My Skills Are Not Serious

Chapter 1259: :evolution

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The two subjects and a werewolf were entangled together, gnawing and gnawing, the picture was quite **** and horrible.

Chen Fang was so appetite that he wanted to leave, but in order to gather information, he could only watch with nausea.

The three-way melee did not last long, and the final result was that the multi-headed experimental body won.

This result was somewhat unexpected to Chen Fang.

He originally thought that a werewolf with strong self-healing ability should win the battle, but the werewolf who became a zombie lost his powerful self-healing ability. Without the ability, facing the gnawing of two werewolves, he could only drink hate. On the spot.

The multi-headed experimental body became the ultimate winner, and the tiger-headed experimental body and the zombie werewolf were reduced to its spoils for food.

While the multi-headed subject was eating, Chen Fang still hid in the dark to observe. He wanted to see what happens after the subject swallowed the two corpses.

"Kaz Kaz"

In the sound of biting and swallowing, the multi-headed subject ate two corpses.


After eating and sleeping, the multi-headed subject began to sleep, and at the same time, its body skin began to overflow with disgusting light green liquid, and it soon wrapped it up.

Chen Fang's thoughts moved and wanted to take a closer look, but when he was about to get up, he suddenly heard footsteps and stopped going out to see the situation.

The sound of footsteps gradually approached, and soon five people appeared next to the multi-headed subject.

Of the five, three were guards and two were researchers in white coats.

"What test subject is this?" one of the researchers asked.

"Let me see, it is number eight, the target above which we are focusing on." Another researcher replied after flipping through the records in his hand.

"What is it now? Why is it covered in this light green liquid?"

"I don't know, this has not happened in previous experiments."

"Then what do you do now? Recycle it?"

"This... ask the top."

After the conversation, one of the researchers walked aside and took out a communicator to start contacting, and walked back after a while.

"What's the above?"

"We want to recycle."

While speaking, the researcher gave orders to the three guards.

Then Chen Fang saw one of the three guards, releasing a metal cage with wheels from the space bag and pushing it to the side of the multi-headed subject.

"Get in carefully, don't get any damage."

"Even if you have problems, you are not allowed to have problems with this experimental body, you know."

Two researchers issued separate warnings.

The three guards looked ugly, but their status was humble and did not dare to express any dissatisfaction.

When they walked to the multi-headed subject, the three guards took out a long metal baton with a noose as usual, and prepared to cover the subject, but before they did it, they were scolded by the researcher.

"Did you take what I said as the wind in your ears? You all said that you can't do any damage to the experimental body."

The guard said aggrieved: "But my lord, if we don't use a lanyard, how can we move this experimental body, and we don't know if the liquid on the surface of the experimental body is poisonous, we dare not touch it."

One of the researchers said indifferently: "I don't care. You can't use a rope loop anyway. If the layer of liquid covering the test body is damaged, the test body will be affected by that time, and you will not be able to bear this responsibility."

Another researcher also said: "Your job is to cooperate with us, so we must follow our orders. As for whether the liquid is poisonous, it is not our business."


The guard was waiting to say anything, but the researcher didn't hesitate to interrupt, "Don't talk nonsense, hurry up and get this experimental body up for me."

The three guards smiled bitterly at each other, even if they were unwilling or not wanting to take risks, but they were committed to the family, they couldn't resist having no choice.

Because if you don’t obey the order, you will be punished by life rather than death if you go back, and it will also hurt your family.

"Lao Wan, Lao Huang, I am the strongest here. Let me try it first. If something happens to me, I hope you will take good care of my family." One of the guards said.

Lao Wan shook his head and said, "I'll do it. I have nothing to do. It is a pity if you die. You still have your family. If you die, your sister-in-law and your child will be sad."

Lao Huang also said: "Yes, Lao Lin, let Lao Wan go. He is alone in his family, no one loves no one, and it doesn't matter if something goes wrong."

Lao Wan: "..."

Lao Lin hesitated, thinking of his wife and children at home, feeling unwilling to give up, so he expressed a grateful expression, and said embarrassingly to Lao Huang: "Then thank you, Lao Wan, if you have an accident, I will definitely I will burn a lot of sacrifices for you."


When Lao Wan heard what the two said, he regretted it instantly and wanted to slap himself in the mouth. In fact, what he just said was just a scene, not a genuine substitute.

