My Skills Are Not Serious

Chapter 1293: :resurrection"

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Chen Fang has the power to ignore the glory of the past, which really surprised Lang Hong and others.

In their eyes, the invincible divine power was so easily broken by a flash of lightning, which is really shocking.

If they can have this kind of power, there is no need to look down on the old Glory Sect. On the contrary, the old Glory Sect has to bow to them.

Lang Li immediately thought of arresting Chen Fang, and then tortured him where this power came from and how he could master it.

Contrary to his thoughts, Langhong felt that he couldn't engage in evil with Chen Fang, because Chen Fang had at least one master standing behind him.

Although the Taoists are a little weak in front of the old Glory Sect, it doesn't mean that they werewolves can handle it at will. Even the most powerful werewolf leader is not an opponent of the Taoists.

Moreover, Chen Fang's strength should not be underestimated.

Don't forget, he had easily defeated the second master in the clan, the dwarf Wolfheart.

The strength of Langli is slightly better than that of Langxin, but it is not as high as it is. If you fight against Chen Fang, you may not be able to win. Moreover, it is unknown how Chen Fang's strength is, even if all the people in the regiment are sent. It is estimated that he will suffer heavy losses if he wins.

The members of the Red Moon Circus are made up of elite members of the clan. Except for the dozen or so less obedient people who were killed by Chen Fang before, the others are truly obedient to Lang Hong, and the loss of one is unacceptable to Lang Hong.

Therefore, Lang Hong felt that it was best not to have a bad relationship with Chen Fang. On the contrary, it was the most correct way to use the weak friendship between the two parties as a link and try to make Chen Fang well.

"But after this time, the other party will definitely leave. We may not be able to meet him again in the future. If we don't seize this time, I'm afraid there will be no chance again in the future." Langli persuaded.

They will definitely leave after rescuing people, where they will find them, and what they will discuss to make a good relationship.

It's better to grab it now.

Langli thought so.

Lang Hong: "You don't need to worry about it. Now, before he has cleaned up the followers, you can help."

Lang Li watched Chen Fang, who was able to hack all the followers to death with ease, and said, "Everyone is dead, wherever I need to help, besides, where does he need help."

Lang Hong looked at the scorched corpse of the believer on the ground, and said in a deep voice: "The believer of the Glory Sect in the old days did not lie on the ground without moving. When a person dies, the corpse can come back to life, just like us. ."

The wolf distressed his expression and said in an incredible tone: "Just like us, are they..."

Langhong nodded and answered before Langli finished speaking: "Remember that we have to pay thousands of liters of blood to their sects on time and in amount every month."

"The blood was used by them to study, and finally they got a medicine that can be zombie after death."

"This kind of medicine can make the user'live' from the dead, not only can retain the original memory and consciousness, but also retain the strength. The most frightening thing is that as long as you eat enough flesh and blood within the next three months, then Their dead bodies can be revived again and become normal living bodies."


Wolf Li took a breath.

If it is as Langhong said, then this kind of medicine would be quite against the sky.

And with the divine power, the people of the old glory sect can be said to be immortal.

"This kind of medicine must be very precious, definitely not many, these people should not be qualified to use it." Wolf Li said, looking at the burnt corpse on the ground.

Lang Hong shook his head and said: "On the contrary, this kind of medicine is not precious, because the main material is our blood. They have accumulated a lot in the past two years, and one person only needs to use it once and he will use it for life. Cultists of the strength will get it."

As soon as Wolf Hong's words fell, the scorched corpses on the ground that were struck to death by Chen Fangyinlei trembled strangely, and then slowly climbed up from the ground.

"Haha, is this the immortal power bestowed by the gods? It's so shocking."

The city lord hiding in the crowd cried out in surprise when he saw the scene of the corpse getting up.

The reason why he joined the old Glory Sect and yearned to see the gods one day, in addition to wanting to be blessed by the gods, so as to gain the strength of the king over the world, his biggest wish is not to die and live longer.

So seeing the burnt corpse climb up and come back to life, it was quite exciting.

Lang Hong and Lang Li looked back at the fanatical City Lord, and ignored them.

"Don't talk about other things, you can help him, even if he doesn't need it, we have to show our attitude, at least it can be counted as a little friendship." Lang Hong said.

