My Skills Are Not Serious

Chapter 1273: : Surprised to hear the glory of the old days

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The glorious believers in the old days hurried to the abandoned workshop, their faces were very excited.

The leader among them shouted as they ran.

"Hurry up, don't let people run away."

"Whether you can accept the blessing of the gods in person depends on this time."

Hearing the gods and blessings, the eyes of these peripheral believers flashed.

Legend has it that if you are blessed by the gods, you will immediately gain the power of overwhelming power and become a transcendent master.

Chen Fang saw the believers and walked to Lao Suo.

"There are a lot of people, do you want me to share some pressure?"

Lao Su took out the spare long sword with the enchantment rune and said confidently: "As long as your enchantment doesn't break, I will deal with these people."

Chen Fang promised: "You can rest assured that it is effective. If there is any difference in the enchantment, I will take off my head and kick it for you."

Seeing Chen Fang so swearing, Lao Suo stopped worrying.

"You help me watch it, and if anyone runs away, stop it."

With a little effort, Chen Fang would not disagree and nodded.

Then Lao Suo greeted the believers.

The leading believer saw Lao Suo, and immediately stopped with his companions.

"Logan, you are so courageous, you dare to appear in front of us, this time you will definitely be caught."

Lao Suo sneered and said, "Catch me back? Okay, I won't run today. Let's see how you catch me."

The leading believer was a little surprised to see Lao Suo so confident.

How could a person who had been chased by them embarrassed and hid like a mouse suddenly became so arrogant.

Does he have any support?

"Hey, why did Jackie others disappear?" The cultist who had set a secret whistle said suddenly.

Jackie was the first believer to chase Lao Suo.

"Look, someone is down there." a famous believer called.

The leader of the disciples looked at it, and saw that a person was lying down not far away, life and death unknown, so he gestured for people to take a look.

A cultist walked over, and the others looked at Lao Suo alertly.

Lao Suo didn't care about it, just stood quietly.

The past cultist carefully turned over the people on the ground and exclaimed after seeing clearly: "It's Jackie, he's dead."


The other believers exclaimed.

He died with supernatural power, which was unprecedented.

"Have you seen it clearly?" The leader of the disciples said in a deep voice.

The believer who was checking responded positively.

"You killed the people?" The leader of the cultist stared at Lao Suo.

Old Suo said lightly: "I didn't kill it, but I watched how he died."

Upon hearing this, the leader of the disciples looked around gloomily.

Lao Suo's words let him know that there should be another accomplice nearby.

The leader of the cultist glanced across the dark in a corner of the workshop, and if he felt something, he shouted: "Who is it, come out for me."

Followed Chen Fang and walked out.

He didn't really want to hide, so just standing in a dark place, anyone who observes a little more seriously can notice his existence.

Seeing Chen Fang coming out, the leader of the believer had an idea in his heart.

"I see, Jackie should have been killed by your sneak attack and carelessly."

The leader of the cultist showed an expression that had seen everything through and said: "I think you should be the same as the one who just appeared in front of us, deliberately appearing alone, attracting Jacky’s attention, and then he sneaked behind him and killed Jacky. ,right."

If this is not the case, Jacky, who is protected by divine power, cannot be killed.

The leader of the church believes that he has broken the truth.

After listening to the leader's words, other believers showed the same expression on their faces.

Chen Fang and Lao Suo looked at each other speechlessly when they heard the clever words of the leader of the church.

Seeing Chen Fang and Lao Suo looking at each other, the leader of the followers seemed helpless and thought he had guessed right.

"Hehe, kill him and use a sneak attack, you really look down on people."

Sneak attack?

When did he Chen Fang fight with people and engage in sneak attacks, which is too insulting to his personality.

But the believers took the lead, thinking that Chen Fang was only saying this for the sake of face.

"If you dare to kill people of our sect, you will have to pay a price."

"Keep the old man, kill that guy, and give it to me."

The death of a church member made the church leader very upset, and he didn't want to say anything more, and directly ordered an attack.

Then he and the eight followers that he had brought with them, there appeared golden light on their bodies.

Seeing this, Lao Suo rushed forward without saying a word.

"God's penalty shot."

The nine former glorious believers lined up, and after chanting words, they released their skills.

The golden ball of light flew towards the running old Suo.

