My Skills Are Not Serious

Chapter 250: :Strike scabbard

  The werewolf incarnation of Kaskong has a very abnormal body's self-healing power. Chen Fang cut out a big hole, and he can recover in a very short time.

   There is no restriction on the means of self-healing. Chen Fang is depressed how to fight this kind of monster, so he shouldn't whistle and report.

   Kaskong’s sharp claws brought the wind, and every time he swung it, he could roll up a miniature tornado, and Chen Fang’s "white beating" shield would shatter into **** within a few times.

   "Hey, you guys are coming up here. Where are you going to watch the show?" Chen Fang was scratched by Kaskong and saw a few stupid guards standing up with annoyance.

   The guards looked horrified and shook their heads together. They are just ordinary people, but they can't hold each other's paws. Let's wait for the captain to come.

   Chen Fang was so angry that his nose was crooked.

The carriage was too small and it was not easy for Chen Fang to avoid it. He was scratched by the tornado raised by Cascon, and his body was already scarred. Fortunately, Cascon was not very strong, and the damage caused was not high. Chen Fang could still support it. live.

In order not to lose too much blood, Chen Fang used the Healing Hammer twice to recover from the injury, but the recovery effect was not good. The blood stopped, but the wound couldn't heal anyhow. He hurriedly checked the status and saw that he hung up two. status.

A heart-eater curse and a septic plague poison; the former is superimposed on the fifth floor, once it reaches the tenth floor, it will be transformed into a heart-eater werewolf, and the current awakening level will be locked. Only by swallowing a certain number of hearts can the strength be improved; The person is also in a superimposed state, with five layers fully superimposed, and the effect is to reduce the healing effect. It is now three layers.

   Both of these states can be purified by the Healing Hammer, purifying one layer each time, and Chen Fang puts down his snacks a bit.

   "Haha, boy, you must die here today. I will take your heart out and drink and drink now." Kaskong grinned and raised a tornado in front of his paws.

   Chen Fang jumped up on the torn seat next to him, shrank and jumped over the tornado, before he landed and charged directly, Feng Lei flashed Chen Fang and hit Kaskong, both dizzy.

   At this moment, behind Kaskong, two brides in the night and day were highlighted, and the huge sickle was cut off.

Kaskong woke up from his vertigo, and heard the sound of a sharp blade breaking through the air. He instinctively drew forward, but Chen Fang resisted it, the sickle cut through the black blood splashing, and a huge wolf head flew out. Chen Fang Dodge to avoid being splashed by the blood jetting from Kaskong's neck.

   "Kill the infected alien race and get a powerful scabbard."

   When prompted, Chen Fang exhaled a sigh of exhaust gas. Unexpectedly, his luck was so good. As soon as the attachment effect came out, he would kill the opponent. After the battle was over, Chen Fang found a seat to rest.

   "What happened here?" A voice came from the entrance of the carriage.

   Chen Fang raised his eyes and saw a middle-aged man in heavy armor walking in, behind him were several guards holding rifles.

   "Captain, there was a werewolf who was killed by this man just now." The guard who was just present pointed at Chen Fang and said.

   "What's the matter, grab him, dare to do it again in the car, you can't live or die." The captain angered, and the guard behind him immediately pointed his rifle at Chen Fang.

   "Huh?" Chen Fang looked at each other in surprise, wondering why he wanted to catch himself.

"No captain, that werewolf is a human being. We searched in this carriage just now. This person reported that he had a problem, and then they started fighting." The guard hurriedly said when the captain was about to arrest someone, my God. , Captain is crazy, this person can kill such a big monster, it is not easier to kill us.

   "People can become werewolves, don't be kidding." The captain didn't believe it at all, but when he walked to the head of Kaskong Wolf, the huge wolf head just slowly turned back into a human head.

   "What kind of monster is this?" The captain took a step back in surprise, and he had never heard of a person turning into a wolf.

   "Captain, what should I do now?" The guard said timidly, looking at the separated body in the carriage.

   "What else can I do if I find a cloth bag to put the body in it and throw it out the window." The captain left without looking back, leaving a few guards with a sad face to clean up the mess.

   just left like this, didn’t even interrogate? Chen Fang was very surprised.

   Looking at the few guards who were timid and timid in the capital, Chen Fang shook his head from the side. If he hadn't blocked Kaskong just now, this group would have been killed.

   The two guards carried the cloth bag containing the body of Kaskong to the car window, opened the window and threw the bag out, and then fled the car like frightened rabbits.

   Chen Fang couldn't laugh or cry when he saw this. For the first time he saw this guard who was less daring than a mouse.

   Feeling a faint pain in his body, Chen Fang realizes that there are still two negative states in his body that have not been relieved, so he uses a healing hammer to purify him every once in a while.

