My Skills Are Not Serious

Chapter 1279: : Act separately

Chen Fang and Lao Suo discussed the plan. After determining the details, Lao Suo took the wine he brought back to his house to rest.

   As the night darkened, Chen Fang turned over and couldn't sleep, got up and walked out of the house, and scattered in the quiet village.

   "Are you unable to sleep?"

  Taith, who was patrolling the night, passed by, and when he saw Chen Fang strolling under the moon, he walked over.

   "Well, there are some things to think about, so I can't sleep." Chen Fang replied.

   In fact, his mind is empty. There is nothing to think about, purely because he has been sleeping for a long time, and in a relatively comfortable environment, it is not so easy for him to fall asleep.

   "Well, it is true that sometimes there are too many things in my mind and it is difficult to fall asleep."

   "Since you can't sleep, let's talk."

   Taisi sent out an invitation.

   It’s okay anyway, and it’s good to talk to people and relax, so Chen Fang agreed.

   But it didn't take long for Chen Fang to regret it.

   Although Tas initiated the invitation first, it seemed that he was not a talkative person, so the two went down in silence because they were not familiar with each other and did not know where to start, which caused the atmosphere to become more and more awkward.

   In the end, Chen Fang couldn't help it anymore, and started casually with a word.

   "Are you coming back from a night patrol, or are you unable to fall asleep and walk out like me?"

   Seeing Chen Fang's opening, Tass breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "I'm in charge of patrolling at night recently, and I will walk around every other time to prevent wild animals from entering our village."

   "There shouldn't be many strange beasts in the wild now, even if there are small beasts like cats." Chen Fang said.

   Taisi nodded and said, "Yes, because of this, we dare to move out of the city and settle here."

Chen Fang asked curiously: "Which city were you from before? Why didn't you stay in a good city? You have to run out. Even if there are no more wild animals as before, there is still a certain danger. At least the city is more dangerous than before. It's much safer here."

   "The people in our village mainly come from Qinghu City, Mushroom City, and Jiangxiang City. I am from Mushroom City."

   After talking about the composition of the village's population, Tass smiled bitterly: "If we weren't able to live in the city, we wouldn't risk going out to ask for a living."

   "Can't live in the city? Maybe, I've been in Mushroom City, and I've seen the living conditions inside. Although it's not good, I can still live on." Chen Fang asked puzzled.

Taisi shook his head and said: "Then you must have not stayed in Mushroom City for long. If you live for a month or so, you will find that only the head tax, as well as the various miscellaneous taxes temporarily issued by the city lord, and the terrible military service, are all It can make you feel bad."

"In the few days you were in Mushroom City, what you saw was an illusion. On the surface, everyone seemed to be living prosperously. Those shops looked at people coming and going, but they were actually buying on credit with the owner of the store. It's just something."

   "Ah, is that true?"

   Chen Fang was very surprised.

   Theis nodded with great certainty.

   "And you definitely don't know that those shops are already under the control of the city owner, and the prices of those goods are also set by the city owner, which is at least three times higher than before."

   "There are actually two kinds of people in Mushroom City now, one who follows the city lord and exploits us city people to death, and the other is people who have to live on credit like those shops in order to live."

   "It's so ruthless, but why does City Lord Mushroom want to do this?" Chen Fang asked strangely.

   Theis sighed: "In order to consolidate wealth, but also in order to be able to make all those who can't pay their debts become his slaves."

   "Slave? What's the point of this? He is the lord of the city, and the city people listen to him. Is it necessary to do this?" Chen Fang wondered.

   "In the past, the population of Mushroom City was several times larger than it is now, but after the city owner did that, the population gradually decreased a lot."

   Taisi continued with a gloomy face: "As far as I know, at least 10,000 people have been sold by the city owner."

   "Sold it? Isn't it." Chen Fang said in surprise.

   "Don't you guys resist?"

   Taisi smiled bitterly: "It's right to pay off debts, isn't it right? Besides, the city lord didn't arrest a lot of people at once."

The owner of Mushroom City is very scheming. He catches people who owe the shop and can’t repay the debt. The strategy of catching a batch at a time and boiling the frogs in warm water divides people’s hearts and makes sense, even if you foresee your future. It may also end in this way, creating a feeling of sadness for the rabbit and the fox, but there is no good way except to accept it.

   "Where did he sell people?" Chen Fang asked.

   Taisi shook his head and said that he didn't know.

   "My father just thinks that if he stays in Mushroom City, one day he will be arrested and sold because he can't pay the debt, so he takes us out of here to live."

