My Skills Are Not Serious

Chapter 207: : I'm not angry with you


   With the knife in his hand, a chair was divided into two halves. Chen Fang didn't cut the thief's eye. The other party's companion pulled the person away, and Yanyue knife only divided the chair under the thief's eye.

   Actually, Chen Fang's attack speed was not fast enough, enough to react with his comrades. He didn't really want to kill people. After all, this was the camp of the Knights of Scales.

"Damn it, you dare to do it, today I have to kill you." The thief's eyebrows and mouse eyes were pulled apart by his comrades and recovered. Just now, he was frightened by Chen Fang's aura of cutting and cutting. This would be angry. Breaking away from his companion's hand, he summoned a weapon and wanted to fight Chen Fang, but before he came forward, he was dragged by his companion.

   "Come on, ME will be scared of YOU and want to give you UpTheSky." Chen Fang likes to talk nonsense as long as he is in a high mood.

Why is Chen Fang's emotional high? Because Yiyiya Yazheng is holding his thigh by himself at this time. Of course, this is not the reason for his high emotions, but the fact that Wenren will hold his waist from behind to prevent him from impulsiveness. The chest against the back can not rise.

   Just when Chen Fang and the thieves were chattering with each other, they heard that the noisy Mundo brought a few people into the tent.

   "What happened, why are you holding weapons in your hands, don't you know where this is?" Mundo walked over with an unhappy expression.

   "This person molested my family." Chen Fang pointed at the thieves and said sharply.

   Wenren listened to Chen Fang's heart madly throwing Chen Fang's eyes, who is your family, how to talk, although there is something in his heart, Wenren did not refute Chen Fang.

   "I haven't, I haven't touched it yet." Seeing the people from the Knights of Scale Star appearing, the thieves felt that the matter was a little bit turbulent, and was a little bit persuaded to slip away, but he hurriedly explained when Chen Fang said something.

   "Look, he said he hadn't encountered it yet, which means that he actually wanted to meet it in his heart. This is an attempted indecency. I just didn't succeed with the motive. I can't cut him too much." Chen Fangzheng said.

"I don't care what you have. It is a violation of the rules to shine a knife in our regiment's camp. Come with me." Mundo didn't bother to pay attention to what the two parties were talking about. The Knights of Scales has its own rules. Close it up.

"This lord, don't need it, it's just a misunderstanding. You see they didn't really fight, I think that's it. We must take the people back and take care of them, so we don't have to bother you." See Mondo's companion. To take people away, remembering the command of the captain before leaving, he suddenly became anxious and immediately stepped forward to intercede.

   "Mondo, it happened for a reason, and Chen Fang didn't mean it. If you help, let's forget it." Wenren didn't want Mondo to take Chen Fang away, so he asked Mondo.

   "Let’s not take it as an example, but it’s forbidden to make trouble anymore. If there are conflicts, go out of the camp to resolve them. You will be injured or killed.

The other people Mondo can ignore, but Wenren is an old acquaintance, and the cooperation is not once or twice, and the bald boy with a strange big knife in front of him is also familiar, thinking this is not the last time Caohai helped the leader to take out. Brother, so he gave a serious charge and left.

  Thief Eyebrow and Mouse Eyes and his companion saw that the person only said a word to Mundo, and they let them go. At that time, they knew that the woman was either not simple in identity or strength, so they hurried to leave behind Mundo.

   "Small, if you go fast, you can't kill you." Chen Fang pretended to sip at the back of the thieves.

"Okay, see if you can. You can draw a knife anyway. This is the camp of the Knights of Scale Star. You can't make trouble at will, or you think I will endure it just now." Wen Ren pulled Chen Fang back to his seat. Later, he complained, but he was very happy that Chen Fang could stand up and help her.

   "If you don't stand up in that situation, it's still a man. Isn't it okay? It's because you have a lot of face." Chen Fang said.

"Alright, don't say anything, eat." Wenren saw Yiyiyaya sitting at the table and watching the food eagerly waiting for the two adults to move their chopsticks, so he didn't want to talk to Chen Fang anymore, and quickly let the two children eat .

The four of them started their dinner. During the period they heard that there was a period of noisy outside the tent, Chen Fang was very curious, but in order to take care of Yiyi Yaya, he did not go out to watch. After a while, the noisy movement calmed down. He is no longer curious and concentrates on eating.

   "Would you like to get some food for your sister?" After eating the food, Chen Fang picked his teeth and asked.

   "No, let's wait here, she will definitely come here when she comes out." Wenren said.

   In that case, Chen Fang was not idle either. He took several foods by himself, and returned to the position while eating while waiting for the chef's bitter eyes.

   Just when Chen Fang was about to wipe out the last piece of food, Jimo also came here, Wenren told her to sit down and got up to help bring the food.

After the five people sat together, Chen Fang asked Jimo what arrangements would be listed next, but unexpectedly got that the leader of the list would not be responsible for this behemoth crusade. Just after Caesar, who had just been tried for seven crimes, passed arbitration. Obtained command of the behemoth crusade.

   "What charter is this arbitration?" Chen Fang was curious.

   "Team strength, number, and crusade plan, if three wins two, you can get command."

