My Skills Are Not Serious

Chapter 1285: : I want to hit 10

Lang Hong looked at Liu Xianqi, thinking that he was the one among the three.

   However, the old man was very cold, and he stood there cool without a glance. He didn't know if he was looking at the scenery or thinking about it in a daze.

   "Hey, you made a mistake, you should find me if you want to talk."

   Chen Fang stood up and waved Lang Hong to pay attention to him, feeling a little depressed.

   I always judge people by their appearances everywhere, am I really that bad?


   Langhong looked at Chen Fang up and down, showing an expression of disgust.

   "Are you sure you can call the shots?"

   "It is very important to know what we are going to talk about next."

  Looking at Chen Fang's respectful face, Lang Hong expressed his distrust.

   "Gan, I am also a handsome...B."

   Chen Fangzui almost leaked a bit of his identity, and quickly changed his words: "Don't talk nonsense, I can do it, you don't just want to cooperate with us to destroy the old plan of the Glory Sect, just say something."

   Langhong showed a surprised expression.

"how do you know."

   Chen Fang said indifferently: "Is there any fuss, do you think we will not understand you at all before we come."

   glanced at Li Dong, Chen Fang continued: "The old plan of the Glory Sect and your identities are clear to me."

   Langhong frowned and said: "You know who we are, then why do you believe that we want to destroy the plan."

   "Don't forget, we have a cooperative relationship with them."

   Chen Fang laughed and said: "You really dare to say, what is a cooperative relationship, only when the two sides have equal status and mutual benefit, can it be called cooperation, you wolves... and the gods of the old glory, can it be called cooperation?"

   "The call to drive is almost the same."

   "You are actually a dog they raised."

   Chen Fang ruthlessly exposes the relationship between the northern werewolves and the glory of the past.

   The reason why he knows this is because the old man said when he communicated with him.

   And the old man will know that some of the information is that he learned from others when he was walking north and south to look for Chen Fang and them, and some information he got from a certain channel.


   The table overturned and the chairs fell, and Langhong and Langli, who were provoked by Chen Fang's words, stood up angrily.

"you wanna die!"

   "Asshole, who do you say is a dog."

   Chen Fang casually said to the two of them, "Isn't this true? Can't I tell the truth."

   "I advise you to stop getting excited, even if you kill me now, this fact will not change, will it."

   "What is the use of your glass hearts? The best thing you should do now is to sit down peacefully and let's talk."

   "Maybe I can provide you with some help, change your status quo, maybe it can also help you liberate you from the shackles of old glory."

   Chen Fang persuaded.

   If it weren't for destroying the old glorious plan, just the few words that Chen Fang said, how can Langhong calm down.

   Langhong looked at Chen Fang coldly and said, "Hmph, the wind is not afraid to flash your tongue, so you can change the status quo of our clan."

   Chen Fang smiled mysteriously and said, "Believe it or not, but now is not the time to talk about this, let's turn back to the topic."

   "How do you want to cooperate with us?"

   The wolf red said in a deep voice: "Don't talk about cooperation, I just want to know if you are qualified to cooperate with us."

   Chen Fang's attitude made Lang Hong very upset, so he wanted to embarrass the man in front of him.

   "How do I qualify?" Chen Fang asked.

  Langhong's words were in line with Chen Fang's mind. He also wanted to see if these werewolves fell to the ground like it was not as difficult as the old man said.

   In fact, he doesn't care if he cooperates or not. According to the plan he customized before, he can completely destroy the glorious sacrifice ceremony of the old days.

   But if they can cooperate, Chen Fang doesn't mind, it will be easier to achieve the goal.

   "Of course it depends on the strength."

   Langhong looked at Chen Fang coldly and said, "If it's just the three of you, your strength, I don't think there is any need to cooperate."

   "Strength? That is to fight myself." Chen Fang said while looking at Langhong with arms folded.

   "It may or may not be." Lang Hong said lightly.

   "To be more specific, don't say this kind of imitation is ambivalent." Chen Fang said.

   "If the three of you are very powerful and can defeat my people, then I will admit that you are qualified."

   Chen Fang turned his lips, disdainful in his heart.

   I still need your confession. On the contrary, it should be you werewolves who need to confess.

   But Chen Fang didn't say this.

   "Or in addition to the three of you, there are companions outside. As long as there are enough people and the strength is similar, I can also admit that you are eligible for cooperation."