The nine believers also knew how to cooperate. The ball of light was up and down, left and right, almost completely blocking all the paths that Lao Suo dodges.

If Lao Suo is careless, he will be hit.

But Lao Suo's combat experience was very rich. He found the flaw in the joint attack at a glance, leaped lightly under his feet, twisted his body a few times, and easily passed through the gap between the ball of light.

Chen Fang's eyes lit up, and he admired that Lao Suo really didn't lose his position as a powerful man. With this hand, he was more than a little bit stronger than anyone he had ever seen before.

"Old Suo should have practiced physical skills."

From the action of Lao Suo evading the ball of light, Chen Fang judged that he should have physical skills.

After avoiding the ball of light, Lao Suo immediately accelerated and rushed to the disciples.

The long sword pierced straight and locked one of the followers.

Facing the menacing attack, the believer didn't panic. The supernatural power of his body gave him a sense of security, and even reached out his hand to try to grab Lao Suo's long sword.

The other cultists didn't worry that their companion would be killed at all, they just adjusted their direction a bit, and continued to gather their divine power to cast spells.

Seeing the disciple stretched out his hand, Lao Suo shook his hand and slashed his sword in the hands of the disciple.

The disciple's hand flashed with golden light, and he bounced away from Lao Suo's attack, unharmed.

"Logan, you have dealt with our sect so many times. Do you still think that this kind of attack can hurt us who have some divine protection? It's really laughable." The leader of the cult sneered.

Lao Suo didn't pay any attention. After cutting the hand of the believer, he retreated without hesitation, avoiding the attacks released by other believers by the way.

Seeing Lao Suo dodge the attack, the leader of the cultists felt that this was a waste of time, so he shouted: "Don't struggle, surrender obediently, you won't hurt us at all."

But just as the words fell, there was a thunder in the sky, and then a black lightning that could still be observed in the dark night, suddenly struck down.

He was hitting the believer who was cut by the old Suo.


Suddenly, a scream evoked the ears of other believers who were trying to besiege.

The disciples turned their heads and looked at the screams, and then saw their companions wrapped in black thunder, their supernatural powers quickly dissipating, and in the blink of an eye they turned into black charcoal and fell to the ground in smoke.

"what happened?"

The eight believers were stunned at this scene.

They couldn't believe that the faithful with supernatural powers were suddenly struck to death by thunder and lightning.

"What kind of thunder and lightning is that, and why can it break through the divine power?" someone shouted in horror.

Others looked at the dead church member with a sudden shock in their hearts.

Just when the believers in the old glory were shocked, Lao Suo was also a little surprised and surprised.

When Chen Fang demonstrated before, the power of lightning is obviously not as great as it is now.

Is it because the colors are different, so the power is also different?

Old Suo guessed.

In fact, this is the case. The black Xuan Lei is of course more powerful than the white Fan Lei, and its power is no longer on the same level.

The same is hitting the middle hand, the energy that Fan Lei has attached can at most abolish a person's hand, but Xuan Lei can directly kill a person.

Chen Fang said, "Well, I didn't lie, right? That supernatural power is just a fart in front of my enchantment."

Lao Suo got excited, and after his own experiments, he finally confirmed that Chen Fang had not lied to him.

Now I can rescue my wife.


After expressing his gratitude to Chen Fang, Lao Suo turned around and killed the believers who were still in shock.

Before the other party could react, three more people were hit by Old Suo.

Thunder roared in the sky, and lightning continued.

In the three screams, three more teachers walked in the same footsteps as the previous believer.

"No, the old guy can summon weird thunder and lightning. Divine power can't resist. Let's run."

The cry of the three before their deaths awakened the remaining followers. At this time, even the stupid one knew that the situation was not right, and immediately turned and fled.

Lao Suo naturally wouldn't let them go and chased them up.

The glorious believer in the old days was full of supernatural power, but he hadn't strengthened his body, and he didn't run fast at all.

So he was soon overtaken by Lao Suo, and the two died in a moment.

"Run separately." Seeing that the situation is not good, the leader of the disciples quickly shouted.

So the remaining three people ran away separately.

However, the idea was good, but the speed was flawed, and in the end they still couldn't run away.

"Where to go, stay."

Chen Fang stopped in front of the leader of the believer and said lightly.

"Go away from me."

The cult leader shouted sharply.