   "Although it is dangerous outside the city, at least it is free."

   Chen Fang sighed after hearing it, and understood that if it weren't for the fact that he couldn't live in the city, who would take the risk to ask for a living.

   "But it is also fortunate that you escaped from Mushroom City, otherwise you may be involved in the war with Qinghu City." Chen Fang said.

   Taisi was extremely surprised, "War? The owner of Mushroom City is very bad, but he is also very courageous. How could he go to provoke Qinghu City."

   "It is not he who is going to provoke, but Qinghu City wants to occupy Mushroom City." Chen Fang explained.

   Taisi patted his chest, and said thankfully: "Fortunately, you are right. We have escaped. If we didn't escape, we won't even have a chance to become a slave when Qinghu City takes Mushroom City."

   "Why do you say that, is the lord of Qinghu City very cruel? Will directly slaughter people in the city? Impossible."

   If Qinghu City Lord is cruel, Mushroom City Lord shouldn't think of surrendering.

   Chen Fang looked at Taisi suspiciously.

   "He wouldn't kill people in the city, but he would treat people as animals."

  What is an animal? Live and work hard, die and sell it. If the slave is dead, there is at least a pit to bury, but the animal, hehe.

  Clear Lake City Lord is a more brutal exploiter than Mushroom City Lord.

   Hearing this, Chen Fang lamented for the residents of Mushroom City.

   "This **** cannibal world."

   Chen Fang could do nothing except sigh.

   Maybe he can go kill Qinghu City Lord, but what's the use?

   The effect is high. Under the leadership of such a wolf, how can the people below him be better?

   Kill him, there will still be the same vicious people on stage, and then kill them, one after another, unless Chen Fang destroys all the upper layers of Qinghu City, it will be possible to stop it.

   Is this possible?

   Obviously impossible.

   So I can only blame the collapse of the world and bad fate, so I sigh.

   Chen Fang cleared up his mood, he is not the savior, there is no need to think too much, so he changed the subject.

   "Then how did you meet Old So... Logan?"

   Speaking of Lao Suo, Tas swept away the gloomy emotions and showed respectful eyes.

   "I met Master Logan because he was previously injured and was saved by us."

   Lao Suo was injured in the fight against the old Glory Sect, Chen Fang thought.

   "I think you admire him very much."

   Theis nodded his head and said, "That is, Lord Logan is the most powerful person I have ever seen, and an idol I admire."

   "Oh, have you seen his strength?"

"Well, when Lord Logan was recovering from injuries in our village, a group of storm wolves who didn't know where they came from happened to break into our village. At that time, we all felt that we were in a catastrophe. All the storm wolves have been wiped out, and I will always remember his majestic appearance at that time." Taisi said excitedly while recalling.

   Storm Wolf remembers that it is an intermediate third-level monster. It has good strength and still lives in groups. Even the awakened ones of high-level peaks will avoid their sharp edges and do not touch their brows.

   However, it is not so unexpected to destroy the strength of the old Suo as a master.

   It's just that Chen Fang didn't believe that he had said to Tai Si so much that he would kill the entire pack of wolves.

   think it should be Tass exaggerating the statement, after all, Lao Suo is his idol, it is normal to exaggerate and promote his idol.

"After Master Logan showed great power to destroy the wolves, I admired him very much and wanted to apprentice to him. Unfortunately, I was timid at that time and a little afraid. When I made up my mind, Master Logan had healed his wounds. So I went to Mushroom City, and I was very disappointed for a while."

   "I have to seize the opportunity of Master Logan's return this time to apprentice." Tas clenched his fist and said firmly.

   It's a pity that I will disappoint you. We will leave early tomorrow morning. You should not be able to worship your teacher, Chen Fangxin said.

   But he didn't say this, which made Tas sad and disappointed.

   "Why did Logan leave your village for Mushroom City?" Chen Fang asked casually.

   Theis replied: "Master Logan said that he is not used to living in the wild, but we all know that he should be afraid that the people who injured him would find here before, and he chose to leave for fear of injuring our village."

   "In fact, it is not necessary. Our village is so remote, no one will find it at all."

   "It's just that Lord Logan insisted, and it was useless to persuade him, so my father asked him to go to Mushroom City and gave Lord Logan a store and warehouse we owned before as a thank you for saving the village."

   Theis chatted endlessly.

   It turns out that the shop is not owned by Lao Suo.

   But Chen Fang didn't care too much about this.

After   , Chen Fang and Tas had a few more conversations, and seeing that the time was almost up, they both left.