   "Of course, if you don't meet the above two items, then I'm sorry, you can't get out of here today."

   Langhong clapped his hands after speaking.

   At her call, a lot of people poured into the tent, almost occupying the space in the tent, and all of them surrounded Chen Fang fiercely.

   Surrounded by people, Chen Fang and the old man were calm, and after a glance at the surroundings, they just ignored them.

   Only Li Dong was shocked, and shiveringly hid between Chen Fang and the old man, seeking a sense of security.

   "It just so happens, I also want to see if you have the strength to cooperate with us." Chen Fang said nonchalantly.

   "It's a big breath."

   Langhong snorted coldly, winking at Langli.

   "Three, please."

   The tent was too small, and everyone moved outside, with more space for hands and feet.

   "Come on, is it a group fight or a single?" Chen Fang said.

   Langhong looked at Chen Fang being surrounded by so many people, still not afraid, and was a little surprised. I don't know if Chen Fang is pretending, or if he is really confident.

   "How many people have you come this time, where is the master?" Lang Hong asked.

   "Only the two of us, he is just leading the way, let him go first."

   Chen Fang told the truth and pointed to Li Dong, hoping that Langhong would let people go.

   Li Dong was very grateful that Chen Fang could still consider his safety in this situation, gritted his teeth and said, "I won't go, I will die together."

   Chen Fang was speechless.

   What are these words, it seems that I and the old man will lose, and they are too underestimated.

   But Li Dong is not to blame, because Chen Fang and the old man have not shown their strength in front of him.

   In the face of a large number of people, Li Dong could sense from the people around him, most of them are the elemental fluctuations of the middle level, and naturally they don't see Chen Fang and the old man.

   "I tell you to go, that's it, we will have nothing to do." Chen Fang urged.

   But before Li Dong could respond, Langhong's cold voice sounded.

   "Stop talking, he can't go, unless you can beat my people."

   "If you win, you can all go. If you lose, then save your life."

Chen Fang saw that Langhong was not letting go, so he stopped talking to Li Dong, turned his head and looked at Langhong seriously and said, "It's okay not to let him go, but I hope he won't participate in the fight later. OK."

   "That's your business."

   "Okay, then tell me, how can you admit that we have the strength to cooperate with you."

   Langhong thought for a while and said, "Since you only have two, then you have to be strong enough in personal strength."

   "You will choose five of us to fight. As long as you can defeat them, then I will recognize your strength."

   "Five people? Yes, are they going together or singled out?" Chen Fang asked.


   "It's okay to be willing to hit five by one person."

   Wolf Red said as he sat on the chair moved by the dwarf, looking like he was watching a play.

   "Can you kill?" Chen Fang asked flatly.

  A different color flashed in the wolf's red eyes, and he smiled and said, "Of course, I don't mind that the scene is bloody, as long as you have that ability."

   "That's good, this is what you said, but don't die by that time, you turn my face on me." Chen Fang said lightly.

   Wolf Hong laughed and said, "You don't seem to put my people in your eyes, but I doubt it is you who will die."

   Chen Fang glanced at the circus people surrounding the three of them, and said disdainfully: "Just these crooked melons, want to kill me, dream."

  'S extremely contemptuous words made everyone in the circus angry, and they wanted to start quickly, so as to tear Chen Fang and relieve his anger.

   "I hope you can breathe this way later." Lang Hong said coldly.

   "Stop talking nonsense, let's get started, I don't want to waste time." Chen Fang said with hands and feet.


   Langhong snorted coldly, "You choose someone."

   Chen Fang looked around after hearing the words, and saw that it was almost the same, then said: "There is no good choice, all the same spicy chicken, everyone is the same, I am free."

   These words are like a bomb, igniting the anger in the hearts of the circus people.

   "Deputy commander, let me go, promise to tear this kid up."

   "I'll come too, he must be dead."

   "I also participated. The howler wolf in the group happened to have nothing to eat yet, so it happened to be able to feed his meat."

   "Don't go on it. Usually it's not as good as me. I'll go on."

   "Fuck off, what am I inferior to you, that is I let you, usually did not come up with real strength."

   The people in the circus screamed one by one, and they wanted to fight against Chen Fang. No one would let anyone else.

   noisy, loud.

   Langhong looked at the roaring group members, very upset, and stopped shouting.

