My Skills Are Not Serious

Chapter 232: : There are losses and gains

The scene created by the battery Lei Ze and Chen Fangyin thundering the lake is very terrifying. The current is mixed in the water mist and transpiration. I don’t know why, the mist is condensed and not dispersed. It gradually expands above the lake surface, black lightning and colorful Spots of light flowed through the fog, forming a bun-like neon color air mass, crackling, with a faint tendency to explode.

   "No way, this will also explode? It's too special to conform to the rules of physics."

Chen Fang was sweating profusely, holding the little fox in his arms and ran towards the woods. Just after entering the woods, he ran for five or six meters. He heard a muffled sound behind him, carrying a large number of black thunderballs the size of longan, and various colors. Light waves of water mist swept across, the ground splashed wherever it passed, the trees were pierced by lightning, the surface was covered with electric traces, some trees burned for no reason, and some trees were covered with a thin layer of frost. , In short, there are various forms of destruction, and it looks like a disaster scene, a mess.

Chen Fang was shocked, and hurriedly flashed to a big tree surrounded by three people. At the same time, he hugged his head and lay down on the ground. The little fox curled up against Chen Fang into a ball tremblingly. The air wave swept over them, leaves and branches. They fell one after another, covering them.

  The air wave came and went fast, and the forest calmed down after a while.

   "Bah, bah."

   Chen Fang spit out the broken leaves in his mouth, stood up and patted the debris on his body, and the little fox also got up to shake off the fallen leaves on his body.

   "Let's go and see."

   Chen Fang turned and walked towards the lake. The little fox jumped a few steps, grabbed Chen Fang's big pants and rushed up to his shoulder, then leaped gently, lying on Chen Fang's head. It seemed to like this place very much.

With a little fox on his head, Chen Fang didn't care. He went to the lake and looked at it. There were large and small aquatic creatures floating on the lake, there were convulsing icicle turtles, and fish with white belly. There are also some strange aquatic creatures.

   Chen Fang swam to the island, and when he passed several ice arrow tortoises on the way, he observed and found that all of them were too dead to die, and their bodies rose and fell with the waves.

Chen Fang is so powerful. He thought that he would be severely injured by a corona at the most. He really didn't expect to be able to kill it all at once. The result was beyond his expectation, but it was better for him. At least these deaths. The mutant beast is also a wealth.

  After arriving on the island, Chen Fang excitedly ran to the location of the core pile, ready to receive this wealth. As a result, he came to the place where the core piled up, but found that the core was missing. Instead, it was a deep pit. The bottom of the pit was constantly seeping water.

   Chen Fang was taken aback, and immediately slid down, reached out and fished it in, but there was nothing but a handful of muddy water.

   No, it’s all gone, did it blow up?

Chen Fang hurriedly searched the waters near the island, but Mao didn’t find it. He thought of a possibility that the explosion just now should be related to these cores, or under the action of thunder and lightning, the energy in these cores was activated and interacted. Then it caused an explosion.

Therefore, Chen Fangte has been busy for a while. No, it is not a waste of work. At least there are a lot of mutant creatures on the lake. You should be able to harvest a lot of things if you work hard, and you can also get a lot of mutant beasts. Meat, isn't this the purpose of Chen Fang's trip?

   "When will this be stripped?" Chen Fang looked bitterly at the corpses of the aquatic mutant beast floating on the lake, which was a trouble of happiness.

No matter how hard he worked, he still had to clean up. So Chen Fang went to the forest and chopped a ten-meter-long green vine, cut some branches with branches and tied them to the green vine, and then fixed one end of the green vine on the island and took the other. In the hand, with the small island as the center, sweeping across the water while swimming, slowly gathering the mutant creatures floating on the water.

   Waited for Chen Fang to pile up all the mutant beasts on the island. It was in the middle of the night and climbed up to the island from the water. Chen Fang was so cold that his lips became pale and a fire was tremblingly raised before he warmed up.

   took off the glasses he had brought for the whole night and put them in his inventory. Chen Fang began to skewer fish. The things on the three buns were broken. Naturally, the hot pot was not spared. Now he can only take them.

   The fish was almost grilled, and Chen Fang sprinkled a little salt on it. These salt were the only condiments left on him.

   put the grilled fish in front of the little fox, and Chen Fang himself took the grilled fish and ate it.

   "嘤嘤." The little fox didn't seem to like grilled fish very much, so he patted the ground with his paws, indicating that he wanted to change.

   "Don't be picky, eat if you have it." Chen Fang continued to eat fish after speaking.

   The little fox was full of grievances, but he slowly started to eat the grilled fish.

   After filling his stomach, Chen Fang began to deal with the piles of no less than three hundred mutant beasts. He wanted to deal with these things in a hurry to prevent the corpse from decay.

   Fortunately, these mutant beasts were electrocuted, except for the burnt smell and there is no **** smell, so Chen Fang dared to pile them together, otherwise this nocturnal mutant beast had to find the smell of blood.

   Pulled the corpse of the nearest mutant beast, Chen Fang took a look at it first.

   Mud Throwing Otter: Beginner Level 3, mud ball throwing, water arrow.

