My Skills Are Not Serious

Chapter 239: : Go to a banquet

In the end, Chen Fang accompanied the two big, two and four beauties to the shop. Everyone knows that the more beautiful the woman is, the time goes up exponentially. When he came back, Chen Fang felt that his internal injuries had worsened. The throat is fishy, ​​what a hell.

Of course, he also gained something. The two women bought him a formal suit as a gift. The style is also ok, and the price is not very expensive. The most important thing is that it is not full of earthy taste on him, and the temperament has risen to... Level, this is... a big breakthrough. When Chen Fang looked in the mirror, he almost burst into tears.

In addition to clothes, Chen Fang also bought a mobile phone and issued a card. The model choice was waterproof and drop resistant... The old man machine, yes, it is the old man machine. The old man machines in this world are similar to those of the Blue Star and have different voices. Large, large font, large screen, large keyboard, automatic hands-free, foldable, unfold like a tablet, close like a brick, high-end type, the price is one gold, a large audience welcomes the elderly. Chen Fang chose this model because it is the cheapest in Longhua City. After all, it is definitely impossible to have a second-hand mobile phone in the land of the family.

During shopping, Chen Fang once caused a 100% return rate. Whoever saw him would pay attention and slander in his heart. This guy is sick. Wearing such a thick hat in this weather is not afraid to cover the prickly heat; because In this way, Jimo and the others always kept a distance from him, pretending not to know him. Chen Fangren couldn't bear it, and threw the little fox to Yiyiyaya for them to hold.

The little fox was a little afraid of resistance when he first came into contact with others. He always wanted to run up Chen Fang's head. Finally, after Chen Fang continued to calm down and the four women’s kindness, he finally played with them. The next person who received attention was Chen. Fang turned into Jimo and they, as long as they hold the little fox, they will attract attention. After all, the three-tailed fox is very rare. Only two have appeared in the last 500 years. The little fox is the third one, and its physical characteristics It is also different from the legend, with a heart-shaped pink hair on the forehead and pink tail at the end, which is amazing.

After returning from shopping, Chen Fang threw the little fox to Jimo and the others to take care of. He ran to the ice cellar to store the mutant beast meat. By the way, he handed the affinity substance to Si Hongyang, and then went to the gym exclusive to Jimo's four brothers. One trip.

The equipment in the gym is customized according to the needs of the four brothers of Jimo. They are large and heavy. Chen Fang weighed himself down, so he gave up the idea of ​​exercising here and went back to his room to do push-ups. He tried A little bit of his limit, a group of one hundred, he did three sets and exhausted his energy, the data is only a little more than the first-level awakened, which shows that he is lazy in physical training.

   In order to let himself no longer slack off in the future, Chen Fangtiao pen developed a series of exercise plans for himself, such as waking up in the morning? After a meal? Start push-ups, number one set; after waking up from a noon nap? One group of push-ups; one group before going to bed at night and so on.

Chen Fang looked at the full schedule he had arranged, and was very satisfied with the two-hour exercise form. He posted the list behind the door of the room and went to dinner and talked to the four girls. It was late and came back. Just sleep. As for exercise, I'll talk about it tomorrow.

The next day, breakfast was eaten with lunch. When it was time for a nap, Chen Fang went to sleep on time. He only woke up at night when he heard people come and asked him to send them to Ganjie No. 3 with a Sanbangzi. As for exercise, postpone it for tomorrow. After all, I just came back from hunting and I still have internal injuries on my body, so I should not do strenuous exercise, Chen Fang thought in his heart.

On Ganjie No. 3, where the Lin family is located, as the most powerful family in Longhua City, their residence is unexpectedly low-key, with a small courtyard covering more than ten acres. Although it is very different, it is a few hundred acres less than other families. The boundary, they seem too low-key.

This evening is crowded with people who have not received the invitation letter. These people want to try their luck and see if they can meet the acquaintance who received the invitation letter and take him in. Of course, they obviously think too much and can be invited. It is undoubtedly a great player in all aspects. Although there is no limit to how many people can be brought, it will not bring people in casually.

   "I'll drive Sanbengzi. When the meeting arrives, you will find a place to play first. After the banquet, contact you and come and take us home." Wenren said to Chen Fang, who had summoned Sanbengzi.

"Yes, you can, but where do I go to play, don't you guys go with mounts? Why do you want me to send them, and these three jumpers don't drop the price after driving?" Chen Fangxin was unwilling. If he can't go to the banquet again, what is he doing in the past.

   "There is nothing that can't drop in price, it's just a means of transportation."

   "We don't have to dress like this to ride a mount, and we don't have a carriage at home. Why, it's so troublesome for you to send it off?" Wenren akimbo.

   "Trouble is not troublesome, you just go in and eat and drink, I drink northwest wind outside, and I am bored waiting for you."

   "Also, your shoulders are exposed too much, you are not afraid of catching a cold." Chen Fang said.

