My Skills Are Not Serious

Chapter 245: : You fell without a shot

After everyone had cast their names in their favorite color box, Lin Feng led the housekeeper to the box. He reached out and took out the box, but did not immediately take out the paper. Under the puzzled expressions of everyone, he spoke. : "It seems that everyone likes this lottery. There are no less than fifteen in the box. Considering the limited time, I think the rules need to be changed."

   "Brother, what rules should I change? You just smoke one-on-one." Lin Dong disagreed, his intention was to make Chen Fang uncomfortable.

   "Brother, the visitors are all guests. My Lin family has always been fair and just, and I draw one by one. It's a waste of time. If you really want to go ahead, it might not be finished tomorrow morning."

   As the eldest son, Lin Feng didn't think about everything. He didn't want to make the banquet a farce just because his younger brother embarrassed one person. This was related to the face of the Lin family.

   Lin Dong's face was a little unpleasant, but he couldn't help it.

"This first colored head is armed with relics. It is called the Scarlet Sword Skirt. It is very suitable for female Awakeners." Lin Feng showed the next transparent orb with a blood-red war skirt inside and densely packed sharp blades at the corners. It looks very violent.

The relic weapons can be directly smelted into the corresponding parts of the awakened self-arms. Generally speaking, the number of smelting is three times. You can use the essence to remove the dross and leave the parts you want. For example, if you think the style of the weapon is good, or the skirt edge is good, Only this part is retained in armed smelting.

   "Because it is the equipment of the awakened, so I will directly remove the name sheet of the non-awakened in a while, everyone has no opinion." Lin Feng said.

   The people below have no opinion.

   "This guy is pretty good." Chen Fang said to Jimo. He originally thought that Lin Feng would take a let alone attitude because his brother wanted to trouble him, but he didn't expect the other party to be fair and impartial.

   "There are some things his brother can do, he can't do it." Jimo feels normal, but Lin Feng is the eldest son, and he is likely to inherit the position of the head of the family in the future.

   The butler sorted out the name notes in the box and shakes them up and placed them in front of Lin Feng.

"There are a total of ten people remaining, divided into two groups of competitions. We adopt a elimination system. Whoever gets out of the circle will be eliminated. Each group will have one player left for the final competition. Everyone has no comments." Lin Feng pointed out. Refers to a 15-meter-diameter battle circle drawn by the waiter on the ground, for comments.

   Seeing that no one objected, Lin Feng randomly took out five pieces of paper from the box and put them together, indicating that these five people were a group.

   "Unexpectedly, it was such a ratio. We accounted for five of the ten people. That doesn't mean that we have a high probability of winning." Wenren was surprised.

   "That also depends on how we are grouped. If the five of us are grouped together, we will be unlucky." Chen Fang said, but it should not be that unlucky.

   But when Lin Feng announced his opponents in the same group, Chen Fang felt full of malice. He scored points with Jimo and the others alone, and was divided into different groups with a ratio of one to four.

   "Haha, you actually joined me in a group, and see what I will do with you later." Lin Dong laughed.

   In addition to Lin Dong who competed in the same group with Chen Fang, there were Zhan Liuming, the cold-faced girl, and another unknown person who wanted to attack Chen Fang.

   "I can't help you." Wen Ren sighed and patted Chen Fang helplessly.

   Jimo and Yiyi Yaya looked at Chen Fang with worried expressions.

   "It's okay, it's okay if I lose here, you must win this relic weapon." Chen Fang said.

   Wenren nodded, she was quite eye-catching about the scarlet skirt.

   "Young Master Ming, Sister Ying, Zhou Zi, will help me beat that kid together later." Lin Dong said as he walked to the three people who were ready to enter.

   "It's easy to say." Zhan Liuming nodded and agreed.

  Zhan Liuying's face was cold and speechless, neither agreed nor opposed, she had to keep her eyes on Wenren.

   Zhou Zi shrugged and said yes.

   "Be careful, it looks like they are united to deal with you." Wen Ren said to Chen Fang while looking at Lin Dong.

   "Hehe, even if I can't win in a while, I have to let them all get hurt." Chen Fang said lightly, and then the little fox with his head kept changing positions, trying to squeeze his hair, hugged Wenren.

   The first to compete was Chen Fang's group. Before it started, the butler put a restriction bracelet on the five people. This bracelet will activate the restriction function according to the awakening level of the five people, and balance the strength of the five people at the same level.

   After Chen Fang put on the bracelet, he only felt his body numb, and the elemental energy and source power in his body were restricted to the intermediate level. That is to say, the lowest level of awakening among the five people was the intermediate level.

After getting ready, Chen Fang quickly stepped into the war circle and followed the other four. Among them, Lin Dong, Zhan Liuming and Zhou Zi were walking together, obviously preparing to join forces, and the cold-faced woman was entering the war. After the circle, I just stood quietly on the edge, seemingly not wanting to blend in.

   "Chen Fang, if you kneel down and beg for mercy now, you still have time, otherwise I will fight until you don't even know your mother." Lin Dong said.

