My Skills Are Not Serious

Chapter 210: : Ready to go to war

After Peterman left, Chen Fang took the suona himself and poured his energy into the suona according to the method the other party said, and then continued to play small pieces for practice. Of course, Chen Fang walked a little further along the river bank in order not to disturb others. And also reduced the intensity of blowing and lowered the volume.

Although the    little song can't induce element fluctuations, it allows Chen Fang to feel the vibrations of large and small elements when he inputs the appropriate source force.

  Different from the continuity of the wave, the elemental vibration lasts for a short period of time. To put it vividly, it is like hitting a drum with water and water droplets jumping high and low.

Chen Fang entered the source force while playing, and had to take into account the amount of source force input. At the beginning, he was very uncomfortable. Either the source force was not adjusted properly and did not cause element vibration, or the source force was broken after adjusting. Rhythm, a bit of a slap in the face, feeling rushed.

But he was not discouraged, instead he was aroused, because he felt like he was playing a music game on a mobile phone. Whenever he continuously stimulated the element to vibrate, he would feel extremely satisfied. In this way, Chen Fang continued to practice. In the morning, he didn't even put away the suona until the four of Jimo came over.

   "What are you doing here, I thought you were lost, and all the troops have set off." Wen Ren said after finding Chen Fang.

   "What's going on?" Chen Fang didn't sleep all night, his eyes blank.

   "You haven't rested, you practiced for a whole night?" Wen Ren said, looking at Chen Fang's listlessness.

   "Well, I was fascinated for a while and forgot the time." Chen Fang said, a rare game, how can you not play all night.

   "You are going to die, don't you know if you are going to fight the giant beast today? How can you be in your state." Wen Ren said angrily.

   "No way, isn't the Knights of Scale Star still coming with a group of people today to keep going?" Chen Fang was surprised.

   "Caesar is now the commander. He will attack whenever he says to attack." Wenren said.

   "Leave now? I haven't eaten breakfast yet." It doesn't matter whether you sleep or not. It used to be not once or twice all night, but you can't fill your stomach without eating.

   "I brought it to you." Jimo gave him the food he had brought to Chen Fang.

   "You summon the Sanbangzi to ride for me. You have eaten and lie down and sleep for a while to raise your spirits. We will call you when we wait," Wenren said.

   Chen Fang thought that this was a good idea, so he summoned three jumpers and gave them to Wenren to drive. He ran to the back of the car after eating, and found a place to sleep.

   Wenren drove the four people to catch up with the large group.

   The total number of people crusading against the giant beasts in the graveyard is about two hundred and fifty. The Seven Sins Trial and the Knights of Scales each have more than one hundred. The remaining dozens of people are like Jimo, accepting foreign aid entrusted by the list.

   During the march of the large force, the Seven Sins Trial and the Knights of Scales went on one side, one black and the other white, clearly distinguished.

   Wenren, in order to make Chen Fang sleep more steadily, opened the three jumpers relatively slowly to ensure that he could hang behind the large group and not fall behind.

   didn't know how long he slept. Chen Fang was awakened by the noisy voices. He sat up and looked around and found that he was in a bare wasteland area.

   "You wake up, get ready, the crusade is about to begin," Jimo said after seeing Chen Fang wake up.

   "There are no giant beasts here either." Chen Fang looked around, except for the invisible wasteland, there was no giant beast.

   "Caesar has already filmed people to lure." Jimo said.

   Chen Fang got up after hearing this. He just slept and is now much better.

   "It's fine to go directly, why do you have to bring it here?" Chen Fang said.

   "How to set up traps directly?" Wen Ren pointed to the few people in front who were finishing up the traps and said.

   also, just like Monster Hunter, set up traps before starting the fight, consume a wave, Chen Fang scratched his head, wondering how he would ask such a mentally retarded question.

   "Where shall we arrange that Caesar?" Chen Fang asked again.

   "There, you were still asleep just now, we didn't go there right away, now you wake up, let's go too, save people gossip." Wen Ren pointed to a place specially arranged for auxiliary assembly and said.

After Caesar obtained the command, the tactical arrangement used was still in accordance with the plan provided by the list. In this plan, all the auxiliary groups were divided into three groups. The Seven Sins Trial and the Knights of Scales each had a group of auxiliary agents responsible for them, separated into left and right. And the third group is in the middle, which is the position of war musicians.

   moved, since I stayed here to wait for me to wake up, the two big beauties were too considerate, and Chen Fang was moved.

   After Chen Fang put away the three jumpers, the five walked towards the center where the war musicians assembled.

The number of war musicians participating in this crusade was very small, including Jimo Wenren, a total of five, including Master Peterman who communicated with Chen Fang last night, and the two battles brought about by the two trials of seven sins, one man and one woman. Musician.