I regret it, can I take back what I just said, when I haven't said...

Lao Wan opened his mouth, but in the end he still didn't say it.

He is a face-savvy person and doesn't want to be inconsistent and look down upon others.

So this bitter fruit can only be swallowed by himself.

"Then... I'm going."

Lao Wan showed a sad expression, looking at Lao Lin and Lao Huang, without moving, expecting them to say something to keep, so that he can go down the ladder without taking risks.

However, Lao Lin and Lao Huang did not speak, but looked at him with expressions that you can go.

Ma Dan, two **** things, I usually call me brothers and sisters, and talk about going through fire and water, but I was polite when it was time to go, but you sold it really simply.

Old Wan was very angry.

"What are you doing? Hurry up." The researcher urged.

Lao Wan could only bite the bullet and touch the pale green liquid on the surface of the subject.

Cautiously stretched out his hand, Lao Wan touched the liquid lightly, then retracted it instantly, and then looked at his fingers with lingering fears.

It turned out that there was nothing wrong, Lao Wan breathed a sigh of relief.

"How does it feel?"

The researcher did not curse at Lao Wan because of his behavior, but seriously asked him how he felt after exposure to the liquid, and took out a pen to prepare for the record.

Lao Wan calmed his mind and replied: "It feels like touching a slime, it's cold, soft and slippery, but there is no mucus on the surface."

Researcher: "You try to touch it, it's best to pull it to see if there is elasticity and toughness, but be careful not to get it down for me."

Lao Wan nodded, and after making some preparations, he stretched out his hand and tried to squeeze as the researcher said.

"How is it?" the researcher asked.

Lao Wan thought for a while and said, "The one that feels like an eighteen-year-old girl, slippery, soft and tender."

Two researchers who didn't even pull a woman's hand:? ? ? , What you said, I seem to feel offended by you.

Lao Huang, Lao Lin: This description is very graphic. For so many years, I would like to try it too.

"If you don't have this or that, just tell me, what's the elasticity and toughness? What we need is the parameters, not that of the **** girl." The researcher said angrily.

Lao Wan smiled bitterly: "My lord, don't embarrass me. I am not as good as yours. I don't know how to say, so that you can understand how flexible you are. It's better if you try it yourself."

The two researchers looked at each other, and felt that it was really embarrassing to let a man with force and no brain power to talk about the parameters, but it was not safe enough to let them try it in person.

So one of the researchers ordered Lao Lin and Lao Huang: "You guys try it too."

Lao Lin said puzzledly: "My lord, we tried it in the past and it was useless. I can't tell the parameters you need."

The researcher said impatiently: "Don't talk nonsense, just let you go."

The reason why Lao Lin Lao Huang was allowed to go was not for them to talk about the parameters, but for the researcher's own personal safety.

Lao Lin and Lao Huang saw that Lao Wan's hand was still squeezing, and nothing happened, so they passed.

"Really, my wife was almost the same twenty years ago, but she just isn't as smooth and tender."

Lao Lin squeezed the liquid on the surface of the test, it should be a colloidal liquid mass, recalling the feeling in the memory, and then made an evaluation.

"Yes, yes, it's the same as what you said, I think so too." Old Huang said with empathy and empathy.

Lao Lin:? ? ?

Why did I always feel that there was something wrong after listening to Lao Huang's words, but I couldn't tell.

Lao Wan's head was quick, and he looked at Lao Huang with surprise, and then looked at Lao Lin with a strange look.

"Lao Wan, why do you look at me like this, it feels like you are pitying me." Lao Lin asked puzzledly.

Lao Wan quickly reduced his expression, "No, no, you are wrong."


Lao Lin didn't care about it anymore.

And the two researchers waited for the three guards to squeeze it for a while, and there was no abnormality, and they walked over.

"This elasticity and toughness are basically the same as slimes."

"Well, although I don't know how strong it is, it is not a problem to carry."

The two researchers tried to communicate with each other.

Feeling that the transport will not damage the colloidal liquid mass on the surface of the experimental body, the researcher said to the three guards: "You do it, be careful not to let this thing be scratched by the corners of the cage."


The three guards were about to take their hands away and carry them after standing in their positions. They suddenly found that their hands could not be removed from the gel mass. Even if they were pulled hard, it was the same, as if they were stuck.