   In order to attend the banquet, Jimo and Wenren wore a strapless dress. They were beautifully dressed, which was very eye-catching.

   "There are shawls."

   Wenren took out a white shawl and put it on his body, covering his shoulders.

   "Go, it's rude to be late." Jimo also put on his shawl and said.

   "Get in the car."

   Wenren sat on the three jumpers first, with his legs spread out and his arms wide open, posing wildly. Speaking of it, Wenren actually likes the feeling of driving Sanbengzi. He used to endure it when he was unfamiliar with Chen Fang, but now he fights to be a driver whenever he has a chance.

"Lady, is it okay? Your appearance doesn't match the appearance and dress on your body. Whose lady will wear a dress with her legs crossed and act like an old man. If you don't ruin the image, you are not afraid of the skirt. Go for a drive?" Chen Fang was full of black lines.

   Hearing this, he realized that there was something wrong, so he rolled the skirt into a ball and stuffed it under the crotch and sat down, then still with his legs crossed. Chen Fang was extremely speechless when he saw it, but he didn't speak any more, let her go.

   After everyone was seated, Wenren drove the three jumpers towards the destination.

   "The Lin family is at No. 3 Ganjie, look at the way, don't wait until you can't find the way to pick us up." Wen Ren said while driving.


   When Chen Fang heard the words Ganjie No. 3 and Lin's family, he suddenly thought of two things that he had almost forgotten, the business card and sign that Lin had chopped up in the Star Arena.

   I don’t know how Fatty Fang is now. After he left, did he really give up his dream of fighting a star, change his job as a manager, or inherit his farm directly? I have a cell phone now. Why don't you find a time to contact? Chen Fang thought.

   "What are you thinking about, we're here." Wenren hugged the little fox and patted Chen Fang on the shoulder.

   Chen Fang came back to his senses and found that Sanbengzi was stopped at the door of a small courtyard by someone who was heard. Jimo, with Yiyiya Ya wearing a princess costume, was handing the invitation letter to the housekeeper standing in front of the door.

   "It's nothing, since you are here, I'll go and take a picture of a place around me and stay for a while." Chen Fang returned to his senses and said.

   "Well, come out to contact you." After Wen Ren said that he hugged the little fox and followed Jimo and entered the courtyard.

   "Where are you going to take it with you." Chen Fang drove the three jumpers to leave.

   "It's you again. I ran away by you last time. I didn't expect to meet here." An annoying voice sounded in Chen Fang's ears.

   Chen Fang glanced, and saw that Zhan Liuming was walking here with Jace carrying a small cage.

  I will meet this guy wherever I go. Why is a passerby supporting role appearing so frequently recently? Your drama is a bit too much.

Chen Fangli ignored them, driving Sanbengzi as if walking, but Jess quit, and he held the cage directly in front of Sanbengzi, and then was crushed by Chen Fang with wheels without any psychological pressure. past.

Because Jace was talking louder just now, and the Zhan Liuming where Zhan Liuming is located is the first in combat power, and the name is very loud, so many people pay attention to the situation here, when Chen Fang has no scruples. When driving the Sanbangzi and pressing over Jace, everyone was dumbfounded, including Zhan Liuming.

   "Am I wrong, this person actually drove directly over."

   "You're not mistaken, see if there are ruts on the human face, this cliff is true."

   "Who is this guy, too fierce, he dares to suppress Zhan Liuming's attendant, he doesn't want to live anymore?"

   "What kind of follower, that's Jace, it's a family line."

   "There is a good Sit in rows, divide the seeds, pay attention to the order of the crowd."

   The physique of ordinary people in this world is generally better than that of the Blue Stars, and their bodies are strong. That's why Chen Fang can run over Jace without any psychological pressure. He would not dare to put him on the Blue Star.

   Jess climbed up from the ground, his eyes seemed to burst into flames, and shouted: "Chen Fang, you're looking for death."

   "Don't blame me, you suddenly appeared in front of the car, where I came over in response, blame you for not observing the traffic order." Chen Fang paused and said, picking up his ears.

   "You..." Jace was so angry that he couldn't speak.

   "Chen Fang, you are very arrogant." Zhan Liuming stood up and stared at Chen Fang and said lightly. He was very upset when Chen Fang escaped last time.

   "Then what?" Chen Fang asked rhetorically, his tone indifferent.

Seeing Chen Fang responding with this attitude, Zhan Liuming felt very unhappy. No one had ever spoken to him in this manner or tone. If there were not many people around and he still had to maintain his demeanor, Zhan Liuming He wanted to teach Chen Fang a severe lesson and let him know what attitude and posture he should use when facing the son of a big family.

   "You are very good, really very good, I am long in Japan and I am looking forward to seeing you next time."

   Zhan Liuming glanced at Chen Fang deeply, and left.

   "Your kid is dead, next time you meet, you will kneel before me and be a dog, I promise."

   Jace saw Zhan Liuming go away, so he didn't dare to stay any longer. He put up a cruel word and followed up with the cage.

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