   Chen Fang didn't bother to talk, just waiting for Lin Feng as the referee to start calling.

   "Very well, you successfully angered me." Lin Dong was so ignored by Chen Fang, and immediately became angry.

   "Start." Outside Lin Feng called out to start.

With an order, apart from Chen Fang and the cold-faced girl, the other three were armed. Lin Dong was dressed in thick brown armor and a big khaki axe in his hand; Zhan Liuming's white robe was added to his body and he held a large wooden shield. And long staff; Zhou Zi held two swords in his hands and wore cyan lock armor. The three of them showed their armed forces at the same time. Lin Dong and Zhou Zi rushed towards Chen Fang, Zhan Liuming stood in place and raised their hands to prepare.

   "Be careful." Wenren exclaimed subconsciously.

   Yiyi Yaya looked at Chen Fang worriedly, while Jimo also watched nervously at the situation.

"Cut, I'm really muddled, let you see what coquettish walking is." Chen Fang raised his hand and summoned the electric car. In the expression that the audience could still be like this, Lin Donghe ran away. Zhou Zi chased lonely.

   "I protest, this kid fouled the rules." Lin Dong watched Chen Fang riding an electric bike for a ride in the ring, his nose was crooked with anger, and he immediately shouted to Lin Feng.

   "As long as you don't borrow external forces and potions, you can use your own skills, including your own summoned beasts or mounts, brother, he didn't foul." Lin Feng shrugged.

   Are you still my brother? Lin Dong became even more angry.

Chen Fang was able to summon a strange mount like an electric bike in the battle circle because the electric bike was small and flexible enough to travel freely in this restricted range of competition venues, but they couldn't. The mutant mounts were generally tall and powerful. Meng, in such a small circle with a range of only fifteen meters, let alone the speed, let alone the transfer.

   "Boy, come down and fight head-on." Lin Dong shouted at Chen Fang.

   "There is a kind of singles with me." Chen Fang said while avoiding Zhan Liuming's ranged skills.

   "Okay, come on." Lin Dong agreed.

   Zhan Liuming and Zhou Zi immediately stopped after hearing this. Lin Dong agreed to single out, and there was no need for them to mix.

   "You come hit me."

   Chen Fang could not lose sight of the opportunity, a provocation was thrown out, and a trembling **** caught Lin Dong's eyes.

   "Yeah." Lin Dong only felt bloodshot in his brain, and an unstoppable anger surged into his heart, and he rushed towards Chen Fang with a roar.

As soon as the ridicule came out, Chen Fang immediately launched a charge on the electric car, but when the electric car rushed out, he let go of the car and jumped up, and then saw the electric car wrapped in wind and thunder, like a rhinoceros jumping wildly, hitting one head Lin moved on.

   The man turned on his back and Lin Dong was crushed by the electric car.

   "You fool me!" Lin Dong shouted at Chen Bao's electric car with red eyes.

   "No, I won't come down here, the electric car knocked you down on purpose, I didn't mean it, inertia, inertia, you know." Chen Fang quibbled.

   "Damn it, you die." Lin Dong lifted a big axe and cut the mantle off in a surprise attack, and bamboo shoots emerged from the ground quickly extending towards Chen Fang.

   Chen Fang originally wanted to hide, but suddenly he sensed something and stood motionless. Lin Dong thought that Chen Fang was stupid and didn't was overjoyed.

But when the bamboo shoots appeared one meter in front of Chen Fang, a bright red figure appeared, and the cross shield in his hand was inserted into the ground, directly blocking the spread of the bamboo shoots, and then the plain hand hammer hit the ground, blood red. The ground wave spreads in a circular shape, and **** seven or eight centimeters of ground thorns will appear on the ground where it passes.

Lin Dong's eyes stared. He didn't understand why a gorgeous bride in a red wedding dress would help Chen Fang resist the attack. He was taken aback by the sudden appearance of the blood-red bride, but the ground wave failed to appear. He reacted in time, and was accidentally overturned and sat down on the ground. This sitting was just hit by the red ground that appeared and hit his **** and exploded small flowers.

   "Wow!" With a wolf howling in his mouth, Lin Dong threw down his big axe and screamed screaming with his **** up to the sky.

   "Tsk tsk." Chen Fang shook his head with his arms around his arms, showing disappointment, "Brother didn't do anything, you fell on your own, and you have no combat effectiveness."

   "I protest, he is looking for someone to help." Lin Dong shouted at Lin Feng with tears in his eyes, and at the same time yelled my little flower in his heart, making you suffer the pain you shouldn't have.

   A human figure does not mean that he is a person, at least Lin Feng doesn't think it looks like it, but he still turned his attention to the housekeeper beside him.

   The butler shook his head: "Not a real person."

   "Go ahead." Lin Feng said.

The bride in the scarlet wedding dress appeared in just a few seconds, but it was clearly seen by the sharp-eyed awakeners present. The gorgeous red wedding dress, the graceful figure, and the faintly unseen face were seen. The big shield giant hammer, the red outfit armed together, is really amazing.



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