At the same time, he continued to condense a ball of divine power, smashing at Chen Fang, trying to open a way for himself.

However, what made the leader of the cultists desperate was that the ball of light he released was nothing but Chen Fang who could not stand in the way.

Before they arrived, they were smashed and exploded by Chen Fang with a long knife that flicked thunder.

"Why, what kind of power is this falling to the ground, and why can it destroy the invincible divine power."

Seeing that the attack was useless, he couldn't escape, and the leader of the believer collapsed.

Chen Fang shouldn't stop answering, and slowly walked towards the leader of the believers.

At the same time, Lao Suo also ended up with two other followers, and then walked towards Chen Fang's side.

"How to deal with this one, do you want to kill it?" Chen Fang asked the old Suo who came by.

Hearing this, the leader of the disciples panicked, his knees bent, and he knelt down and begged for mercy: "Don't kill me, I surrender."

Lao Suo took a look and said to Chen Fang, "I have something to ask him."

It didn't matter to Chen Fang whether he could kill or not, he stepped aside.

Old Suo thanked Chen Fang, and then the leader of the sword instructor said coldly: "I will ask you to answer, otherwise those people will be your fate."

The leader of the disciples shivered and said tremblingly: "As long as I know, I will say everything."

Lao Suo: "Where is my wife locked up by you? Isn't it still in Dajicheng?"

The leader of the believer hurriedly said: "Yes, it's still there."

Old Suo: "How many people are there in your sect."

Cult leader: "I don't know, at least three hundred people should be gathered now."

Lao Suo asked strangely: "Last time there didn't seem to be so many people, how come there were so many all at once?"

The leader of the church hesitated, as if he didn't dare to say.

"Don't tell me, don't tell me I chopped it." Lao Suo raised his sword and threatened.

The leader of the believers immediately persuaded, "I said, I said."

"Our sect is implementing a plan, and Dajicheng is the key point of the plan. In order to be foolproof, a group of people have been dispatched to it."

"what's the plan?"

"The sacrifice to the gods, the sacrifices to be made include Daji City and six nearby cities with a population of one million, make a big formation, and then draw the energy of seven Taoists to summon the gods, and the entire kingdom of gods will be established in the north. Pull all over here."


Upon hearing this news, Chen Fang and Lao Suo took a breath.

"I'm going to sacrifice millions of people. Does this old Glory Sect regard people as ants? Sacrifice if you want to sacrifice, it's so evil that it's really evil." Chen Fang said angrily.

Lao Suo's face was gloomy, and he asked the leader of the cultists: "You just said that you will draw the energy of seven masters to summon the gods. So you start at me. In addition to wanting the whereabouts of the gods in my hand, you also hit me. Human idea, isn't it?"

The leader of the believer nodded quickly.

"The seven masters, how many have you succeeded now?" Lao Suo asked.


The leader of the followers did not dare to hide.

"Everything, there are six. Some of you have been caught by you." Lao Suo asked hurriedly.

Currently, there are not many Taoists in the world, only 18 are known. Among them, Lao Suo knows 10 people, all of whom are relatively good old friends.

So when he heard that six people had been arrested, he was very anxious and wanted to confirm.

But the leader of the believers doesn't know this question.

The leader of the cultists shook his head and said, "I don't know, the sect did not tell them their names."

Lao Suo silently thought and asked again: "Are those people locked up in Dajicheng like my The leader of the church shook his head again: "No, they will serve as the pillars of the sacrificial circle. , Were held in six other cities. "

After listening to this, Lao Suo was stunned and realized something.

Chen Fang, who was in the audience, suddenly said, "What is your plan, is it just the last step?"

The leader nodded, "It seems to be."

Chen Fang turned to the old ropeway: "It seems that their last step will fall on you."

"Maybe soon, you will hear from your wife."

"They will probably use your wife's life to force you to go to Dajicheng, then take you down and complete the whole plan."

Old Suo looked ugly.

Chen Fang said this, he just thought of it.

Lao Suo suddenly asked Chen Fang, "I need your help."

Subconsciously, Chen Fang would blurt out his refusal, but in the end he stopped.

"I need to think about it."

It is impossible for Chen Fang to make a decision on such a big matter at once.

Lao Suo naturally didn't dare to urge, turned around and grabbed the leader of the cult who was panicked by his actions and left.

Chen Fang stood in place and thought about it.

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