   When the five of Chen Fang came over, the man and woman were enthusiastically approaching Master Peterman to talk, but Chen Fang looked at the Master as if he was ignoring the conversation.

   "Hi, Master, I'm seeing each other again, and I can sleep well at the latest." Chen Fang took the initiative to greet Peterman after coming over.

   Chen Fang's greeting made the man and woman who were trying to talk to Master Peterman very upset. Didn't this bald head see that he was talking to Master? What does it mean to disturb them just after coming here.

   If they wanted Chen Fang to know in their hearts, he would definitely say that the other party was ill, so he would just say hello. This would be disturbed, and it would be rude not to say hello to the elders he knew.

   "It's Xiao Chen, why are you here? I remember you said you don't know how to war music." Peterman saw Chen Fang greet him, nodded as a response and asked.

   "Aren't the two beauties at home also here? I'll **** them." Chen Fang pointed to Jimo and Wenren behind him.

   "Hello, Master." Jimo and Wenren didn't expect Chen Fang to know Peterman. They were curious and did not forget to say hello.

   "Hello grandpa." Yiyi Yaya also greeted Peterman politely.

   "Okay, you don't need so much etiquette." Peterman smiled, facing the greetings from two big, two and four beauties, he seemed very happy.

Seeing the happy appearance of Peterman and the five people who had just arrived, one man and one woman were very unhappy. When they two greeted the master, he just nodded and did not smile at all, and faced the five Chen Fang. The attitude is obviously different, which makes them very unhappy.

   "This place is specially arranged for war musicians. Why don't you say that someone who is not a war musician came over and brought two children. Did you see this place as an outing place?" The female of the two said strangely.

   "I said it was here to protect people, but this is obviously the safest place. I wanted to come here because I was afraid of death, so I ran to hide." The man looked at Chen Fang disdainfully and said.

   "Who are these two idiots?" Chen Fang was ridiculed and ridiculed. Chen Fang was not polite, his voice was not low, and he pointed directly to a man and a woman and asked Jimo.

   "Why are you so uneducated." Chen Fang was called a fool. The two were very upset, so the man scolded.

   "It's so funny, who made the mistake first? You should be the uncultivated one." Chen Fang replied.

Seeing someone scolding Chen Fang, Yiyi and Yaya stood next to Chen Fang, and they were angry with Chen Fang, especially Yaya, with a grin showing her little tiger teeth, and today she was wearing a small-headed tiger doll uniform. The hearts of Chen Fang's people are about to melt.

   Jimo and Wenren also walked up to stand with Chen Fang, apparently preparing to face the man and woman with him.

"This couple is a husband and wife. The male is Wu Dong and the female is Ruth. They are notoriously bad conduct in the war music industry. They used to take a piece of war music scores for themselves and gave the creators a set. Inducing the other party to owe unpaid debts, forcing them to sell the music scores to them. After getting the music scores, they still did not let the creator go until they forced the other party to commit suicide and die.” Jimo looked at the two men in disgust. .

   "Nobody cares?"

   "Their teacher is a conductor of a large war band, and he has a great influence in the war music world, and he died as a small person without background. Whoever cares, at best will not interact with them." Jimo said.

   "Cut, two bullies ~ Chen Fang disdains.

   "I think you'd better take these two little kids away. This is the position of the war musician. If you wait for the battle to start interfering with our performance of the war music, you can't bear this responsibility." Wu Dong said.

   "This is not your home, you let me leave and leave, where I like to stay, it's up to you." Chen Fang showed disdain.

   "It seems that I'm going to the Captain Caesar to talk about it. Some of the messengers and others are actually ignoring that they are about to start fighting, insisting on making trouble." After Ruth said that she wanted to find someone.

   "Okay, stop arguing, Xiao Chen thinks where is his freedom, as long as he waits not to interfere with our performance." Peterman really didn't want to hear people arguing, he said.

   "Then what if he interferes with us later, who will be responsible." Ruth was reluctant.

   "I can be responsible." Peterman said with a solemn glance at Ruth Wu Dong.

  Wu Dong and Ruth saw that Peterman had expressed their opinions, and they didn't dare to say anything, they just gave Chen Fang a vicious look and walked away.

   "It is inexplicable, and they can be hated without provoke them. I am speechless." Chen Fang said depressed.

   "Xiao Chen, these two people are careful. It's better to stay away when you see them in the future." Peterman warned.

   "Thank you for reminding me." Chen Fang thanked him.

   "Look, the giant beast seems to have been attracted." Wenren pointed to the front and said.

   Chen Fang looked in the direction that Wenren pointed, only to see a dark shadow slowly growing on the horizon in the distance, and at the same time he could vaguely hear the roar of the behemoth coming from a distance.



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