My Skills Are Not Serious

Chapter 1356: : Celebration

The elders surrendered to the enemy, and the emperor was furious, but the general situation was gone. He was angry and full of regret for the attack on Nirvana City.

As a king, he can never be captured. It is a humiliation for him and a shame for the gods. The emperor chose to slay himself.

Chen Fang didn't stop him, making him decent.

Nirvana City won, and Jiangcheng regained it. Hundreds of thousands of Jiangcheng citizens didn't have to shrank in their houses and live, and went out to the street to cheer and cheer.

On the contrary, hundreds of thousands of gods were temporarily detained in Jiangcheng North District, and the temporarily designated area was placed under custody.

At the same time, Chen Fang sent people from Nirvana City to receive Shikoudi, who had been recovering from injuries, to Jiangcheng, and asked her to come forward to appease the gods here.

As a saint of the godly race, Shikoudi will naturally not refuse and assume this responsibility.

Afterwards, Chen Fang left 20,000 soldiers and a floating fortress guarding Jiangcheng, frightening the gods in the guard area, and taking the remaining people, as well as other senior leaders of the captured gods, directly back to Nirvana City from the teleportation array.

Soon news of Jiangcheng's recovery spread throughout Nirvana City, except for the aristocratic families hiding in the dark, cheering in the city.

In order to celebrate this victory, and to clean up Chen Fang, who had just returned, Gong Xiaobai held a private banquet and invited all those close to Chen Fang to attend.

Yiyiyaya and Sister Luoluo didn't dare to be interested in the banquet, and they didn't attend because of something they had on hand.

Originally, Chen Fang had no interest and wanted Gong Xiaobai to cancel the banquet, but after Wu Yaoyan's persuasion, he still participated.

In the evening, Chen Fang helped Wu Yaoyan, who had a much bigger belly, to the place where the banquet was held, and talked about the wine with Gong Xiaobai, Charming and others.

"Mother, when was my sister born?"

Gong Xiaobai at the table glanced at Chen Fang, who became crazy after drinking a glass of wine, and whispered to Wu Yaoyan.

"Two months later." Wu Yaoyan said gently, touching her belly.

Gong Xiaobai's eyes lit up and he said with joy, "Great, I finally have a younger sister."

As the youngest, he was like a child with only elder brothers and sisters on his head. He hoped that he had a younger brother or younger sister, so that in the future there would be a little guy who chased him and called his brother to play.

Wu Yaoyan looked at the excited Gong Xiaobai and couldn't help asking: "Xiaobai, don't you blame me?"

Gong Xiaobai shook his head and said: "It's gone for a long time. I couldn't accept it before, but it doesn't matter if my mother is doing so well, let alone you are all for me, so there is nothing to complain about."

Although he had complained about the combination of Wu Yaoyan and Chen Fang before, seeing his mother was indeed happy, the discomfort in his heart was let go as time passed.

Wu Yaoyan smiled happily when she was able to be considerate of her son.

While Wu Yaoyan mother and son were talking, Charming, Jimo, and Wenren were also whispering.

"Jimo, now he is back, have you thought about it?" asked with a charming expression.

Jimo's eyes flashed with confusion, and he shook his head with a wry smile: "I don't know, maybe it's better to keep it like this."

Charming frowned and said straightly: "If you continue to be vague, you will only get more and more uncomfortable. If you like it, you will say it. If you can't accept it, then you will give up cruelly. It's a simple thing, why make yourself complicated."

Jimo rarely picked up the wine on the table and poured herself a glass. After drinking it, she, who had never touched a wine before, was naturally very uncomfortable with the violent and uncomfortable mouth, and there was a blush on her face.

"Sister Wu, what about you?" Jimo asked back.

Charming for a moment, she asked Jimo without thinking about it, but she didn't hesitate to say, "I will go to him to clarify after I have finished handling the matter at hand during this period of time."

The Wenren, who was listening with ears erected on the side, interrupted and said, "What are you talking about, tell him to marry him?"

Charming shook his head.

Wenren and Jimo are confused.

"Then what are you talking about?"

Charming also poured herself a glass of wine and drank it, so she had the courage, because what she was going to say next was a bit shocking.

"Say I want to have a child with him, it doesn't matter if I get married or not."


This directly caused Jimo, who was drinking water, and Wenren who secretly tried drinks out of curiosity, sprayed it.

"Ahem..." Gu

"Wu...Sister Wu, what do you mean, am I wrong?"

Wenren asked with wide eyes in disbelief.

"It's literally meaningful." Said charmingly.

"Why?" Jimo asked in disbelief.

The charming eyes said calmly: "As the head of the martial arts family, for the sake of the inheritance of the family, my identity is not allowed to marry, and the man I like is also Chen Fang, and I don't want to sacrifice my feelings for marriage. You said what else can I do besides this method."

"But if that's the case, will you agree with your reputation and the Wu family, Sister Wu?"

Pregnancy without marriage is not a good reputation anywhere. Even if it is because of Chen Fang and the charming status, others dare not say in person, they will keep beaking in private, and ridicule is essential.

Charming smiled with no relief at all: "I don't care if someone laughs behind them. As for the Wu family, who would dare to object."

She has never been a person who follows the rules. The so-called worldly vision is not at all in her mind. In the past, she had planned to force Chen Fang to win. If it weren’t for too many things later, she would have paid. After all practice, there is no such thing as Wu Yaoyan.

"If Chen Fang disagrees," Wen Ren said.

A gleam flashed in charming eyes, and she smiled darkly.

"It doesn't matter if he agrees or disagrees, isn't my sister a good example."

Come on, there is a perverted slut, everyone, stop her, or your boss will have a big deal.

Jimo and Wenren looked at her smile and couldn't help but shudder.

"Hey hey, what more whispers the three of you."

Chen Fang walked over with a drunk look.

The three women looked at him disgustingly.

Don't drink if you can't drink enough, and don't be afraid of being seen, let the image of the godly and majestic in their hearts We women are whispering, you, a big man, come over and cut in. "

"Yes, it smells like alcohol, I hate it to death."

Charming and Wenren covered his nose and waved to drive away the smell of alcohol in the air.

Only Jimo gently stood up and helped Chen Fang to sit down on a chair next to him, and then took a bowl of soup to press wine for him.

"If you can't drink, don't drink it. Look at it now, it will be uncomfortable to get up tomorrow."

Jimo couldn't help but groaned, but she didn't know that she had such an attitude like a good wife.

She looks charming and can't laugh at her in such a manner.

Woman, really a creature with a wrong tongue.

It is very difficult to say, but the answer is already in my heart.

Jimo took care of Chen Fang for a while, and then felt his gaze, turned his head and saw the teasing eyes of Charming and Wenren, his pretty face blushed, and he explained: "I'm afraid he will be drunk and throw up all over the floor. They are all..."

"Sister, don't explain, I understand." Wenren covered his mouth and smiled.

"Haha, Jimo, you shouldn't tell us, you should tell that person." Charming pointed at Wu Yaoyan who noticed the situation here and said to Jimo.

"You don't need to tell me anything. I am inconvenient and can't take care of him. You will only be happy if you can help me."

Wu Yaoyan's expression is not only normal, but also smiling, showing no signs of displeasure because of Jimo's behavior.

Jimo heard the changes on his face, but in the end he didn't leave Chen Fang ignored. Instead, he said calmly: "Then I will help Sister Yaoyan take care of him."

Wu Yaoyan nodded.

Charming looked at Jimo, who suddenly became calm.

On the contrary, Wenren's expression became complicated.

Then the banquet lasted until late at night, and Chen Fang, who was sleeping drunk, was slowly helped back by several women.

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