   "Shut up all of you."

   In the yelling, everyone was quiet, showing the status of Langhong in the circus.

   The dwarf who had been standing behind Wolf Hong saw this scene, and his eyes flashed annoyance, but he quickly concealed it, still standing as if licking a dog.

   "You, you...and you."

   "The five of you come out and fight him."

   didn't want to let his subordinates make trouble, Lang Hong directly designated five people out.

   The person called out was very happy.

   The people who didn't call were disappointed, but they quickly cleared up their hearts. After all, there was still one person, so they focused on Liu Xianqi.

  You can’t tear the young ones, and the old ones are fine. As long as you can exhale, it’s the same for everyone.

   The old man stood upright like a pillar under the gaze of a group of people like wolves and tigers.

   After selecting me, Lang Hong looked at Chen Fang and said, "As long as you beat them, I will recognize your strength."

   Chen Fang tilted his head and squinted at the five people, then turned to Langhong and said, "Are you sure."



   "Let's start, who are you going to play the first game with?"

   "There is no first scene, only one." Chen Fang corrected.

The words of    caused dissatisfaction among the five people who were selected, and they scolded one after another.

   "What kind of big-tailed wolf, you are too arrogant to pick five of us one by one."

   "Hmph, you are dead, I must tear your mouth apart, and then take out your courage to see if it is fat."

   Langhong raised his hand to stop the yelling of the five people, gave Chen Fang a deep look, and said, "Are you sure."

   "OK, sure and sure."

   Chen Fang Sanlian confirmed it.

   Langhong felt that Chen Fang was looking for death, but he did not stop it.

   "This is your own death, don't regret it." Lang Hong said coldly.

   Chen Fang smiled contemptuously and did not respond.

   Langhong was irritated by Chen Fang's attitude, so he stopped talking nonsense, "You five, tear him up for me."


   The five people who had been irritated for a long time walked towards Chen Fang with a grin.

"and many more."

   Suddenly, Chen Fang called out to stop.

   "Why, I regret it, but unfortunately I won't stop." Langhong sneered.

   Chen Fang shook his head and said: "You have misunderstood, I just want you to choose five more people, so that I can solve them all at once, save trouble for my father, and save everyone's time."

   is not to doubt the strength of the old man, Chen Fang really just wants to solve it quickly.

   Langhong laughed angrily by Chen Fang's words, "You are the most arrogant person I have ever seen. Okay, I promise you, but not five people, but ten more, for a total of fifteen people."

   "And if you fail, the two of them will die." Langhong pointed to Liu Qiang and Li Dong and said.

   If you are willing to die, then I dare to bury it.

   Chen Fang’s arrogant rhetoric once and again really angered Langhong.

   Originally, Lang Hong was planning to spare Chen Fang his life when he was defeated, but now Chen Fang's arrogant attitude made her give up this idea.

   "Fifteen, with five gifts inside, how can I feel so passionate about you."

   Chen Fangxian reacted a little bit.

   "But it doesn't The result is the same anyway, come on."

   Counting this time, it was the fifth time that Chen Fang said something that made the wolf collapse. He glared at Chen Fang fiercely and selected ten people from his hands.

   "Go and tear him to pieces for me. If he doesn't die today, I will chop you up and feed the wolves."

   Wolf Red's extremely cold tone made the air condense.

   "Don't worry, sir, if so many of us can't kill him, then you don't need to say, we go to the wolf ring to feed the wolves."

   The fifteen people who were irritated by Chen Fang's words one after another issued poisonous oaths, and then surrounded Chen Fang with savage faces.

   "This...this, why is he so impulsive, what can I do now." Li Dong felt anxious, and said to the old man: "Master, think about a way."

   Li Dong is not optimistic about Chen Fang, thinking that he will not last long under the siege of fifteen people.

   Once Chen Fang is dead, he and the old man will be tired.

   Li Dong was very angry at Chen Fang's behavior at this moment and complained a lot.

   If it weren't for the face of the old man, Li Dong would definitely yell at Chen Fang.

   The old man's expression is always the same, very plain.

   "Let's watch it quietly. If you lose, you can't escape. If you win, you'll be fine. Calm down." The old man said casually.

   Calm down a woolen thread, how can I calm down at this time of life and death.

   Li Dong regretted his death. He had already known that he would encounter this situation, so he would not help.

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