Chen Fang took a knife and dissected and found no core. He used peeling technique to get a piece of argillacea. Then he peeled off the fur from the otter, cut some meat and grilled it. After tasting it, he felt that it tasted good. Chen Fang took this one. The skinned otter cramps and pulls its bones, leaving only the meat. After putting the meat in the inventory, continue to process the next mutant creature.

The little fox watched Chen Fang cramping and pulling his bones out of the mutant beast, feeling very scared, but still did not leave, just curled up beside the fire and stared at Chen Fang tremblingly, his eyes were full of horror, for fear that Chen Fang would take it too. It was chopped, it was surrounded by water and it couldn't escape. It could only stay obediently, and at the same time begging Chen Fang not to notice it.

Of course, Chen Fang did not have the idea of ​​chopping the little fox. Instead, he would feed the little fox a little bit when tasting the mutant animal meat. After a few times, the little fox became courageous and began to turn around Chen Fang. When Fang started to dissect the mutant beast, it would sniff it and make two screams if it felt that the meat tasted good. If it didn't taste good, it would pat it with its paws. After several times, Chen Fang also found it. The mutant beasts that the fox called are good when grilled, but those that were patted with their paws are either sour or old. So Chen Fang doesn’t need to roast each mutant beast with a little meat after dissecting it, which is efficient. Improved.

  Identified, dissected, stripped, peeled and cut the flesh, Chen Fang operated numbly, and after spending a night and half a day, he finally finished processing all the mutant beasts.

  More than three hundred mutant beasts provided Chen Fang with more than one hundred primary cores and thirty intermediate cores, as well as a number of affinity substances, of course, including fur and mutant beast meat with unknown weight.

There are a lot of things. Chen Fang put the core and affinity items in his inventory. The fur and mutant meat were put on the repaired three bungee, and he built a high pile, and then disbanded the summon. The burden was relieved at once.

   "Let's go home." Chen Fang stretched out after packing up. The deep puddle behind him is now full of the remains of mutant beasts.

   The purpose of this trip has been achieved. Chen Fang is about to leave. Although his body is exhausted, he does not want to stay here for a moment.

   "When you go back, go to the sales department's cell phone. If you call Yiyi at this time, let her call me, you don't even need to hurry."

   "It means that the toll is too expensive to use."

   "Heaven's Justice" has a remote summoning function. No matter where Chen Fang stays, he can be forcibly summoned to the contractor. The function is very abnormal, but the cost is a bit more expensive and requires a gold coin.

   Chen Fang also thought about it, a gold coin, this is not a small amount, the money is still used in the right place when it is right, it is too extravagant to be used to return to the city.

   "Little guy, I'm leaving, do you want to follow me?" Chen Fang said after swimming back to the shore with the little fox.

   Where did the little fox know what Chen Fang was talking about, so he just stayed quietly on his head for a fake sleep.

   "If you don't speak, you will be the default."

To be honest, Chen Fang still likes this little fox very much. His IQ is not low in humanity, and he also possesses charm skills. In addition to getting along these days, he really reluctant to bear it, but Chen Fang, who defaults to something, just talks about it. If the little fox is unwilling to follow him when he leaves the remote mountain hunting area, he will not force it.

   took Chen Fang, the little fox, to leave the lake and walk into the woods. After identifying the direction, he began to find his way back.

  Walking through the forest, Chen Fang didn't know how long he had been walking, and came to the cave where he met the little fox before.

Chen Fang didn’t stop, and the weather was still on his way, but when he had walked for a while, the little fox staying on his head suddenly jumped off and disappeared into the woods. Even though Chen Fang called so, he didn’t respond. .

   "Leave anyway." Chen Fang felt disappointed, and he couldn't bear this little fox.

   After clearing up his mood, Chen Fang looked at the direction the little fox had left, and then he continued to walk forward.

The departure of the little fox made Chen Fang not in a good He walked very slowly and seemed to be waiting for something. Whenever there was movement nearby, he would look forward to it, but most of the things that were waiting were mutations. Beast, disappointed, he poured unidentified anger on the mutant beast that caused the movement and attacked him. After venting several times, he also gradually calmed down.

   "There are always banquets in the world, always so entangled, what should I do in the future." Chen Fang shook his head and laughed at himself.


   The familiar cry sounded in Chen Fang's ears, making him think it was a hallucination, but when the little fox's figure appeared in front of him, his heart couldn't help but rise with incomparable joy.

   "Little guy, haven't you left." Chen Fang knelt down and picked up the little fox in front of him, and said happily.

   The little fox yelled a few times, and then struggling to get to the ground, Chen Fang put it down.

  , the little fox ran forward a few steps, then looked back at Chen Fang.

   "What are you doing?" Chen Fang looked at the little fox suspiciously.

   The little fox saw Chen Fang motionless, and immediately ran to his feet, opened his mouth slightly to bite Chen Fang's leg hair and pulled out, as if he wanted Chen Fang to follow it.

   "I'm going, it hurts." The hair on his legs was pulled, and Chen Fang's tears were about to fall from the pain.

   The little fox immediately let go, sticking out his tongue and licking Chen Fang's leg, then ran a few steps, still looking back at Chen Fang, his eyes full of expectation.

   Chen Fang scratched his head and followed, and at the same time he was curious where the little fox would take him.

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