Langli was a little reluctant, he still had the same idea, but Langhong repeatedly urged him, and he had no choice but to go.

"Well, I hope he can admit our attitude and leave a little affection in his heart."

Saying that Langli rushed out with a few people.

Here Chen Fang was originally hacking the believer, so he turned around and wanted to leave here to find the old man. He was not interested in the Red Moon Circus and the city lord at all, but when he just turned around, he suddenly felt that there was still hostility. On him, he stopped.

Originally, Chen Fang thought that the hostility came from the city lord and the Red Moon Circus, but after careful feeling, he found that the city lord did cast a hostile look at him, but the people of the Red Moon Circus were just on guard and not hostile.

This made Chen Fang, who clearly felt a lot of hostility locked in, felt a little strange.

Chen Fang magnified the vicinity of his mental power, and then discovered that the hostility actually came from the scorched corpses on the ground, which made him a little confused.

People are dead, so why are they hostile to themselves? Could it be that the corpse has become a ghost?

So Chen Fang cast his gaze on the scorched corpse on the ground, and then saw that on the scorched face, the blood-red eyes containing hatred were staring at him.

The dead man's eyes were not flexible and lifeless, but Chen Fang could still feel the owner of those eyes, staring at him with "alive" eyes.

This is not a psychological effect.

Chen Fang's true feelings.

Sure enough, the owner of these eyes shuddered on the ground shortly afterwards, and then "lived" the corpse and got up awkwardly from the ground.

Although they were not angry and looked like zombies, they retained the consciousness of their lives and were able to speak.

"Kill him for me, you can't let him leave here alive today."

Being able to ignore the invincible attributes of divine power, this kind of person is the enemy of the sect and absolutely cannot stay.

The loyal believers regarded Chen Fang as a thorn in the flesh, and a quick target to kill them. The first time after the zombieization, they used their supernatural powers again to prepare to kill Chen Fang.

Facing the resurrected zombie cultists rushing towards him, Chen Fang calmly led them up.

"If I can kill you once, I can kill you a second time. Come on."

While running, Chen Fang attracted a thunder, hit the knife, and wrapped the blade with thunder and lightning.

The arc flashed in the night, and the heads of the three believers who ran in the front flew out together under the blade that Chen Fang was waving. At the same moment, the sky thundered, and lightning struck those heads. In the thunder, the three A head turned into ashes, annihilated like dust, and disappeared, but the headless body took a few steps forward under the inertia and fell down.

This time, the heads were all gone, and the three believers naturally died so hard that they couldn't die again, and they wouldn't be able to come back to life again.

Seeing the scene where Chen Fang killed three of his companions, the remaining followers were assassed again as before.

Originally, after they became zombie, even if their divine power was still unable to resist, the zombie body should be immune to lightning attacks, but they didn't expect that lightning seemed to have stronger restraint on themselves who are now zombies.

"Run, run separately, and be sure to send back this person's news."

Seeing Chen Fang rushing over, the remaining followers hurriedly fled, and wisely split up and ran away.

Chen Fang frowned, a little difficult to handle.

Nearby is a residential area with complex roadways. No matter how fast he is and no matter how swift his hands and feet are, he can only catch up to a few of them at most. In the end, at least one or two people will always escape, which will cause trouble in the future.

"We will help you."

Just when Chen Fang couldn't handle it, a voice suddenly sounded, and Lang Li brought people over.


Because of the previous contact, Chen Fang naturally knew that the werewolves of the Red Moon Circus were actually at odds with the old Glory Sect, so it was not surprising that Wolf Lihui came to help.

As for why Lang Li would help, Chen Fang didn't think about it so much now. The top priority was to eliminate all the followers, and it wouldn't be too late to talk about other things in the future.

"Just help me stare at them, don't do it, you can't kill them."

After Chen Fang gave an order, he chased a believer and left.

Following the wolf, Li also led some people to chase after him separately.

After they left, the city lord had been shrinking and reacted, and raged towards Wolf Hong and rebuked: "What's the matter with you, why don't you help yourself, but instead help that person, and say, are you planning to betray the sect."

Lang Hong turned his head and looked at the hindsighted city lord coldly, and said with a smile but not a smile: "Respected lord city lord, the best thing you should do now is to shut up and lower your sense of existence, instead of being right here. I yelled, didn't I."

