.

But the warning that should be given is still to be given, so the above words are said.

"I'm sorry."

Shikoudi bowed his head to apologize.

"Well, don't always say sorry, I'm sorry once, I'm sorry again and again, sooner or later you won't be forgiven."

"Forget it this time, I didn't take it to heart, but next time..."

Chen Fang did not go on, but Shikoudi understood what Chen Fang was saying. She lowered her head and bit her lip. Shikoudi felt guilty. At the same time, she thought deeply about Chen Fang's last sentence.

Seeing Shikoudi didn't speak any more, Chen Fang didn't intend to study it deeply, and turned his attention to the front, and continued to rush with the troops.

On the side of the Lake City Army, Wudi was hit by a powerful cavalry unit that suddenly emerged from nowhere. He killed an individual and turned his back on his horse. The Lake City Army was in a mess.

The low-quality Lake City soldiers faced the murderous and aggressive Nirvana cavalry, and they couldn't bear any resistance at all. They only knew that they fled and trampled on each other in a hurry, and they also suffered a lot of casualties.

The chaos of the army's back formation attracted the attention of the generals of the Lake City officer, so an officer who believed to be very strong and round, led his men and rushed towards Chen Fang, preparing to clean up the troops who were making trouble in the back formation.

"Dare to disrupt my army and kill my soldiers. I really don't want to live anymore."

The officer with a big waist and a round waist led his troops, rushed to the front of Chen Fang's troops, and stopped on the way that Chen Fang led his troops to charge.

Chen Fang saw a troop suddenly blasted out from the front, without even thinking about it, he continued to lead his troops to charge.

"court death!"

Seeing the opposing forces rushing towards him without stopping, the officer felt that he was being challenged.

Although the momentum of Chen Fang's troops, who had turned on the art of war and charging skills, was terrifying, the officer was not afraid, he also relied on it, and didn't think he would lose in a head-on confrontation.

"Don't think that you have a wide range of Legion skills, tell you, I will too."

"Crowd violent."

The officer roared, and a **** light appeared on his body, which blessed his soldiers in a very short time.

The soldiers who received the blessings were jealous and entered a state of excitement, mentally not afraid of life and death.

"All fire shields."

"All Burning Blades."

There was another loud roar. Under the command of the officer, the soldiers of the subordinate units sprang up a flame shield rotating around their bodies, and the weapons in their hands were attached to the power of flames.

Of course, this is a skill that the soldiers started by themselves.

It was obvious from this that the soldiers under this officer were all fire element awakeners.

"Kill me."

After the two skills, the officer led the troops to rush.

To be honest, Chen Fang was a little surprised when he saw that the opponent had a group skill, and all of his soldiers were awakened.

What he was surprised was not that the opposing army's soldiers were all made up of the Awakened. This is no surprise. Now no force can have one or two troops made up of the Awakened.

He was surprised by the fact that Lake City was able to form an army of Awakened soldiers who were all composed of fire elements and mastered the two skills of Flame Shield and Fire Blade.

Defensive skills, even the elementary Flame Shield, are not less than one gold on the market. In addition to the limited number, it takes a lot of thought and wealth to collect enough quantity for a troop.

Fire Blade doesn't have to pay, as long as it is an awakened weapon system, it will do this trick.

Also, to recruit all fire-element awakeners, the difficulty is not small. At least a medium-sized city with a population of tens of millions of people is needed, with more than 50,000 awakeners and many fire-element awakeners. It is possible to recruit and form such a troop.

And this single-element awakened force is very cost-effective, and the strength displayed is very strong.

As long as the number of people is large enough, the same elemental awakeners gather together, after using the elemental energy, there will be elemental energy resonance between them. When using the same skill, the power will increase at least ten times, even from the elementary skill students to the middle level. Rank skills, it's not that strong.

Even Chen Fang wanted to have such a force.

Of course, a unit formed by a single-element awakener can easily be slammed by a force with the opposite attribute. This is also a weakness.

However, this weakness is difficult to be exploited. After all, to form such a troop, one needs to be rich and powerful, and the other is to be able to collect enough of the same skills, and the price paid is not affordable by ordinary forces.

At least, as far as the current Nirvana City is concerned, it is impossible to form it in a short time.

Talk too much nonsense, return to the topic.

Facing the rushing special force from Lake City, Chen Fang Xiao Snacks was taken aback and calmed down.

At this time, Shikoudi, who was sitting behind Chen Fang, reminded: "Be careful, with the number of opponents' troops, the flame shield after elemental resonance has at least reached Intermediate Level 2, which is very powerful, and it will also produce splashes. It’s best not to face off against the shooting effect."

When Chen Fang heard this, he said lightly: "Don't worry, who is stupid and fought with them."

After speaking, Chen Fang raised the Moon Knife in his hand in Shikoudi's curiosity.

"Raise the knife."

With a shout, all the soldiers in Chen Fang's army, as well as the Dryad warrior, raised their weapons together.

"Group Yanyue Slash."

The sword jungle stood up, and Chen Bu yelled and slashed down with his sword.

At the same time, thousands of people also wielded their weapons at the same time and at the same pace.

Then Shikoudi subconsciously screamed out of the voice, dense crescent moon knife energy, shot out like bullets, and flew towards the special force in Lake City.

"Do not!"

Seeing the attack of Cong Cong Dao Qi, the Lake City officer who was still full of confidence screamed.

The dense knives and the scratches cut on the ground during the flight made his heart tremble. Even if the attack had not yet landed on him, the danger had already spilled over and made his soul tremble.

The officer didn't want to resist the sword spirit at this moment, because he knew that he couldn't stop it. He just wanted to hide, but he couldn't.

The two sides hedged The distance was getting closer quickly. The mount was accelerating and couldn't stop or turn immediately. He was in the middle of the lineup with soldiers guarding him. There was no time for him to react. Space gives him a place to hide.

The officer was desperate, and shouted the last cry of his life in despair.


However, no one can save his life.

The knife passed by, people turned their backs on their backs, and everyone was like a puppet that had been taken apart, instantly torn apart.

From the beginning to the end, the sword energy advances, and there is no corpse. In this way, the special force of Lake City was destroyed in an instant.

The next moment, the original noisy battlefield, as if the stop button was pressed, everyone was like a chicken with a choked neck, there was no sound for an instant, and there was a weird silence.

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