   Without increasing elemental energy consumption, Chen Fang spent an hour purifying the negative effects on his body and healed the trauma. Then he opened the inventory to check the obtained items.

Power-strike scabbard: It can be loaded with three weapons of any kind. When using it, you need to take a knife-drawing position. The first blow of the weapon out of the sheath must be 100% crit, but the loaded weapon must be damaged. If it misses the target, it can be retracted again Knife drawing, additional skill of drawing knives flashing, every three times of use, fill and cool for three hours.

   The item drop mechanism has been criticized by Chen Fang, but this time it has unexpectedly produced something good.

This scabbard is equivalent to an item with skills. Three draws are equivalent to three skills, and there is a 100% crit effect. Although I don’t know what effect the crit will have in reality, overall Chen Fang feels Yes, as for the weapon must be damaged after drawing the sword, Chen Fangzhen didn't take it seriously, anyway, a weapon that was "fighted in vain" was equal to giving it for nothing.

   took out the scabbard from the inventory, Chen Fang looked a little dumbfounded at the plastic scabbard that was only twenty centimeters short and less than three fingers wide.

Why is it so short? Why is it made of plastic? It’s not the case of plastic swords that are often sold on the market. Except for the fact that they don’t have the same features as swords, this kind of thing is sure to hold weapons. Don’t make trouble. , Chen Fang was depressed.

   But no matter how depressed Chen Fang is, he still has to try. When he carefully stabs the white Tang Dao into the scabbard, a magical scene appears. The Tang Dao is inserted into it without hindrance and disappears completely.

   Actually, Chen Fang was very surprised. He turned the scabbard upside down and checked it carefully. The scabbard was indeed not broken.

   How do I pull it out? Chen Fang looked at the scabbard that was still the same after loading the Tang sword.

   Is it necessary to pose for drawing a sword first? Chen Fang thought of this possibility, so he stood up and walked to the aisle at the end of the carriage, facing the other direction, in a lunge stance with one hand holding the sheath and the other hand holding the knife. As soon as this position came out, he went Feel a knife handle appear in the hand.

   "Draw a knife and flash."

   Chen Fang subconsciously used the skill, and saw that he left a phantom in place. The person had appeared at the end of the carriage on the other side, and he had crossed a full 15-meter distance in less than a second.


   Chen Fang bent over and threw up. The moment he just used the skill, he was like riding a roller coaster running on a circular track at high speed, and he had turned seventeen or eight laps. The dizziness made him very uncomfortable.

   This skill is poisonous. If you use it against the enemy and hack the opponent to death, it’s okay. If you don’t want it to be hacked, it’s not a direct delivery. Chen Fang wiped the corner of his mouth and looked at the plastic scabbard in his hand with complicated eyes.

   "It seems that I have time to adapt to it."

   This skill is used in conjunction with Charge, and it should have a good effect.

   put the Tang knife in the scabbard again, Chen Fang shot out two weapons for nothing, a Fangtian painted halberd, and a Yanyue knife, all of which were stuffed in. These two are his most commonly used and relatively skilled.

   There is a rope on the scabbard, which can be long or short. Chen Fang used it as a trouser belt for convenience and tied it to the big pants.

   The subway continued to move, and there was no one in the carriage where Chen Fang was. He was also very happy and found a good place to lie down and rest.


   In a dark tunnel, faintly sounded footsteps, a light came on in the far end of the tunnel, and a rickety figure was advancing in the dark tunnel.

   "Damn, damn, there is nothing in this section of the road recently, Rand is starving to death."

   "Those little rascals actually kicked Rand I must kill them to make meatloaf if they have a chance."

   "God, give your poor believer some food. If you don't eat a bite today, Rand will die."

  'S rickety figure was talking to himself, suddenly, his nose trembling.

   "Rand seems to smell a strange smell."

  'S crooked figure shone the lantern in his hand to the front, while also illuminating his face. This is a face covered with pustule hematoma, unsymmetrical eyeballs, and full of incomplete yellow teeth, which is very ugly.

   Under the light, a cloth bag on the ground in front of him was covered with a black unknown liquid.

   "My most admired god, you really did not abandon your people." Rand jumped up and ran to the cloth bag quickly.

  Rand ran to the side of the cloth bag, stretched out his skinny hands, and opened the cloth bag eagerly. Before he could make any other movements, a head rolled out.

   "Oh, my god, you brought me a large piece of meat." Rand put his head intoxicatedly close to the mouth of the bag, and then suddenly leaned back, "It's just too smelt."

   Although the taste is very strong, it is a trivial matter for Rand, who has eaten rotten meat. He put his head back out of the cloth bag, and then dragged the bag back.

   "Haha, **** little boys, you will definitely regret driving Rand out. With this, Rand will pass by you with delicious food every day."

   "Rand is the lucky rand, boys, haha."

  'S squatting figure moved farther and farther, and the tunnel plunged into darkness again.



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