The city lord's face changed, his whole body was cold in sweat, and he couldn't help trembling.

"You... don't you be afraid of being known by the sect if you do this?"

Lang Hong looked at the city lord and sneered, "Why do your sects know? Who will tell them what happened today?"

The city lord was watched by Lang Hong's cold eyes, his scalp was numb, his whole body stiff as if he had fallen into a cold winter pool.

"Don't, don't kill me, I haven't seen anything, I don't know anything, I promise that today's matter will never be revealed, let me go." The city lord trembled and begged for mercy.

How could it be possible to let him go, Langhong is not a fool.

"Don't worry, you still have a little use value, as long as you are obedient, I won't kill you."

But then the wolf red said fiercely: "But if you pretend to cooperate and try to find a chance to escape, then I will be relentless and take you to feed the strange animals in the circus."

The city lord trembled at hearing, and said hurriedly: "I must be obedient. As long as you don't kill me, you must cooperate obediently. Whatever you ask me to say and do, you will do what you want."

"That's the best."

Lang Hong then sent people to take away the city lord, and sent them back to the camp for detention, while she stayed in place and waited.

About half an hour later, Chen Fang reappeared, and several members of Lang Li waiting for the circus also returned one after another.

"Thank you for sending someone to help me. Tell me where it will be useful in the future, and you can definitely help."

Chen Fang left after speaking.

His behavior shows that the sentence just now is just a scene, not sincere, otherwise he would not turn his head and leave, and he would not even leave a way to contact him in the future.

This is a bit too rude and unsympathetic.

But there are some reasons why Chen Fang behaved like this.

On the way back after chasing down the followers, Chen Fang wondered why Langhong would let someone help him.

Chen Fang felt that the other party either wanted him or wanted to take the opportunity to get along with him.

Regardless of the former or the latter, Chen Fang will have contact with the other party, and the other party has an inseparable relationship with the big trouble of the old Glory Sect. As long as it is connected with the other party, it will undoubtedly increase the future and the old Glory Sect. The chance of contact, Chen Fang didn't want this, so he just said and left, behaving impolitely.

But Chen Fang wanted to leave, and Langhong would definitely not let it. Seeing that Chen Fang could kill the believers under the protection of divine power, she was determined not to let Chen Fang leave like this. After all, could she get that from Chen Fang? This kind of power that can break the invincible attribute of divine power is really too important for their race.

"Your Excellency walked in such a hurry and didn't even leave a contact method, and asked me to ask you for help in the future. Isn't it too hypocritical?" Lang Hong said to Chen Fang's back.

But Chen Fang was determined not to get involved with the werewolves like Langhong, he kept walking under his feet, pretending to have misheard.

"Ah, you don't have to be so polite, don't send me off, goodbye bye."

Without looking back, Chen Fang waved goodbye. If he didn't look guilty when he ran, he really wanted to slip away.

Looking at Chen Fang's shameless appearance, Lang Hong gritted his teeth and stomped to catch up, and opened his arms to stop him.

A person suddenly appeared on the road ahead, and Chen Fang almost ran into him without stopping.

"Ms. Wolf, why are you blocking my way? It seems that our transaction is over. Thank you for your help just now. There should be nothing I need to stay." Chen Fang touched his nose.

Lang Hong retracted his hand, looked at Chen Fang with a shameless look at you, and said, "Since you admit that I helped you, why don't you leave a way to contact you, and just walk away. I don't feel like doing this. Are you insincere?"

Chen Fang curled his lips.

To say that Lang Hong did help just now, but it was not too much of a great help. He just sent people to stare at the escaping followers. Chen Fang himself was the one who did the last thing. Strictly speaking, Lang Hong also helped. Handily busy.

Normally, most people don't take this kind of handy help. They have to ask others to do what they want, and at most they are to keep a little eye for friendship, but they don't take it too seriously.

But this kind of thing is afraid to be true, and the person who helps you is true, you really have to face it.

So now Chen Fang regrets that he just said that sentence.

Of course, the purpose of Lang Hong doing this, Chen Fang could guess a little.

"Do you want to know why I can ignore the supernatural power of those believers."

Chen Fang didn't want to go around the corner, so he just said it directly.

Langhong is also simply and unabashedly.

"Yes, it is very important to my family."

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