Back at the house, Chen Fang spent some time attaching all the talisman papers to the thundering rune. After finishing it, he went to rest. After a while, he fell asleep. He seemed to hear the faint wolf roar in the distance, so sleepy. Zheng Nong, Chen Fang didn't care too much.

   Early the next morning, Lao Suo knocked on the door and Chen Fang got up. The two men cleaned up before leaving the village without saying goodbye.

When    reached a three-way intersection on the road, Chen Fang gave the map and a stack of thunder-attracting talisman seals to Lao Suo.

   "We are separated here, I hope the next action will go smoothly." Chen Fang said.

   "By the way, if I find your wife and ask her to believe me, do you have any tokens?"

   Lao Suo took the things and took out a crystal bracelet.

   "Give this to you, my wife will believe you when she sees it."

   Chen Fang took a look at the bracelet, and found that it was just an ordinary bracelet.

"Then say goodbye here for the time being. Then you have to be careful. If you can't do anything, you just abandon those who are on the Taoist priest. Don't worry about whether you can undermine the plan of the old Glory Sect and what savior you can do. Don't forget. You still have a wife." Chen Fang warned.

   I say this not because I have a deep relationship with Lao Suo, Chen Fang just doesn't want to lose a master.

   As for the millions of people in the shadow of the death of the old glory sect, it is not that Chen Fang is cruel, but is really powerless.

   can only say that this is all fate.

   Lao Suo looked helpless. He was older than Chen Fang and didn't know how much, but he had to be warned by someone younger than him. It was really dumbfounding.

   "Don't worry, I am not so impulsive."

   "The sacrifice of the old Glory sect is only for good intentions, but it does not mean that you will die for this good intention."

   "It is the best that can destroy, and I am not ashamed if it can't."

   Very wise idea.

   Chen Fang nodded, and then parted ways with Lao Suo.

Two days after    and Lao Suo were separated, Chen Fang came to Dajicheng.

   As a medium-sized city, the walls and defenses of Daji City are not comparable to Mushroom City and Qinghu City, and they are very tightly guarded.

   The city wall is more than 30 meters high, and the defense on it has almost reached the level of one guard at five steps and one guard at ten steps.

   So Chen Fang gave up the idea of ​​stealing and entered through the city gate.

   Fortunately, although the city gate guards will check every person who enters or leave the city, and will carefully search and salute, but other than that, there is no other behavior.

   With an adventurer card and a junior mercenary badge, Chen Fang successfully entered Dajicheng.

  The next thing Chen Fang has to do after entering the city is to gather information, find the stronghold of the old Glory Sect, and rescue Laosuo's wife.

   Collecting information is naturally nothing more than going to a tavern near the Mercenary Guild.

  It is not difficult to find the mercenary guild in Daji City, just follow the mercenaries on the street.

   Chen Fang picked up two mercenaries who looked leisurely and followed.

They are chosen because these kind of mercenaries who look at leisure are usually people who have not received or completed the task. Most of these mercenaries will go to the pub to drink and talk to people. .

   As expected by Chen Fang, after following two mercenaries across two streets, he saw the mercenary guild and adventurer tavern on the same street.

   Mercenary Guild Chen Fang did not plan to go, because the tavern is the best place to gather information.

   "ding bell"

Pushing open the baffle at the entrance of the tavern, Chen Fang walked into the noisy wine shop amid the sound of the welcoming bell. After a glance, Chen Fang found a corner and sat down ~ ~ Not long after sitting down, A waiter came over.

   "Dear guest, what do you want?"

   "We have the best wine and the best food in the city."

   Chen Fang said lightly, "Is there a menu?"


  The waiter was taken aback, he was asked for a menu for the first time.

  Because the mercenaries who come to the store always only ask directly.

  The waiter quickly recovered and passed the menu to Chen Fang.

   The menu turned a few pages in his hand, and Chen Fang closed it again.

  Because there are no pictures, only text, so I don't understand well, so Chen Fang gave up.

   "Recommend some signature dishes, no wine." Chen Fang said.

  The waiter said something.

   Chen Fang listened and said, "Just give me something to eat."


   The waiter was speechless, and I said it for nothing.

   However, customers are gods, so they do what they say.

   The waiter recommended a meal to Chen Fang that he could eat, and left after getting a positive answer.

   and Chen Fang pricked his ears to listen to the conversations of nearby people while observing.

   Then he found a familiar figure that he hadn't seen for a long time.

   "Isn't this the old man, why is he here?"

   Chen Fang saw a familiar figure in the tavern and ran over excitedly.

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