The same is true for the two researchers.

"What's the matter, why is it stuck?"

What is even more surprising is that every time they struggled and pulled their hands, they gradually fell into the gluey liquid mass.

After only a while, it has already fallen into the wrist.

The five people began to panic.

And the most terrifying thing happened to them.

I don't know when, the subjects in the liquid mass are opening their eyes, facing them, and staring firmly.

"No, the subject has regained consciousness. Take out your hand quickly."

One of the researchers, who was facing the subject in front, was staring at the subject and hurriedly urged: "The three of you, take your hands out, and then come and help us."

But the three guards are weak, and they can't pull them out by themselves. How can they help?

After trying a few more times, the hand sunk deeper and deeper, and the subject was staring at his heart and liver trembling again, and Lao Huang gritted his teeth and said, "Now I can only chop off this hand."

Lao Wan and Lao Lin were taken aback. They didn't expect Lao Huang to hate him so much that he wanted to cut off his hands to get out of trouble.

"You're crazy, we'll be useless if we cut off your hands."

When they first came into contact with the colloidal liquid mass, they all used their right hand.

If this is cut off, wouldn't it be impossible to fight in the future and become a useless person.

Old Huang smiled bitterly: "Is there any other way?"

"Hurry up, the subject is starting to move, hurry up if you don't want to die."

After hearing this, Lao Wan and Lao Lin quickly looked at the subject, and saw that the hands of the subject in the liquid mass began to open and close.


There was no time to waste, Lao Wan and Lao Lin's eyes flashed fiercely, then gritted their teeth and took out their weapons, and chopped down on each other.



With two painful shouts, Lao Wan and Lao Huang chopped off their hands.

Then they found that Lao Lin had said that he hadn't done it.

"Lao Lin, why don't you chop and kill you?"

Old Lin San said: "I dare not cut it myself, whoever helps me."

Lao Wan and Lao Huang showed contempt, and then helped Lao Lin chop off their hands.

The three people who lost their arms endured the pain and gave themselves medicine.

"What are you doing, save us." The researcher shouted.

Old Lin said: "My lord, let's stop the bleeding first, or else you will lose too much blood and you will be unconscious here, then it will be troublesome."

The researcher didn't care at all, and he scolded, "Leave a little blood and you won't die, so bear with it, and get us out quickly."

Can you hold back the bleeding? Are you joking, are you sure you are not a fool?

The three of Old Huang slandered the researcher, and then walked over.

"My lord, I cut off your hand as a last resort. I hope you understand." Old Wandao.

The researcher cursed cursively: "What to chop, you won't work with them, and then pull out my hand."

Old Huang: "My lord, I suggest that it is safe to cut it off. After all, if this is not pulled out, your hand will only sink deeper and deeper, my lord."

The researcher thought about it and gritted his teeth.

"Don't talk nonsense, just chop it, the big deal is to go back and connect it with the healing potion."

Lao Huang looked at the researchers enviously, envious that they could get the medicine that could allow the severed limb to be reattached.

"What are you looking at, hurry up."

The researcher suddenly felt that the liquid ball had a suction force was pulling his hand, and urged.

Lao Huang heard that he raised his sword and cleaved it, but as soon as the sword fell, a piece of colloidal liquid suddenly stretched out, covering the two researchers at once. The sword fell on the colloidal surface of the liquid mass and was Bounced back.

In case Lao Lin sees something wrong by the side, he quickly retreats and widens the distance from the colloidal liquid group.

Lao Huang also jumped back and prepared to escape, but before he had time, he was entangled by the colloidal tentacles that suddenly stretched out of the liquid mass, and then, like the two researchers, was dragged into the liquid mass without resistance.

Then Lao Lin Lao Wan, who was lucky enough to escape, saw Lao Huang and the two researchers in the liquid ball showing extremely painful expressions, and they began to struggle violently, and many bubbles were also produced around them.

Then in the bubble, the clothes and flesh of the three people corroded, and it was very violent, but the three breaths, the flesh and blood became blurred, ten seconds later, the flesh and blood separated, and finally the flesh and blood disappeared, and the bones were also Exhausted in corrosion.

Lao Lin and Lao Wan were stunned. After reacting for a while, they turned around and ran away.

But after a few steps, the liquid mass suddenly exploded, and the experimental body inside came out.

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