   Jimo said as he ate, there was some food in this mouth that I didn’t swallow, and a few rice grains occasionally spewed out. Chen Fang looked amused. This young lady in the family didn’t learn the etiquette properly, don’t you know if you can’t eat and sleep? This is not a lady, and it doesn't match your usual image of being cold and indifferent to fireworks.

   Jimo saw that Chen Fang's eyes were a little strange, and then he noticed his gaffe, blushing a little, and quickly swallowed the food in his mouth.

"The Knights of Scale Star suffered heavy damage in the previous crusade, and the Seven Sins Trial was prepared. This strength and number are not superior. The battle plan is more reasonable to list the commanders, but the first two are weaker than the other, so they started to get Command." Jimo said.

   "I feel that this kind of arbitration is not appropriate. It is obvious that the battle plan is more important in the battle. How can the weight and the number of people be put together in this arbitration?" Chen Fang felt incredible.

   "You can't say that, if it is in other respects, the importance of the battle plan does not need to be said, but in the crusade against the behemoth, the number of strength is the key, and the battle plan is formulated under these two premises." Jimo explained.

Okay, I don’t understand this. When I played Warcraft before, there was only one wage earner. The leader told us to run, let’s run if we called bloodthirsty, totem was inserted in the ground, the monsters were killed, and the tribe went to sleep late. Chen Fang no longer struggled.

   "Seven Sins Trial Commander, then paddling tomorrow." Chen Fang just said from the table.

   "Paddle? What do you mean." Wenren was puzzled.

   "Pretending to be, passive, sabotage, and lazy." Chen Fang said weakly, working for the Seven Sins Trial, he was not so dedicated.

   "How about your love with us tomorrow, as long as you protect us." Wenren said indifferently after hearing Chen Fang's words.

The three chatted for a while, and when Jimo finished eating, they went to the logistics officer at the camp and asked him to arrange accommodation for the five people. The logistics officer turned the pamphlet and took the five people to the place where he lived. The woman arranged to enter the tent specially for women to live in, and then after Chen Fang bid farewell to the four women, she took him to the place arranged for men to live.

Chen Fang thanked the logistics officer, then opened the door curtain and walked in. As a result, he couldn't see what was going on inside. The smell of sour and smelly home fermentation hit his nose. Chen Fang seemed to be beaten with a heavy fist. I feel pungent in my eyes and strong in my mouth and nose.

Let me go. This is even more horrible than the stinky tofu shop opened in my college dormitory. I have to live in it for one night, and I will not go directly to the funeral tomorrow morning. Chen Fang stayed out of the tent for a while, killing him and leaving without entering. He intends to find a place wherever he wants, even if the stables and animal pens are better than this.

   Chen Fang wandered in the camp, looking for a place to stay overnight, and encountered waves of patrols while wandering. Fortunately, he didn't have any sneaky behavior. He was only let go after being questioned.

   Chen Fang looked around and couldn't find a suitable place. Thinking that when the tent just had a meal, two people walked up not far in front of him. One of them was the guy with eyebrows and mouse eyes.

  Thief Eyebrow Mouse Eye did not expect that he would meet Chen Fang when he walked out with his brother. He was also taken aback for a moment, and then immediately said to the people around him, "Brother, he just wanted to kill me."

   "Oh, let me see who is so courageous, who dared to slash our Hague." After that, the man looked at Chen Fang.

Chen Fang also looked up at the other party, but he saw that his face was a little speechless, with a sharp-mouthed monkey cheek. This guy wasn't the guy who posed and provoke him when he first came and went to list his tent. I didn't expect these two guys to be brothers. , A monkey gill with a pointed mouth, a mouse eye with thieves, is it true that a family does not enter a a bald head, listening to my brother say you want to hack him, what makes you so confident and arrogant. "The sharp-mouthed monkey cheek walked up to Chen Fang and brought his face very close, provocatively.

"Thank you for a bit, you have bad breath." Why are the men so close, they look like monkeys, almost sure that everything they ate at night will make their stomachs, Chen Fang stretched out his hand in disgust and pushed him away. .

"You have bad breath. You have a dead bald head and go out to practice." When Chen Fang said that he had bad breath, a fire rose in his heart, but he didn't dare to do it in the camp of the Star Knights. Just want Chen Fang to go with him outside the camp to solve it.

   "No, I won't, you have the patience to do something here, and you won't be angry." Chen Fang was expressionless but stimulated the other party with a humble tone.

   "You..." The sharp-mouthed monkey's cheeks were irritated. Although Chen Fangqi's lungs were almost exploded, he really didn't dare to do it.

   "Brother, I will drag him out with you. As long as you don't beat people in the camp, the people who weigh the stars will not be able to control us." The thief eyebrow mouse eye was also angry with Chen Fang, so he gave the sharp-mouthed monkey cheek an idea.

   The sharp-mouthed monkey's cheeks sounded reasonable, so they followed Chen Fang with a grinning face.

   "What are you going to do."

   "What did you say."

   Pointy Mouth Monkey Gill and Rogue Eyebrow Mouse Eye walked to Chen Fang, reaching out to grab him.

Chen Fang just heard the other party's communication and knew what they were going to do, but he just saw a patrol team turn out beside a tent in front, not far away, so he folded his hands on his chest, and shouted in his mouth. stand up.




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